11-16-1960Minutes of the Regular 'Ieeting PARK AND RECR?ATION CO?,7,,1ISSION OF Village of Golden Valley November 16, 1960 7:00 P.L. The Park and Recreation Commission of the Village of Golden Valley :net at its regular monthly meeting at the Village Hall, I"Tednesday, November 16, at 7:00 P,:,�T. Present were Stoclffnan, Petersen, Scheffler, Sullivan, Ulstad, SnetsinLser, Reed and. Sullivan. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. RECREATION REPORT: Hiring of Full Time :':Ian: The Commission and Mr. Ulstad held a general discussion. Mr. Ulstad reported that several applicants have contacted him at the Village Hall, and he advised each one that applications will not be taken until we have advertised. The advertisement will be published shortly, and at our December meeting :1r. Ulstad will present applications from the 5 or 6 men he recommends for the position. These applications will be reviewed by the Commission. Mr. Reed mentioned that the man hired will not be able to start before February or March, and suggested that we go ahead and start hiring the staff for next Summer. This will be discussed, again, at our Decomber meeting. !Ir. Reed advised the Commission of his 77inter basketbr-.11 program. There will be 4 locations: Golden Valley High School, Noble, Westview and Sandberg. T --1r. Reed stated that the schools charge the Park Commission for the use of their facilities, and that a different amount is charged by each school. The Commission held a general discussion. John Sullivan will discuss this matter with 1.1r. Smith, and '.4r. Ulstad will talk with Mr. Newell. GOLDEN VALLEY RECREATION ASSOCII� TION: MIr. Reed stated he has been approached by the Golden Valley Recreation Association. They feel that their funds of w;1200. a year from the Community Chest will stop when we hire a full time man. The Commission, `:Ir. Reed and Pyr. Ulstad held a general discussion. Mr. Ulstad will call i:x. Harry Harris of Hopkins, to find out what this suburb did about SRA funds when it hired a full time man. The Commission will write to Mr. Stan Anderson and ask if his organization will attend our December meeting to discuss this matter. SKATING: Mr. Ulstad anal Mr. Snetsinger have reviewed the 14 skating locations suggested at our last meeting. They advised there will be no skating area pro- vided at the church on Winnetka Avenue, and that the Regent area is doubtful. Therefore, there will probably be 12 locations. The Noble School principal has requested that we flood this area with a hose rather than a truck, and, also, requested that we install hockey boards. Mr, Ulstad will investigate and advise. There was a general discussion of lights at Carl Sandberg School. Tar. Sullivan will review this matter with Mr. Smith. i.IISCEL,LANEOUS: The Commission held a general discussion of what should be done with egent ark next Spring. Mr. Snetsinger reported that the tennis courts are in good shape, and that he will see the nets are taken down. Someone has walked on the Golden Valley High School courts with football shoes. 17P, will notify the school. The entrance to these courts has been planned, and the school has been notified. The Commission held a general discussion on baseball. 'T... CHAS. DOFLL: 'Mr. Snetsinger has the park sketches that were made sometime ago, and the Commission will write Mr. Doell asking if he will come to the Village Hall at his convenience to review them. COLDEN VA?LEY JAYCEES: Dr. Petersen reported that the 4 bulletin boards donated by the Jaycees are available for placement. The Village will supply the help. The Commission will write a thank you letter to the Jaycees for the 4 bulletin November 16, 1960, 14inutes Continued boards, the 11 benches and their participation in Bob Richard's Day. Information about their fine work will, also, be sent to the Suburban Press. T"Ir. Ulstad will check to see what has been done about reimbursement of the 2 benches damaged by vandals. There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:25. The motion was seconded and carried. `c Attest: 6 Chaan l Secr + ,--• J 11