5-18-1960Minutes of the Regular Meeting PARK AND RECREATION CORSIISSION OF Village of Golden Valley May 18, 1960 7: 00 P. Ad. The Park and Recreation Commission of the Village of Golden Valley entertained the 1960 Sumer Recreation Staff over coffee in the baserent of the Village Hall from 7:00 until 7:30 P,,Me on Wednesday, May 18, The Park and Recreation Commission of the Village of Golden Valley met at its regular monthly meeting at the Village Hall, Wednesday, May 18, at 7:30 P.M. Present were Stockman, Petersen, Green, Scheffler, Sullivan, Ulstad, Reed, Ferguson and Sullivan. Also, the Sumner Staff was present during the first part of the meeting. The minutes of the April 20 meeting were approved. MEETING WITH THE S'Jil lElt STAFF: r4r.. Stockman welcomed the entire Summer Staff. rte. Reed gave a personal history report on each member. Mr. Ferguson and the Staff then left for their own meeting. The Commission agreed that any contact with the Summer Staff will be made through the Director. S71IM.IING POOL PROJECT: 1dlr. Stockman advised that the Commission has sent the names of persons interested in serving on this Committee to the Council. Mr. Ulstad advised that on May 17, the Council incorporated a motion to appoint a committee to study the need for a swimming pool in Golden Valley. The Com- mittee was then appointed by the Council* The Commission and Mr. Ulstad held a general discussion. A few persons, whose names were ,not on the list when it was sent to the Council, have expressed'a- desire to serve on the Committee. The Commission agreed that these names should be presented to the Sw:L-ming Pool Chairman when he is selected. Mr. Sullivan suggested that Mr. Green be ap- pointed as liaison for the Commission to the Swimming Pool Committee. Mr. Green will report progress to the Commission. 14r. Green made a motion that the first Swimming Pool Committee meeting be held on June 1, at 7:30. Mrs. Scheffler seconded the motion. Mr. Ulstad will act as temporary chairman at this meeting until one is selected. Mr. Stockman advised the Commission of a previous discussion he had with the Council. PREPARATION OF PARKS: Mr. Ulstad advised that he has taken Dave Lindblom on a tour of all the parks, and he feels that Dave will work out very well. He, also, advised that there has been discussion of hiring a third maintenance man. The Commission and Mr. Ulstad held a general discussion on the parks. Mr. Sullivan suggested that the ball diamonds at Lions Club Park be numbered. 1.1r. Lindblom will be advised to make the signs. GLENVI37 TERRACE: Mr. Ulstad reported that he has, again, contacted Mr. Moore of tl-e Minneapolis Park Board, and that he has nothing definite to report. Mr. Stockman will call Mr. Johansen and Mr. Dhainin. The Commission held a general discussion on this area. Mr. Stockman made a motion that when the Minneapolis Park Board gives Golden Valley permission to use the land adjacent to Glenview Terrace that we immediately order a temporary 201 backstop, 121 high and with 10t wings. Dr. Petersen seconded the motion. Mr. Reed will call Mr. Charlie Saucier and Mr. J. Co Akins from the Glenview Terrace area, and advise them what progress is being made. The Pease Dome Shelter for this area has been ordered* J C BENCHES: Mr. Reed advised that he has supplied the Engineering Department with a est of locations for the 13 completed J. C. Benches. May 18, 1960, Minutes Continued: RECREATION REPORT: Mr. Reed's Recreation Report is attached. Mr. Sullivan will .furnish Mr. Reed with Babe Ruth and Little League schedules for the purpose of scheduling games in parks. Mr. Reed advised that a useage agree- ment for the Golden Valley High School Tennis Courts has been made. Mr. Stockman made a motion that we send a letter - in duplicate - to Mr. Bruce McNeil covering useage and maintenance. The motion was seconded and carried. The Commission will ask that one copy of this letter be signed by the School Board and returned for the Commission files. The other copy will be retained by the School Board. When the letter has been signed by both Boards, the information will be released to