6-15-1960'_:iinutes of the Regular 11eeting
Village of Golden Valley
June 15, 1960 7:05 Polio
The Park and Recreation Commission of the Village of Golden Valley met at its
regular monthly meeting at the Village Hall, Viednesday, June 15, at 7:05 P.rd.
Present were Byrnes, Ewald, Green, Scheffler, Sullivan, Ulstad, Snetsinger, Reed,
Ferguson and Sullivan. The minutes of the 1.1ay 18 meeting were approved.
RECREATION REPORT: Mr. Reed addressed the Commission at this his last meeting as
Summer Recreation Director. He thanked the Commission, and said he has greatly
enjoyed his work during the past two years. He feels there is a future for
Recreation in Golden Valley. He knows that ':ir. Ferguson will do a good job in his
place this Summer, and he complimented the Summer Staff. Mr. Byrnes told ,,1r. Reed
that the Commission is sorry his job is finished, and he gave ?sir. Reed full credit
for the advances made in Recreation in Golden Valley. 1.1r. Byrnes welcomed :1r.
Ferguson. Mr. Reed turned the Recreation Report over to Lir. Ferguson. !.1r.
Fergusonts report is attached. Also attached is a list of the Summer Staff Llembers
and the locations at which they will work, and a general information sheet which
will be presented to Sumrr Staff at workshop meetings to be held June 16 and 17.
M!TMUNG POOL PROJECT: 11r. Green's report on two Committee meetings is attached.
.1r. Green stated that some of the Committee are strongly in favor of Harold Park
as a location, and that they will contact 1.1r. Ulstad regarding the spending of
Village funds for soil tests in this area. 1.1r. Ulstad advised that the Committee
has come to him regarding funds. He further stated that such funds are available
because the Committee was formed at the request of the Co,,Lncil, but he also said he
does not feel the Committee has done enough preliminary work, to warrent the spend-
ing of funds. Lir. Ewald advised that a road will be going through Harold Park
The Commission and 11r. Ulstad held a general discussion regarding the Guide Plan
Book, placement, land acquisition for a pool, parking and the executive staff of
the Committee. I,1r. Ulstad stated that the -Committee must first determine if a
pool is wanted, then it must select several possible locations and investigate them.
11r. Green feels the Committee should gather its ovrn facts rather than accept those
submitted in the Lions Club report. �,.ir. Green -asked the Commission how he sh2uld
conduct himself at the CommitteQ meetings. He was advised that he may present
facts, but should not steer. He may offer his own opinions, but may not offer the
opinions of the Co -mission. Mr. Green advised the Commission of remarks made at
the Committee meetings regarding inadequate future.plans for present parks in
Golden Valley. The Commission and, 1.,_'r. Ulstad held a general discussion. 1,1r. Green
was informed of the tremendous amount of planning that has already been done for
each park.
GOLDMM VA= HIGH SCii00L TEITNIS COURTS: 11r. :pert Dresser, representing the Golden
Vasey High School School Board, was present at the 'Meeting. -11r. Dresser reminded
the Commission of the great strides in public relations that have been made between
his Board and the Commission, and the importance of a liaison to continually work
between the two Boards. He had hoped, at his last meeting, at be able to present,
in written form, the Summer Recreation Program's request for facilities at the tyro
schools. T.r. Reed stated that he had talked vrith Miss Rosenow, and that he mould
immediately send her a letter. Mr. Reed mentioned the useage request forms avail-
able at the Robbinsdale High School. Mr. Dresser will discuss these forms with his
"1:1r. Dresser, also, asked about the completion of the Tennis Courts. Tsir. Snetsinger
advised that because of bad weather, Northland Constructors has not been able to
meet the completion date, that work was again started -(today, and that they will be
completed in two weeks if the weather is good.
June 15, 1950, 1inutes Continued
Plr. Byrnes read a rough draft of a letter to be sent to the School Board covering
useage and maintenance of the Tennis Courts. The letter was approved. Ir. Dresser
suggested the letter contain maintenance instructions.
NATCHEZ PARK: The Commission, 11r. Ulstad and Mr. Dresser held a general discussion
on this Park. 14r. Reed showed the new Commission members the model of this Park
which was made by the recreation students at. the University. Tr. Dresser stated
that the people living in this area are very unhappy because the sod which was
taken out when the sewer went in has never been replaced, and that these people
may be corning to a future Commission meeting regarding, fill, sod and the cutting
down of certain trees. Yr. Ulstad advised that free fill will soon be available
from the State. This fill will go to Natchez Park. The Co:naission will not
improve this Park until the fill is in. :r. Ulstad will advise ='.'r. Denzin to keep
the weeds dmin in,this.Park and in the School area. i`.r. Ulstad suggested that
perhaps the School could fill. in the drainage ditch near the Babe Ruth Field. The
Commission and 11r. Dresser held a general discussion regarding. the placement of a pari:
next to a school. 1,1r.. Dresser feels that this Parr: is not properly placed.
