3-15-1961Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Village of Golden Valley
Larch 15, 1961 7:05 P.M.
The Park and Recreation Commission of the Village of Golden Valley :net at its
regular monthly meeting at the Village Hall, Wednesday, :arch 15, at 7:05 P.M.
Present were Byrnes, Petersen, Stockman, Ewald, Green, Scheffler, Sullivan,
Ulstad, Brenna and Sullivan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with one correction. In
the section pertaining to the JONES PROPERTY, the word acres was used instead
of the word lots. The February 15 minutes have been changed to read: lots.
Our new Recreation Director, Ar. John Brenna, was welcomed by hr. Byrnes and
the Commission.
JONES PROPERTY: hr. Ulstad stated he contacted ':r. Jones, offered him 12500
plus back taxes of two years for the property, but Mr. Jones is now asking
$7000 net for this property. Mr. Ulstad said that on the basis of paying
17000 to Mr. Jones, this property would cost the Park Commission - including
special assessments - 124287. Mr. Jones told Mr. Ulstad he would like to sell.
13 lots at 13000. per lot. MO. Ulstad said Mr, Jones would have to clear the
entire lien of 118,000 on this property before he can dispose of it. The Com-
mission and I:ir. Ulstad held a general discussion on condemnation - which would
mean a Notion from the Council, and the 7 year period that land must be tax
delinquent before it can be ricked up for taxes. Or. Sullivan feels that Mr.
Jones would accept an offer of ;3500., but Mr. Ulstad feels this is too high as
it would bring the cost to w25000 for 10 acres. Mr. Ulstad feels that „7000
might be a realistic figure, if the land., in,its present state, was useable;
however, the area has 5' to 101 of peat. The Col iss:or_ held a general dis-
cussion on the purchase of the Schi ed Property. 1,2r. Ulstad feels we should
not pay more than 11500 over-all cost an acre. Zr. Sullivan asked if we know
for sure that this area will need fill, and reported that it is 91 above the
golf course. 1.]0. Stockman would like to knaw if a builder would put a house
on top of the ;eat. Mr. Green suggested we migh buy just a parcel of the entire
area. The Commission decided it will need .:ore facts. hr. Stockman made a
motion that we present the Jones Property to the Engineering Department for con-
sideration and suggestions as to what their recommendations would be to tie
Park and Recreation Commission. Dr. Petersen seconded the motion. The motion
was carried. Mr, Brenna will follow through with the Engineering Department.
it. Brenna asked the Commission if it is following :r. Corwine's survey re-
garding park placement, and reported that the Jones Property is East of Mr.
Corwine's recommended area.
CARL S IDBERG SCHOOL: 10. Sullivan has tried unsuccessfully this month tor con-
tact 11. Smith. twill try to reach him again, and report at the next meet-
GOLDEN VALL77 HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS: 1.Ir, Byrnes turned over to Mr. Ulstad
the Q5OOO check he received from the Golden Valley HiSh School School Board to
cover complete payment of their share in the joint venture on the tennis courts.
This money will be credited to the Bond issue Funds. hr. Byrnes, also, read a
letter from Mr. Mert Dresser, their treasurer, in which he said they consider
the joint venture a great success, and pould be harpy to review any additional
ideas Fre might have for the improvement of the lake area adjacent to Natchez
Park and the school properties. The Commission held a general discussion on
a possible swimming pool in the Golden Valley High School.
::arch 15,_1961, 7 inutes Continued
LI TTLE L^AGTU7: P,ir. Ulstad reported that this organization_ is interested in
more property for the placement of its second ball field. They are inter-
ested in an area located at Douglas and Golden Valley ::oad which they mould
lease from the gas company for 5 years. This area needs 18000 to X10000
worth of fill* 11r. Ulstad asked for the Park Commission's thinking on al-
icwir_g the Little League to use a portion of one of our Parks to build this ball
field. He stated that it would improve an area which we might not be able to
develope for several years. He further stated that the *Honey spent by the
Little League comes from the people of Golden Valley, and he feels we should
be able to work out some type of a working agreement. They would need an
area that is fenced in, and would operate their concession stand. The Park
Commission would maintain the area, and would be able to use it during off
seasons and during the day. The Commission.feels it should not allow any
advertising signs in a public area. :vr. Ulstad and P;1r. Brenna will meet
wit': the Little League, and will report back to the Commission.
IIA`'?i?G OF PnRKS: 11r. Stockman stated tra.t while he is very pleased that
the Commission would consider naming the Carlson area Stockman Pare-, he
would not recommend it. The CoTrj ssion held a general discussion, and two
changes were made in the previously suggested r_anes: The Carlson area will
be called 7toodlawn Park, and Woodstock Park will be called Yosemite Park.
Dr. Petersen made a. motion that vie accept the following list of park names.
These names :nay be changed at any time, and the parks will be officially
dedicated at later dates:
Carlson Regent T-71 ry Terrace odlawn Park
Natchez Natchez Ave. & Roanoke Rd. Natchez Park
North Tyrol Hills Westwood Dr. & Sunset Ridge Tyrol Park
Golden Oaks Valders between Plymouth Ave. &
Orkla Drive Golden Oaks Park
Golden Oaks West Plymouth & Orkla Dr. Golden Oaks Nest
Golden Oaks North Wesley & Orkla Dr, Wesley Park
"Woodstock Yosemite & Woodstock Ave. Yosemite Park
Schied Regent & Golden Valley Rd. Schied Park
The motion was seconded and carried.
RrCPaT1ON REPORT: ?r. Ulstad stated that Yr. John Brenna has spent trio very
illuminating weeks in Golden Valley, learning the Village, the parks and meet -
in? ti^d th organizations. Mr. Brenna announced that at each meeting he will
pass out financial reports of the spending for that month, and he passed them
out for the current month. T.Zr." Brenna will investigate the 1350. figure
shown under miscellaneous, and will advise the Commission. Mr. Brenna was
complimented on this budget report, and was told it will help in setting
future yearly budgets and in answering questions from the public.
SEE LTTETS: The Commission held a general discussion. Dr. Petersen will talk
with his friend, P:_r. Green will secure information on Butler buildings,
E%,jald will get log cabin information from Clarence Scherer, and all three men
will make reports at the next meeting.
The Commission and 'r. Ulstad held a general discussion on how to answer park
development questions from the public.
There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:40.
'.'ice -C airman