the newspaper, and will be published in Mr. Ulstad' s newsletter. At a later date we will have a "Useage" sign made and posted at the Tennis Courts. Mr. Stockman suggested -that two Commission members be appointed to work with the Recreation Director. Dr. Petersen and Mrs. Scheffler were appointed, and they accepted. Mr. Reed submitted a rough draft of the Bond Issue Expenditure article. The Commission made a few changes, and this article will be published in Mr. Ulstad's newsletter. FULL TIME RECREATION MAN: By October 10, we will know if we have the Council's approv31rto hire a fu=time man. In the meantime we must all work very hard to convince the Council that we need a full time recreation director. A weekly direct mail program to the Council was discussed. The Commission asked the Recreation Director to secure more complete summer registration information. Mr. Ulstad presented a map showing all of the Park Land in Golden Valley. He advised that we have 88.25 acres of park land, and 104 acres including school land and school buildings. This does not include the 488 acres at'l`lirth Park and the 8 acres of Glenview Terrace that is owned by Minneapolis. There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 10:30. The rmtion was seconded and carries Attest: t`i f_ 1 1 III Recreation he :)ort to Nark Boars 5-13.-60 1. The sumrle!° staff is nou, set, with the excenti, n of tyro men yet to be definitely signed. he salary c - st is nov 10,705-00 - will tun 11, 905.00 with a -nrox. '14,000 bud,rc_ted for this purpose. 1. 2. 1 have h�..,d i-aany requests for use of fields -- for scver-11 diffevent a -e-f-roup teals. .hat I need nor is the schedules of the little L r_ -ue, and any other groups rho vihat to use our facilities. 'Pie Amerism Legion has requested the Lions bgLieball field on . on-iay and Thursdays frig, ;:iay 19V, t :rou;7h AUgnst lst.. plus oc^as-:icnal. practice scssicns, Pako and Uahlber? softball teams t•ant Seeman Park for practice on Tue;cays, Vied. ani, hursr'ays f'rrlm h-.30 - 6:00 durin; most of the suruner. 3. Talked vrith i._X. Jerry riolevra the Atli. Director at G, . Hid School, and T.e heave a on the use of their ten -.,-.is courts. (our tennis cts.) the school vrants to use the on school days (Li k) until 5:00 pm - - lQavin.; teem free f or the public after 5:0 on weekdays, and all weekends - - plis full use during the three summer months. this is agreeable to our boar:?, we should then proceed with a written agrec;rent t be signed by both boards concerned. An apnropri..^.te s_igm can then be put up. 4. The brochure explaining the details of the summer pro -ram ti%lll be di.stribu�ed to all the schools during the first week in June. Applications have been filed with the Robbinsdale school Dist. (281) for the use of i+oble and bak Grove durin _• the program. A letter �,�ill be sent to 11i.ss i�oscno>r: for the use of GV'H� and :lea rrvrbrook - there will be no problem in obtAinin- school usage. 5. Brve Lindblom started work this reek in the c=pacity of Reereiticn Mair_tainencd specialist. Ile vdll do an outstcndin - job in the area of preparin; our fields and recreation facilities for village use. i.Ir. Ulstad, Arnie, Tom etc, have offered suF;Restions to him, and vrill give their ful.le t support to Dave in his vrork,. I knorr t: is neer position will be of gre?t benefit to us. 6. The Great Lakes District of the NIDA has some salary figuwe that should be of interest to us. these are for Directors in the six state area: Cities under 25,000 Lo%eSt Median Highe t :!inn.4200 woo 3570 0' -io 5000 6000 9300 s 4460 5550 8700 if ch4000 5300 9550 Ill 4200 5500 9000 Ind 3500 5500 6500 Cities 25,000 - 50,000 ::ii.nn 4200 6o00 3570 Ghio 4900 6300 9100 6400 7300 8500 .Mich 6600 7400 10400 Dr. iitzgerald will still send us his reccmmer.riations hovrevar in re{7^rd to recommended salary, dependent on experience etc. Xhe above figures were colleb6ed in 1953, cnd are abit higher at the present time. 7. `f'he tee Center has been hesitant to come throut with a concrete offer for the use of their "old". one afternoon a v,eek for our ren. prograrl4.. still "negotiatin