4-20-1960Minutes of the Regular Meeting PARK AND RECREATION COTE4ISSION OF Village of Golden Valley April 20, 1960 7:05 P*Me The Park and Recreation Commission of the Village of Golden Valley met at its regular monthly meeting -at the Village Hall, Wednesday, April 20, at 7:05 P.M. Present were Stockman, Byrnes, Petersen, Ewald, Green, Scheffler, Sullivan, Ulstad, Snetsinger, Reed and Sullivan. The minutes of the March 16th Regular Meeting were read and approved. The minutes of the March 30th Special Meeting were read and approved with one correction. BOB RICHARD'S DAY: The March 30th minutes were corrected to read as follows: The Golden Valley High School area was suggested as a possible location for Bob Richard's Day. It was decided that a copy of the minutes will be mailed to each Commission member after each meeting. Any corrections necessary will be brought up at the next meeting. This will eliminate the necessity of reading the minutes during a meeting. SWIMMING POOL PROJECT: The Commission held a general discussion on the open portion of the meeting which was to begin at 8:00. The Commission, also, discussed the qualifications of Dr. Bill Huesner, Mike Troup's pledge of $1000. to this project, and Golden Valley organizations which were missed when the Commission sent letters inviting representatives to the meeting. PREPARATION OF PARK LAND FOR THE SUMP.TR; Mr. Snetsinger and the Commission held a general discussion. The work is progressing very well. Mr. Sullivan mentioned that Little League tryouts will be held on April 23 in Seeman Park, and Babe Ruth tryouts will be held in Lions Park on May 7. Mr. Ulstad advised that 20LI trees have been secured free of charge, and will be planted in the best possible areas in our parks. Mx. Stockman mentioned the newly acquired Carlson property on Regent, and asked about the possibility of clearing a small area for base- ball, and purchasing a temporary backstop. The Commission held a general dis- cussion. Mr. Byrnes made a motion that we recommend the purchase of a 20' back- stop, 12' high and with 10' wings for this area. The motion was seconded and carried. Mr. Sullivan made a motion that we recommend the necessary work be done to clear this area for a ball diamond. The motion was seconded and carried. J C BENCHES: Mr. Gene Altman advised that 13 concrete benches with treated 2 x 4's are ready to be installed. Mr. Reed and Mr. Snetsinger will decide on placement, and advise Mr. Altman when the Village is ready to install them. 11r. Altman asked the Commission if it was ready for a Bulletin Board, and stated that the JC's have two suggested plans. Mr. Reed will secure Bulletin Board information from Dr. Fitzgerald at the University, and the Commission and Mr. Altman will meet at a future date. The Commission asked Mr. Altman to thank the JC's for their wonderful work, and Mr. Ulstad will tell of their project in a Village News Letter. GLENVIEW TERRACE: Mr. Ulstad, Mr. Snetsinger and Mrs. Scheffler met with Mr. Moore of the Minneapolis Park Board at Glenview Terrace, and presented our proposal to him. Mr. Moore stated that he feels confident the Minneapolis Park Board will accept our proposal. We will be advised by letter after the next Minneapolis Park Board meeting. OPEN MEETING ON Sk"FIT81ING POOL PROJECT: -Mr. Stockman thanks the 34 representatives for coming, and addressed the group as follows: April 20, 1960, Minutes continued "We appreciate the fine turn out. We would like to give you a little background on what has taken place in Golden Valley concerning the Swimming Pool Project. Most of the work, before the idea was brought before the old Park Board, was done by the Lions Club. They went to considerable expense, and put together a suggested plan_ for a Municipal Pool. They arranged for an elaborate drawing with a suggested pool. They did considerable research. They presented their idea to the Park Board last year. We, in turn, took the suggestion, and on November 18, 1959, we had a meeting right here in the Village Hall. We had representation from the Council. The Engineers were here. Dr. Huesner from the University of Minnesota, one of .the best authorities on pools in the State, was here. At that time Dr. Huesner stated that he would be more than happy to study the Swimming Pool picture in Golden Valley, at no charge, to determine whether or not we need a pool. He suggested that a Committee of Golden Valley citizens be appointed by the Council to begin this study. The Board met with the Council, and the Council approved of organizing a group of interested persons to study this project. At this time, if everything goes well, we hope to .have a list of persons interested in serving on such a Committee to present to the Council. The Committee's first responsibility would be to determine if a pool is needed in Golden Valley. The best way to promote a project is to secure the interest of the people. Paul Enghauser proved this on the Village Hall. We have learned much in the study of the Edina Pool. It cost $202M. It is our under- standing that in the first two years of operation the profit shown from this pool is good. Therefore, there has been no need for extra taxes to pay for the bonds. This should help us determine if a pool is practical. General obligation bonds are what it mould take. If a pool is correctly run, we will not go into debt. Our Recreation Program has proved the need for a Swimming Pool in Golden Valley. We have had to use the Lincoln Junior High School pool. The real answer could come from the people who are here tonight. A member of the Park and Recreation Commission would be a member of the Committee. The Council would be represented by an advisory member. The Village Hall would give us all the help in the world. It would be a very interesting project for those who participate in it• We will open the meeting up for a general discussion. We would like as large a group of people as possible to present to the Council, and we would, also, like to know if we have missed any organizations. Questions from the floor?" . . . Q: How much mould it cost in taxes? A: It mould be similar to what we had on the Village Hall, and our last Park Bond Issue. The Committee mould have to decide what the Village can afford. A Bond Consultant or the Village Hall can tell us how much it will cost the first year, 10 years from now, 20 years from now. Q: 174ould it