4-19-1961Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Villa;.e of Golden Valley
April 19, 1961 7:00 P.M.
The Park and Recreation Commission of the Village of uolden
Valley met at its regular mo-ithly meeti,lg at the Village Hall,
'l'o'ednesday, -q)ril 19, 1961„at 7:00 P.M. Board members present
Mr. John Byrnes, Chairman, Mr. Ray Stockman, Dr. Peterson, 1.;1r.
Graydon Ewald, Mr. idax Green, Mr. John Sulliv n, Mrs. Gus
Scheffler, also present, ivir, noger Ulstad, VillaIr-,e Manager,
11ir. Glen Reed, ivirs. Janet Sullivan, Miss Patricia Lynch, Secretary
and 10r. John Brenna, Director. The March 15, lgS1 minutes were
approved as written.
Little LeaE e Policl: lifter considerable discussion pertaining°
to the use of village owned property by the Little League Incor-
porated, certain policies were stipulated in the event an
equatable agreement were worked out.
1. The use of bill boards. `rhe policy of the, Park
and Recreation Commission is that no commercial
advertizing be permitted on Park property.
2. In the event a diamond was placid on P�rk proDerty
the Park and Recreation Department would have
full use of said property when the Little League
Incorporated were not using said property.
To the above mentioned policies the general concensus of the
Park and Recreation Commission was unanimous.
Shelters: At this time Mr. Brenna introduced Mr. Don Hayward,
salesman for the Miracle Sales Playground Equipment company,
Grinnell, Iowa. Mr. Brenna explained that Mr. Hayward would
introduce a topic of shelters which the Park and Recreation
Department are very interested in at the present time. Mr.
Hayward brought forth his ideas and description of the Pease
D -me and its possibilities for ye -,r around use. lifter general
discussion the Perk and Recreation Commission trunked Mr. Hayward
for his views on shelter buildings. General concensus of the
board; thit ivir. Brenna decide on the number of shelters needed
and their locations and bring forth at the next regular scheduled
meeting the type shelter and cost of same, so as the Board can
act and place the m_!ch needed shelters.
Little League: At this time Mr. Brenna introduced members of the
Board of Directors of Little League Incorporated, here, in
Golden Valley. A week earlier Mr. Brenna sent letters to the
Directors of Golden Valley Little League inviting them to be
present at this meeting for the sole pur^ose of a better under-
standin€,, of each other's aims and objectives and the possibility
of a working agreement whereby the Little Lea -c. -um mi,,, -ht utilize
one of our park properties. Mr. Brenna introduced the following
Little League members; AZr. William Smith, Vice-president,
Mr. Jerry Reinholdz, Secret,ry, Mr. Paul Young, Minor Leay.ue
Director, and Mr. James Foster, Public Relations. Mr. Rrenna
brought forth the afore -mentioned aims and objectives. After
considerable and lengthy discussion concensus of the Little
League was thus:
At the present time the Village of Golden Valley's
Park system has little to offer with respect to
Baseball facilities. Until Bush time as these facilities
are upgraded and expanded an independent relationshi
will be taken.
Also in regard to the joint usage of a facility, the
Little League thought this would hinder the facility
itself, inasmuch, as the P rk and Recreation Department
utilizing the facility during; the day and Little League
in the evening.
Jones Property: nt this time ivir. Brenna brought forth his report
in regard to the Jones Property. Yr. Brenna mentioned he had
talked with the Village Lngi-eer about said property and the
disposition of the property was in a state of flux at the present
time to this degree, there was a possibility of the property
becPm:ng; a water shed area for the Bassett's creek drainage
which would result more or less in a ponding; area. This is a
possibility. The other, th,t acquiring for Park purposes. At
the present time the asking price is way out of line. Mr. Brenna
suggested that we hold up on our decision and wait for futher
development. There are delinquent taxes and these would h'-),Ve to
be paid up of the individual were to develop his rroperty. There
is a very good chancP of tax delinquency and the possibility of
obtaining said property at a cheaper rate.
Summer Program: Mr. Brenna brought forth a quick resume of the
summer program. The Village of Golden Valley would again brink,
forth an eight week program starting June 19, which would include
a playground program at seven areas within the community, a
Bast -ball program for 6, 7, nd 8 year olds. A swimming program
for instructional purposes, a tennis program it two court areas,
a golf program, utilizing?; Golden Valley Country Club and a Day
Camp program at Lake Independence. The registration dates for
the above mentioned programs at this time are not final.,
Park Development: VI "'r. Brenn -3 explained that a stepped up program
on maintenance iv.,uld converge on our existing facilities. The
lower end of Lions Club Park and the north end of the Plymouth
Park area would be shaped and a seed bed installed this fall. In
regard to our other park developments the actual sketching_,
drawing and scale modeling, will take place next fall and winter.
Suburban Recre.tion Association: In a recent meeting with
Mr. Stan Anderson, Presidenb of the Golden Valley Association
and recipient of funds to the extent of $1,250 from, the Suburban
Recreation tissociation. Pair. Brenna menti-)ned that there now being
a full time department, the Golden Valley Recreation Association
wo::.ld like to unburden some of their activities and work with
us where ever needed.
National Recreation Association:
Mr. Brenna
has sent to the
National Recreati:;n Association,
a service
organization for the
membershi,. Many professional services are
at our disposal
with this membership. 111so, the
Recreation will
be sent out to e- ch board. member
as to the changing trends in the
to keen them
more informed
High School Tennis Courts: Mr. Brenna mentioned that cracks
have developed in the tennis courts located at the Golden Valley
High School. In checking with the villac,e engineer there is a
guarantee for the first ye -r on the court area. The contractor
will be contacted and repairs made.
Natchez Park: Personages in the Natchez Park area have asked
for a basketball court to be located somewhere in the p rk area.
Mr. Brenna was asked if this could be done. Mr. Brenna replied
that it could be, but the hauling of fill so that the area once
and for all can be shaped up, seeded, beautified and put to use.
Carl Sandbu_ r g School: it this time ir. Sullivan mentioned he
had t_llked with Idir. Clifford S::ith in regard to joint ventures
at the Sandburg School area and Mr. Smit',_ would be rio.re than
happ, to meet with us after June lst.
There bein- no further business Dr. Peterson moved the meetinc:
be adjourned. iter. Max Green seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.14.
Vise Z C hairman
Attest: l/V
0';rron -.