3-30-1960Minutes of a Special Meeting
Village of Golden Valley
March 30, 1960 7:00 P.M.
The Park and Recreation Commission of Golden Valley met at a special meeting
at the Village Hall, Wednesday, March 30, at 7:00 P.M. Present were Stockman,
Byrnes, Petersen, Ewald, Green, Scheff ler, Sullivan, Ulstad, Snetsinger, Reed
and Sullivan. Two visitors were also present: Mr. Perry Pearson and Mr.
Tom Ertl.
Mr. Stockman addressed the Commission, explained that he would not be able to
stay for the meeting, and turned the meeting over to Dr. Petersen. The two
guests were introduced, and they stated they had only come to visit.
RECREATION REPORT: Mr. Reed's report is attached. Mr. Reed brought up golf
instruction for next summer. The Commission and Mr. Reed held a general dis-
cussion regarding activity interest, suitable location or the possibility of
renting a driving tee during the day, fee to be charged, safety and length of
instruction. The Commission agreed it would like to see golf lessons offered
as a part of summer program. Mr. Sullivan made a motion that we authorize
Mr. Reed to investigate the possibilities and proceed with the best possible
plan for children and adults for golf lessons during Summer Program. Mrs.
Scheffler seconded the motion. The motion carried.
FULL TIME DIRECTOR: The Commission and Mr. Reed held a general discussion.
It was agreed that we wait until next fall to hire a full time Recreation man.
Mr. Jerry Ferguson's salary as assistant Recreation Director will be adjusted.
Mr. Ulstad and Mr. Reed will present to adjusted figure to the Commission.
BOB RICHARD'S DAY: The Commission and Mr. Reed held a general discussion on
location for this event to be held July 9. The Golden Valley High School
area was decided upon. As -the $aycee's are going to sponsor this day, Dr.
Petersen will, again, bring it to the attention of this group.
The Commission, Mr. Snetsinger and Mr. Ulstad held a general discussion on
condition of Park ground. Because of weather no work has been done as of
this date. The Village will try to get Parks in best possible condition for
Babe Ruth and Little League tryouts. Mr. Reed will furnish Mr. Sullivan with
a list of the small ball diamonds that can be used for Little League practice-
after May 15.
SWIMMING POOL PROJECT: The Commission held a general discussion. The Com-
mission will go before the Council on April 5, to request that a Swimming
Pool Committee be appointed.
SHELTERS: The Commission held a general discussion on the Pease Dome Shelter.
Additional letters will be written to distributors to secure more information.
GLENVIEW TERRACE: Mr. Ulstad has contacted the Minneapolis Park Board, and
they will give us an answer within two weeks.
GOLDEN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS: Mr. Reed will meet with the school
athletic director, and arrange a suitable working agreement.
J. C. BENCHES: Dr. Petersen will advise Mr. Altman that the Village will help
the Jaycees distribute completed benches.
March 30, 1960, Minutes Continued
Commission held a lengthy discussion. It was decided that if this
information is presented to the public, the best way to do it would be to
publish it in the May Village News Letter, and then invite anyone with
questions to an open meeting in June. Mr. Ulstad and Mr. Reed will prepare
a suggested article, and present to to Commission at April meeting.
The Commission held a general discussion on whether or not members should
have individual duties. Mr. Ulstad suggested that when a full time Director
is hired many of the details in which the Commission is now involved will be
eliminated. Dr. Petersen suggested that the public be informed of any new
land the Commission acquires. The Commission should also consider the naming
or re -naming of Park Areas.
POND IN NORTH 'TYROL HILLS: Mr. Byrnes stated he had been contacted by Mr.
Galden regarding the raising of the water level of the pond behind the homes
on Parkview Terrace. The homeowners would pay for the water, if the Village
would furnish the equipment. As this pond is not open to the public, and as
it is used for the purpose of ponding, the Commission decided it cannot artifically
raise the water level. Mr. Byrnes will so advise Mr. Galden.
There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at
10:10. The motion was seconded and carried.
V ee-Chairman
C hai TYn
BOB RICHARDTS DAY: Please note the correction in the minutes of April 20, 1960.
1. Si;, of -the Park Gonaission staff took a tour of all -she park areae on &.rinday
March 27th. The ?feather conditions prevented a close, inspOction of the areas,
but it vais well. worth -while for all of us_, and a -reminder of all the work
racing; u:: in po..-k development.
2. "rogross Report on the oummer i'rogram Planning:
s, Ttern key people have alreaay been hired fo+ the eight week program
commencing dune 20 tlL u August 7.2th. Several applications have;
been ret-arned to me, and intervi evrs will start s,_�on.
-� °Chere is a need I feed_ for golf instruction this summer. sir. 3ruce
kiderson of tide University staff (teaches ;olf all. year -- 9 mo. )
would ? i-,ce to hold glasses this si-mmer here, but would nc;ed to make
more than the rzoninal 4�5Q0 paid to male ernpl.oyees. He has bees out
to Sheid Park this week, and feels it would work out vrell. I Mould
like to discuss the possibilit-y of this addition to our progra;n.
Good new, -3J.1 The Lincoln Jr. !i €;h School pool mill be avz1lable for
us this .surmier. Jerzy Ferguson has the application blanl-s, butthat
is a mere; formality, since the pool is reserved for Golden Valley.
Same cha". ge as last year . *17.00 per day (9®12 JUJI)
3. Discussion with Dr. Fitzgerald, . .
Upon request, he will write us a letter sug esti.ng salary for a
full timo Recreation i,eader., dependent upon e.cperience: etc.
Upon request, he will make recorrxeendations for a full-time man,)
He keeps track of all the recreation graduated from 4i..nnesota, p lus
all the readers in the: Mid -sweet area. He has already called mo with
the names of two experienced men -,,vho would be interested in the
John Brenna
3 yrs. Director of narks/Recreation at Pocatello, Idaho
Ronald Hurst
5 years 11ajor supervisor for �pls. Vark Commission
Has a :vaster ° s Degree in recreation
He said Ferry Ferguson lacks experience "on his orr-n't, but is a good
man for his age and being a recent graduate.
4,, Rev. Dob Richards
I have not been able to get much ground -work done on his "Sports
Dray" in Golden Valley. I would like to suggest a joint meeting
with the JC°s, Park Ccrmnission, and also Jerry itrennan of the W'heaties
Sports Federation. It right also be wiEe to invite a man from `she
General .,ills Co. and school board represe:ntativegp
Glen A. Reed.