be an indoor or an outdoor pool? A: Again, this is something the Committee would have to determine. The Com- mission has discussed it with Dr. Huesner, and he does not recommend an indoor pool. Q: Could a questionnaire be sent to entire Village: A: We have done this to a degree in the Summer Program. The � of those sent to those returned indicates that 4 out of 5 want a pool._ Mr. Kost: Past $9714 Park Bond Issue was inadequate for parks. Have we fallen heir to any new money? Mr. Stockman: Our number one responsibility is to secure land, but the people of Golden Valley do not see it that way. We have 6 additional acres off Regent, and we have 10 more acres in the Golden Oaks area. April 20, 1960, 11inutes Continued Mr. Ulstad: We have spent no more money for land acquisition, and yet we have more land. Mr. Stockman: We realize that the people have not been willing to accept the responsibility of getting more land, but we have kept on looking for more. The reason we have asked all of you here tonight is because organizations have come to us and asked for a swimming pool. Our Bond Issue money was spent only in the development of present parks. We have set aside escrow money. M r. Kost: People should be told that our park system is short. Mr, Ulstad: Iti4r. Kost, are you asking if we have sufficient park area at the present time? 1r. Stockman: This is something that can be taken up by Committee. Q: Would the pool be placed on an existing park area, or would the project include land acquisition for the pool? A: The Commission has talked of pool location, but the Committee would determine. Q: Edina spent $202M. Is this average? A: Dr. Huesner has stated that the price depends on the size. Q: Edina's financial figures from last summer show that they grossed $35,947., and netted $10,000. They, also, paid $7000, for a life guard. A: We might write to other pools in Minnesota for financial records - St. Cloud and Brainerd. Q: -Edina may be figuring on a second .pool. A: They may be, their population is greater than ours. Their present pool covers 10 acres. Q: Outsiders were allowed to use Edina pool. A: Edina made its profit from outsiders. We could draw from the West, and on into the c it y. Q: Can we tell the people of Golden galley that our parks are in good shape? How do vie look? A: We look bad. Q: We are mixing up land acquisition and swimming. If a pool is self-liquidating, there will be no additional expense. But the people have to be made to under- stand that they have to vote the Bond Issue first. Itir. Enghauser suggested that all persons interested in serving on the Committee so indicate by signing their names to the sheet that was passed out. Information sheets were, also, passed out to the group. Q:, A Mr. Strotts has formed a swimming association in Minnesota, and he is helping Richfield. ls. Teresi: The Committee should not confuse land acquisition with pool acquisition. Committee will find that some people want a swimming pool and not land. Mr. Stoclanan: We should not disregard it. April 20, 1960, Minutes Continued: Q: This is a group to be formed on whether or not we should have a pool. We should follow this question. Wally's question was a good one, but if we take too many questions, we will miss the boat on all. The Committee that will be formed can determine if we should have land acquisition for pool purposes, but not land for any other purpose. 11r. Stockman: Wally did bring up a good point, and the Committee should be ready to answer questions. Lire Reed: According to national standards Golden Valley should have 104 acres of park land for present population. We have 71 acres, but we, also, have school land. Therefore, at the present time we exceed national standards for our popu- lation. This land is not developed. Now we have to look to the future. Mr. Nadasdy: The Council will help, but he does not want to go for land acquisition. Mr. Snyder: I would have to divorce my committee from a land acquisition bond issue. 1Ir. Ulstad: Land acquisition can be brought along with the growth of Golden Valley. In the past 6 months we have acquired property. We have to watch what is available. We perhaps can ka ep abreast with the population. 1r. Enghauser: Perpahs the cost could be cut by developing only a portion of the pool at any one time. Q: Is this a project for year of 1961? A: December of this year would be the first we could go. RECREATION REPORT: The Summer Program will start June 20. Mr. Reed reported that the rincoln Jr. nigh pool is available for this summer for $680.00. 21 people have been hired, and 2 more are needed. !Are Ulstad and Mr. Reed pre- viously discussed Mr. Ferguson's salary. Th(y suggested $400. a month for the months of June, July and August. The Summer Staff will be invited to meet the Commission at the next meeting on May 1.8. Mr. Reed and Bruce Anderson have investigated golf for this summer. The Commission and Mr. Reed held a general discussion regarding golf, and the Commission decided that this matter, and the details of it, should be left entirely to the Recreation Director. A September 1, or January 1, hiring date for a full time Recreation Man will be discussed at the next meeting. A girls' soft ball league was discussed, and the interest in it will be investigated. SHELTER: The Commission held a general discussion regarding the purchase of a Pease Dome Shelter for Glenview Terrace. The Council has previously given its okeh. Dr. Petersen made a motion that we recommend the purchase of one Pease Dome Shelter. The motion was seconded and carried. Larger shelters for Seeman and Lions Parks were, also,discussed. IAr. Byrnes made a motion that we recommend that Mr. Charlie Doell be contacted, and asked to serve as a consultant for shelters in Golden Valley. The motion was seconded and carried. Mr. Stockman will contact him. SWI1,54ING POOL PROJECT: The Commission and Mr. Ulstad held a general discussion regarding the open meeting. The Commission will draft a letter to the Council, and give them the nares of the persons to be considered for the Swimming Pool Committee. Land acquisition and a swimming pool were, also, discussed. Mr. Ulstad suggested that we prepare a report to present to the people. This will be tabled until a future meeting. There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 10:10. The motion was seconded and carried. Secre'A ry e Attest: Cha'101nan 1 r i