The general opinion of the Commission is that it is ideal because of skating, equip-
ment for small children, the well, and additional ball diamonds, and that we should
not consider disposing of the land.
L. Z. CARLSON PARK Mr. Snetsin ;er advised that he, has been contacted by Crowley
Hence that b cicstop is ready. The ground in this area has not been properly
conditioned for a ball diamond. The Commission and l:ar. Ulstad held a general
discussion regarding the possibilities of sodding or seeding this area with no
water available. Mr. Byrnes made a motion that we recommend this area be investi-
gated by the Village, and that the Village, in the most practical manner, prepare a
ball diamond, and then sod. The motion was seconded and carried.
SHELTERS: 1,1r. Ulstad advised that P -'r. Doell has offered, his services. Mx. Doellt s
regular fee is 9"75., per day,, but that he will donate his time unless the project
gets out of hand;. Mr., Doell and �Mr. Ulstad discussed the present major needs,
total park area, the present Recreation Program and shelters. Ur.. Doell has been
furnished with maps, and will be given additional mars. He will report back to
.s. Ulstad in do weeks,. and Pr.: Ulstad will. invite him to our next meeting.
Gr,,El,77IEPd TERRACE ?:r. Ulstad advised that the Pease Dome has arrived, but that it
haste een installed because equipment in Gelnview Terrace has recently been
damaged, and he feels the'. peg ple in this area should be made to realize that the
equipment was not installed to be destroyed. Also, he received a phone call from
the „pls,. Park Board saying a letter was on its way covering the use of this
property. He woLZdlike the letter on file before any work is started. Mr, Ulstad
and the Com...ission held a general. discussion regardint the damaged equipment. The
Commission feels that all of the people should not be penalized because of the
actions of a few. .11r. Ulstad will arrange to have the broken equipment repaired,
and the Pease Dome installed.
BASEBALL BASES: . '1rt Byrnes asked Tar. Ulstad if Babe Ruth and Little League might
use Com l's on owned Bases during evening games. To.1r. Ulstad exTlained that they
are tal<en up at the end of each day to protect them against the weather. The
Commission and iUr. Ulstad held a general di$cussion. The Bases will be left out for
evening use;.
SCflEID PARK: ':':r. J. A. Rock, 5218 St. Croix Ave., l:r. Joseph Juneau, 5307 St. Croix
Ave. andMrs Floyd Fier,, 5225 St. Croix 11ve., representing the Scheid;Park area,
were present at:the; meeaing. They were concerned with the fact that this area is.
not being developed. The Commission e -x -r; lai ned that nQ work will be done, until the
new road is in, that w10,000 in Bond Issue run.ds has been placed in escrow for
June 14, 1960
To: All Members, Golden Valley Park Board
From: Max Green, Park Board Representative, Golden Valley Swimming Pool Committee
Subject: Recent meetings of swimming pool committee
I have attended two meetings of the Golden Valley swimming pool committee since our last
meeting of the Park Board. The first wast held on Wednesday, June 1, and the second, on
Thursday, June 9. I will brief each of the meetings iadepemdently as follows:
The meeting was called to order by village manager Roger Uistad. and after a short intro-
duction, which included a reading of the Village Resolution approved by the Council concern-
ing exploration of the feasibility of a swimming pool, Mr. Ulstad suggested that a chairman
be appointed and the committee begin functioning on its own. Paul Hughauser suggested the
name of Vic Snyder and with no objections he assumed the chair.
Mr. Snyder indicated that the press of personal affairs would most likely be such that he
would not be able to serve as intensely as might be reqLtireed and therefore suggested the
addition of at least two co-chairmen to serve with him. Mrs. Warner Lahtinen of the
League of Women Voters and Mr. Paul Enghauser of the Golden Valley Swimming Club
accepted such an appointment. There were no objections from the group.
The turnout for the meeting was then evaluated and it was found that 18 people were present
representing 11 different organixottions operating in the Village. Mr. Snyder called for the
submittal of any additional names which present members felt would be useful to the group
and appointed sub -chairman for additional committees. He, himself, with no objections,
submitted the name of Ken Rahn to head up a financing committee. 4. Burton Brown was
appointed to handle publicity. John Sullivan and H. C. Kamnita were appointed to a com-
om-mittee to study construction details of a pool. Mrs. Bud Foss was appointed secretary
and Mrs, Bud Johnson was appointed to head a committee to study income and finance
support for a community pool.
