7-20-1960Minutes of t' -,-e Regular meeting
Village of Golden Vail-ey
July 20, 1960 7:05 P.M.
The Park and Recreation. Commission of the Village of Golden
Valle7, met at its re ;ular monthly meeting 2t the Village Hall,
Wednesday, July 20, at 7:05 P.M. Present -were Stockman, Byrnes,
Petersen, Green, Scheffler, Ferguson and Sullivan. Also pre-
sent at the meeting were Mr. & Mrs. Perr�r Pearson, Mr. w Mrs.
Dave Lindblom and Glen Reed. The minutes of the previous meet-
ing were approved.
RECRFATION REPORT: Mr. Ferguson's report is attached. The Com-
mission and. Mr. Ferguson '_held a general discussion regarding
the 525 children per day taking part in the Recreation Program
as compared to the total number of children in Golden Valley.
Mr. Fer-uson will prepare a detailed resort. On behalf of the
Recreation Department, Mr. Ferguson thanked Mrs. Scheffler for
the time she has spent in the office.
MAINTENANCE: Mr. Lindblom gave a very thorough report on the
maintenance work that has been done in each park by the present
3 man maintenance crew. The Commission and Mr. Lindblom held a
general discussion on the Pease Dome constructed at Golden. Oaks
Park. The Dome is to be painted two shaded of brown, and Mr. &
Mrs. Pearson will inform the Comm'ssion of neighborhood opinion
regarding any future colors that may be used on the Dome. Mr.
Lindblom was asl�ed if he would recommend using the benches con-
structed at the Seeman Tennis Courts as ball diamond benches.
Mr.. Li-n.dbloom approves the bench structure, but would recommend
less width. He, also, recommended that gravel not be used
around a tennis court entrance as it is harmful to a court sur-
face. lIe complimented the JCts on furnishing benches for the
narks, and stated that the JC sand barrels have been placed
throughout parks as trash receptacles for the summer. He
mentioned the great amount of vandalism that has been done in
Glenview Terrace including the destruction of two JC benches.
Mr. Ferguson. stated that the police have the names of the two
boys who destroyed the benches. He will contact the parents of
these boys, and ask for25.00 each for the two benches. The
Commission and Mr. Lindblom held a general discussion regarding
his working through Mr. Denzin. Mr. Lindblom told of the fine
cooperation he has received from Mr. Denzin. He mentioned some
Problems due to the shortage of eryui^ment and the number of work-
ing hours during the summer, but stated that when a full-time
maintenance man is hired these problems will be solved. At the
end of the summer season, Mr. Lindblom will give the Commission
a report in the form of recommendations.
that 773- Commission make arecreaTIon movie to be shown at PTA
meetings, etc., for public .relation purposes. The Commission
held a general discussion. Mrs. Scheffler made a motion that
we recommend Max Green and Perry Pearson be authorized to spend
up to • 100. in an attempt to develope the first 16MIvI and 35MM
film for use in public relations. The motion was seconded and
11 R
RPCREATIO14 RE?ORT — JULY 20•t -h, 1.960
la ReFl9tration and Attendance Figures:
At the half way point in our su„;mmer
program, our registration
at the eight playground
locations are:
Golden Oaks Psrk —
Seeman Park —
Golden Valley High School — 16
Lions Club Park —
Noble School
— 350
Oal, Grove School —
Glenvisr Terrace
— 59
The playground registration total as of July 15th is — 1,222.
ie regi strati on fignrt;s for our other activities are:
Tennis — 281
Golf — 58
sriraming — 642
Special trips have recorded the following attendances
June 27 — 252
July 11 -- 171
July 18-123
'Aks Independence Excursion (July 15) — 422
2. Kai_rtenance — Dave Lindblom
3. Dere is a brief surmry of the activities that go on at all the
playground location -3 during each week.
F,ach of the eight T --Sall teams, ten boys softball teams, and
4 girls softball teams play at least one game each week, azrl
sometimes two games. Our craft specialist visits each playgrotuzd
for one 3 h3ur sossion aach week (see samples) and the playground
in3tructors conduct additional craft sessions each day. Games
such as tctherball, shuffleboard, basketball, circle games, checkers,
horsesi:oss, vollwjbsll, badminton and rany others are played whenever
possible. special events are conducted mach Friday as a climax of
the reekly progfam. Movies are shown at the four school locations
once each weak. The leaders have shown very enthusiastic leadership
and have give -1 full cooperation in each place of the program. The
only location where attendance has dropped off is Glenview Terrace,
which is in desperate need of some type of sun shelter.
