2-17-1960Minutes of the Regular Meeting PARK BOARD OF Village of Golden Valley February 17, 1960 7:15 P.m. The Park Board of the Village of Golden Valley met at its regular monthly meeting at the Village Hall, Wednesday, February 17, at 7:15 P.M. Present were Stockman, Byrnes, Petersen, Reed, Ulstad and Sullivan. Mr. Ulstad submitted the Park and Recreation Commission Resolution. which was drown up by Mr. Stan Kane, and which had been presented to and approved by the Council. The Commission read the Resolution, and the Commission and. Mr. Ulstad held a general discussion. Mr. Ulstad stated that the Council would like appointment recommendations of the four additional Com- mission members from the Commission for its March 1 meeting. Mr. Ulstad stated that Recreation Fund money in the `tillage budget will carry over from year to year. Mr. Ulstad, will take all Commission recommendations to the Council, and if he finds that he needs help on any problem, he will so notify the Commission. SUMMER RECREATION DIRECTOR: Mr. Reed announced that his duties at the University of Minnesota are now on a twelve month a year basis, and that he will be unable to continue as Summer Recreation Director for Golden Valley. Mr. Stockman recommended that Mr. Reed be kept on as Summer Recreation Director until July 1, at $100.00 per month. It was suggested that Mr. Reed begin the hiring of the Summer Staff, and Mr. Reed asked if he was in a position to establish summer salaries in accordance with his 1860 budget-. Mr. Ulstad stated that the 1959 Program was the basis of the Proram for this year. UTL TIME RECREATION OR PARK DIRECTOR: The Commission and Mr. Ulstad held a general discussion on the pros and cons of a full time director. Mr. Ulstad stated that the Village has surplus funds amounting to M.000- from last year, and that a Recreation Director could be paid from these funds. Mr. Reed stated that Dr. Fitzgerald from the University would be happy to make recom- mendations regarding a full time man, and that we should expect to pay -7200. a year for a good man. with or without experience. The Recreation Director for Crystal with one year's previous experience started at $6600. A Recreation Director should take over all recreation in the Village. Fie should coordina.t6 his efforts and. help such organizations as the Little League and the Babe Ruth League. The Commission, Mr. Ulstad and Mr. Reed held a general discussion regarding Jerry Ferguson as a full time director and as ar assistant director. Mr. Stockman made a motion that it is the sugge tion and recommendation of the Park Commission t'r,at the Council c nsider engaging a full time Recreation Director commencin- June 1. Dr. Petersen seconded the motion. The motion carried. Mr. Ulstad will make a list of the various responsibilities of a full time Recreation Director, and the recommendation will be presented to the Council. PARK SUPE INTENDLITITT: The Commission and Mr.. Ulstad held a general February 17, 1960, Minutes Continued: regarding a Park Superintendent, and it was decided that Mr. Arnie Denzin would be retained in this position. ?-'e will make this recommendation to the Council. This will be in. addition to his Road Superintendent duties. Mr. Ulstad advised that Mr. Denzin 1 s Park salary will not be cut. The Commission and Mr. Ulstad held a further discussion concern- ing working arrangements between the Park Director and the Park Superintendent. RECORDING SECRETARY: The Commission and Mr. Ulstad held a general discussion regarding the services of Mrs. Sullivan. It was agreed that she would continue as Recording Secretary. DTSCUESION OF PROPERTY ACQUISITION: Mr. Ulstad reported as follows: 1. The L. Z. Carl -son land under previous discussion will soon. be park property. 2. He would like to recommend to the Council that we recommend to the State that the Held Property be put to another use, and that any money received from this property be put in the Park Fund. 3. He Trould, also, like to recommend that the piece of land on Winnetka Avenue across from the creek be sold and used for park purposes. 4. He feels that the farther -,lay we can stay from a Bond Issue for land acquisition, the better off we will be. This will enable us to go after another Bond Issue for development. Mr. Stockman asked Mr. Ulstad if he would investigate the Glen- view Terrace matter with the Minneapolis Park Board. All cor- respondence will be furnished Mr. Ulstad from the Park Com- m;.ssion files. SidIMMING POOL PROJECT: A brief discussion was held regarding a Year around pool and a Community Recreation Center. SKATIT.G: A brief discussion was held concerning, skating. The Commission and Mr. Ulstad, again, held a general discussion reg,ariling the new Resolution.., the increased size of the Com- mission, and the length of reappointment terms for trie three members of the former Park Board. Mr. Ulstad will arrange a m.eetinz next week between the Council and the Board. There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 0.:45). The motion was seconded and carried. ecretar7T Attest: President