There was cxnosiderable discussion about the general advisability of a community pool and
the group expressed an interest in hearing comments from an expert. With this in mind, it
was planned to have another meeting a week later at which time Dr. Heusner might appear
before the group with general information about swimming pools, their construction and
operation. Mr. Snyder asked if the original architect's sketch submitted by the Lion's Club
could be made available for such a meeting covered by a written report of the original pro-
posal. I agreed to see that these items were on hand. The only written report was a trans-
cript of Mr. Snyder's verbal presentation given before the Park Board about a year ago.
ifteting adjourned with the understanding that the next meeting would be held Wednesday or
7huk*day of the next week contingent upon the availability of Dr. Heusmer.
This meeting was called to order at 8:00 at the Village Hail with Mr.. Snyder presiding.
There were 15 members of the committee present representing about six of the regional
Mr. Snyder anuounceed that Dr. Housner was not available but that john Sullivan, swimming
coach for the Golden Valley swimming club, was ava labiee for questions which any members
might wish to ask. He: then reed, a copy of the report as transcribed froth his verbal pre-
sentation to the Park Board last year. Apparently it was quite correct sine he offered
little or no revisions. The master drawing was then placed on display and Air. Sullivan
extemporized about various features of swimming pools indicating that the plan embodied
in the Lion's Club sketch was quite widely accepted as a good one.
There then developed considerable discussion about the best location for a swimming
pool, both in terms of subsoil conditions and geographic accesaibiiity within the Village.
Mr. Snyder and Air. Enhauser made no bones about a stroDg preference for the. Harold
Park area indicating that 4 &oil actually on park property ware unsuitable, that additional
ground tangent to the park Timd on a knoll immediately south should be considered, Their
chief reasons for favoring this location was its visual attractiveness and its location in
conjunction with ample sports area and family recreation area.
From this point discussion then shifted to the need for soil tests and the problem of fln-
ancing such tests. It was pointed out that no matter where the pool is built, such tests
would be necessary and financing suggestions ranged all the way from solicitiagg funds from
participating organizations within the Village to asking the Village Council ibr such moneys.
Messrs. Rahn and Snyder agreed to contact Village officials to see if such a use of public
funds was possible, their *active being, of course, to develop soil tests on the Harold
Park property. It was a rather verbal w4ploration of other possible situs in Golden Valley,
and I must confess that in terms of geographic accesibility and costs as well, the Harold
Park area rages ars vary high. One of tate lady members of the committee, who was ap-
parently well-acquainted with Mrs. Kane was particularly emphatic in the opwon that if
the pool were built on existing park property that immediate steps should be taken at thi is
time to "replace" any land which went to such use.
It is my opinion that most of the members of the committee are still feeling their way and
are in a "wait and seat" stage. I say this in view of the fact that some who were silent
throughout the general meeting expressed personal opinions after it was all over.
With respec to the location of the pool, I mutat confess that I, myself, favor the Harold
Perk area largely because I think it would be a shame to clutter the other site most cnnn-
monly proposed--thearea behind the Village Hall --with such activity. It setems to me that
this area should be considered as expansion area for Village Government and services, and
until such time as it is fully employed in this way, it would be far better to develop it as a
purely scenic park or recraadonal area.
Retsply submitted,
JUIr 15th, 1960
1. The summer recreation staff is complete nova, with
the addition of Tom Syverson and Bill Lonsdale, who
both attend St. Johals College. A list of the
entire staff is attached. This list also tells
which location the instructors are working at, and
gill be helpful to those of you who visit the
playgrounds this summer.
2. A card system will be used this sum -mer to accur-
ately account for the people who take part in the
propram. The usual sheets will be used at the play-
grounds,, but cards will be filled out on each skating
and excursion bias. There will be duplication in
this system, but if filed alphabetically, we will
be able to make a list of who we served in our
3. Registrations have been coming in very fast this week
for both s:diximi.ng and tennis s Swimming - 273;
Tennis - 102. The first two week sessions in these
activities are nearly filled, and mwiy have registered
for later sessions, too. Golf registrations have been
surprisingly slow (19 registered). We will have to
promote golf by putting signs up in stores, etc. I
feel this activity will pick up in the next week of
4. Tomorrow is our staff workshop opening session, from
1-4 Pm. We will also meet on Friday morning and after-
noon in preparation for M.ondayes plkyground opening.