4. Pease Dosses
When the Minneapolis Park Hoard refused to allow the construction
of the Peass Dome at Gler_view Terrace, Mr. Stockman, Mr. Ulstad and
I agreed to c,nstruct it at Golden Oaks Park. The shelter is now
completed, except for fie final painting, and according to our two
playground leaders at Golden Oaks, the shelter is an excellent
addition to the playground.. Mrs. Rearson of our staff Reye
that the shelter gives protection from the sun, and rain, and allowsthe leaders to confine an activity, such as crafts, to one small areae
5. 'ictarss
Ferry Pearson of our staff has been taking pictures of our program's
activities regularly, and ixe have a collection of these pictures to
show y)u tonight. Te have at least two shots of each phase of our program.
. Publicity
The Suburban Press is very cooperative in printing all items we give them
each week. These articles, and also the pictures they occasionally .)Tint,
help our program tremendously. "Flyers" are hrndad out for each spe,. al
activity at each playground.
7. High School Tennis Courts
It appears likely that our tennis courts at the High School will not
be completed before the close of our suowr progran. We have bem
fort nota in having the use of the gym for our tennis classes at the
High School, but the head janitor there told rye Monday that he will
have to lock the gym on the first of Auguot in order to prepare the
floor for the coming school.. year, If thA courts are not completed,
rn-Lr Iasis two week session of tennis will have to be moved from the
High School ovsr to Seeman Park,
8. Installation of Playground T.?quipment at Natchez
During the first tNo or three weeks of the program, I received several
c0up1Gints fro±r, the neighborhood around Natcsiez Park conce-ning the
raplacemo.nt of playground equipmant that used to be there. fir. Ulstad
also recsived several c�:Miplaintso We learned of a not of swimgs, a
slide and c teater-totter that were sitting next to the garage, so
that act vias installed last weak_. I have also purchased a set of
four more teote -totters to be installed at Natchez. They should
arrive within the next week. Cost: $142,00.
9. Junior Champ Tray. July 23rd.
This coming Saturday, the Jaycees are sponsoring Junior Champ Day
at Golden Valley High School. Rev. Bob Richards, Olympic Pole Vault
Champion, will start the program at 9:30 a.m. with a talk and demonstration
o:: physical fitness. air entire staff has offered it's services for the
event, and we are looking fox-rrard to a very s,zccessful day. Stop by
if you have the chance.
July 20, 10,60, Minutes Continued:
he has discussed the complotion problem with Don Boll. Mr.
Stockman feels we should. not allow Northland Constructors to
enter into another bid. The duplicate letter sent to the
School Board covering usage and maintenance has been signed by
the School Board, and is in the Park Comm_ssion files.
SWIMMING POOL PROJECT: Mr. Green stated this Committee has
had one meeeettin-with74 members present since our last Board
meetin. He said the Village En; -;sneering Department made drillings
in Lions Club Park, with BerJerson-Caswell doing the analysis,
and that the report found this area unsuitable for the placement
of a swimming pool. The Committee then discussed other locations.
Land that the Minneapolis Park Board condemned for park purposes
on the high knoll north of the Rambler and Upjohn Buildings behind
the White House was very much favored by the Committee, and they
will approach the Minneapolis Park Board on this land. Mr.
Stoclanan suggested the land behind the highway Department, and
Mr. Green will discuss this land with Mr. Ulstad. Dr. Huesner
has been unable to attend a meeting as yet. He is going to
supply Mr. Green with his personal swimming pool reference material
as soon as it is available. The Commission asked Mr. Green if the
Committee has determined there is a need for a swimming pool in
Golden Valley. Mr. Green stated that only the members of the
Committee have been polled, and they agree there is -a need.
FILL FOR PLYMOLITH AVENUE AREA; This former ponding area has now
been filled, and the Park and Recreation Commission's share of
this bill is 13600. Mr. Ulstad previously informed the Commission
that this amount may be taken from escrow monies this year, and
replaced with budget next year. Dr. Petersen made a motion that
we pay our share of the bill ( or �>3600. ) for fill nortli of Plymouth
Avenue and. souti-i of Wesley DriTre. Mr. Green seconded. the mcticn.
The motion carried.
STIELTERS: The Commission held a general discussion regarding the
use of the Pease Dome with one or two sides enclosed as a winter
shelter. '.,:'e will write to the company supplying the Dome for
information. Mr. Ulstad previously informed the Commission that
Mr. Doell suggested a shelter structure similar to the comfort
station on the 9th hole of the Golden Valley Country Club, and he
will submit his plans.
There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the
meeting at ?:35. The motion was seconded and carried.
Cha' man