At the workshop the staff will become familiar with
ourfac ilities and organizational procedures, and
will be issued equipment.
I feel sure that everything is ready for a successful
summer playground and recreation program.
Jerry Ferguson
Recreation Director
John Adams Tennis - Seeman Park Tennis - Seeman Park
Bruce Anderson Golf Instructor Golf Instructor
Nancy Berdahl Noble School Noble School
Dave Dube Office Glenview Terrace
Joel Erickson Swimming Instructor ----------
Carol Johnson Swimming Instructor Noble School
Ron Johnson Noble School Noble School
Laurie Katzner Seeman Park Oak Grove School
Mary Kirby Tennis - Golden Valley H.S. Tennis - Golden Valle
Mary Knoff Golden Valley H.S. Golden Valley H.S.
Bob Lockwood Seeman Park Oak Grove School
Marcia Lindstrom Craft Specialist Craft Specialist
Pat Lynch Office - - Secretary
Karen Mattison Swimming Instructor Glenview Terrace
Sue McGonagle Swimming Instructor Golden Valley H.S.
Mibs Pearson Golden Oaks Park Golden Oaks Park
Perry Pearson Sports and Tournament Director
Cathie Stoc1mian Lions Club Park Meadowbrook School
Tom Syverson Golden Oaks Park Golden Oaks Park
Elaine Theisen Golden Valley H.S. Golden Valley H.S.
U -ns C1=zh Park :e*rdau►bro �i
"a sola 79
I. Registration Blanks
This year the park and Recreation Department would like us to
keep careful records of the people that take part in our program.
Because of this vie may spend a slightly larger percentage of our time
tivith paper work., but the Commission feels this is important.
II. The registration procedure vrill be as followS2
1. Playground registrations should be made out for each child
that attends the general playground activities. If you are
not spare about one child, register him again, because we will
check for duplication in the office.
2. For skating, excursions, etc; we will have cards for the
children to fill out before they get on the bus. These cards
will enable us to count the extra childrerVnd also the ad,zlts
Vat attend and will give us an accurate account of the
attendance. These cards will be picked up the day of the
III. Weekly Reports
The attached weekly report form should be filled out on
Thursday afternoon before you get to the staff meeting and turned
in at the meeting. This report tells us what teas done during the pro-
ceeding week.
IV. golf, Swimming and Tennis Registrations
All Golf.,, swinmmi.ng,and tennis registrations are handled through the
office, and must be made on the appropriate registration blank., IF
anyone -wished to register for Golf, tennis, or swimming at your location,
please have them stop or.call at the. office. If you are adked to.
accept money for any of these actinities, please have the people mail
it in to the Wine.
V. equipment Inventory= Taamrorrow_we will distribute what equipment
we have to you, and you mi -11 be responsible, for it until the last
day of the season (August 12th) please fill out the ettached inventory
list, including on ..t all. equipment you receive' and ve will keep it
in the office this summer. Craft supplies do not have to be listed
on this inventory.
VI. Mileage Report Forms..
For those of, y:)u who will havo to drive during the working day
(from 9 'till 4) mileage will be..paid O 7b-0/mile. WE have milage
report forms.f'or you to'hil out and hand in each week at the staff
meeting. please list DA TLY the miles you drive and where you went.
VII. Iuriea.
F,ach .
playground will be: issued a firet aid.kit'to sae n minor
cuts and. .cratch8a. xP an�y,:seriais injuries.,occur, call the police
d p�rimerrt` iYmnediatelp, -4nd' if you think it is necessary; ten the
dispatcher'to' send an ambulance, too. The number for the dispatcher
is . Li.5.-Ml, . Tell .the dispatcher who. you are, sphere you are, and
What ' yon:grant.
VII. (con't)
(In case of any disciplinary problens, get in touch with the
racreation director first. Then, if necessary, the police will be
called to help.
IX. Accident Reports:
If you have any injuries on your playground, the village wants
an accident report turned in. These can be filled out and turned in
at the staff meetings. Make s}ire that you get the persons dame,
address, age, nationality and the type of injury written down so that
you can properly fill out the report.
% Jure 15, 1960, Minutes Continued
future development in this area, and that this Park will receive a great amount of
fill from the road project. Mr. Ulsta.d will advise 11r. benzin to out down the
weeks. The Commission thanked these men .for coming to the meeting. 1.1r. Fier asked
if the buss picking up children from the Summer Swimming Program could stop at
Scheid.? Mr. Ferguson advised that the buss schedule has now been changed, and a bus
will stop at Scheid.
There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:10.
The, motion was seconded and carried.
i ecreta y