5-17-1961Minutes of the Regular Meeting PiaK AND RECRZA.TION CO1,u.,ISSION OF Village of Golden Valley May 17, 1961 7:00 P. M. The Park and Recreation Commission of the Village of Golden Valley met at its regular monthly meeting at the Village Hall, Wednesday, 1,%y 17, 1961 at 7:00 P.1.1. Board members present: Lir. John Byrnes, Chairman, I:x. Pay Stockman, Dr. Ray Paterson, I,Ir. Max Green, Mr. John H. Sullivan and Mrs. Laura Scheffler. Board members absent: Mr. Graydon Ewald. Also present: Lliss Patricia Lynch, Secretary, and Mr. John Brenre., Director. Chairman 'yrnes brought forth the April 19, 1961 minutes for approval. The minutes were approved as written. At this ti: -:e Lir. Byrnes brought forth the May Payroll and Bills. A payroll of $1,379.10 and Bills amounting to '514.21 totaling 4,1,893.34 were approved. Correspondence: A letter was received fro:: Mr. William Smith, Vice-president of Golden Valley Little League, Inc., thanking our board for the ti:..e and opportunity given the Little Lea;ue to discuss problems of mutual concern. Also, a card was received fro.._ firs. Jan Sullivan expressLng her appreciation_ for hiving served as Secr;tary for the Park and Recreation commission. Unfinished Business: Shelters: At this tir::e P:',r. -Brenna brought forth two shelters for cons id -ration fbr Park use. 1. Pease Dome 2. Iliracle All -Purpose Shelter Mr. Brenna explained form an easel the cost of the above items. a. Pease Dome -Canopy type - $438.00 b. Pease Dome=Jtility type - X1,194.00 c. Miracles All -Purpose 101 r_ 18' - $278.00 d. Miracles All -Purpose 18' x 201 - $498.00 Mr. Brenna suggested that of the above sh^Iters and prices, four be purchased and located at the following parks: 1. Papoose Park - Pease Dcm-Canopy type - X438.00 2. PPRSF home -Utility t�^ - - "1,194.00 3. Glenview 10_rracr Park -'Pease' Dome Canopy type - $438.00 4. Golden Valley High School Tennis Courts 11iracles All -Purpose 101 x 18' - X278.00 After discussion the following; motions were male: 1. Ray Stockman moved for the purchase of one Pease Dome, type at X438.00 for installation on Papoose Park and one Pease Dome, Utility type at X1,194.00 for installation at Lillian. Seeman Park. Mr. Max Green seconded the motion. Ivlotion carried. 2. Lor. lvlax Gre::n ro-:ed steps be taken to purchase a Pease Dome at X43.:.00 for the Glenview Terrace Park Area pending a satisfactory appreemert between t he Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission and the Liinneapolis Park Board, concerning the placement of the dome. D;. Peterson seconded the motion. Motion carried. 3. Lir. Jol,.n Sullivan moved for t_le purchase of one Iliracle All -Purpose Flat To- Shelter 101 x 18' to be located at the High School Tennis Courts adjacent to the entrance of the Tennis Courts, upon approval of the Golden Valley School Board, price 4278.00. Mrs. Laura Scheffler seconded the motion. Motion carried. Ne,e Business -Summer Programs At this time Mr. Brenna brought forth a Brochure sheet of the summer program. He explained articles depicting various activities of offered to the public by the Park and Recreation Department. 6,000 brochures will be made for circulation in the shcools at a price of 372.00 Also, the infor- mation will be given to the North Hennepin Post, Suburban Press and Minneapolis Star. Mr. Brenna went on to further explain what steps had been taken concerning the various activities in regard to the summer program. 1. Swimming: Registration will be on a first come -first serve basis. Registration will be held at the village Hall, June 10. 2. Baseball: Available only to 6, 7, and 8 year olds this year. Registration will be held June 12. 3. Tennis: This ,year leagues will be initiated and played on a Round Robin basis. Registration will be at the courts on June 20. 4. Golf: Will be offered to children between ages of 10 - 18 years. Registration will be made by phoning tie Park and Recreation Office beginning June 23. 111r. Brenna informed the Park and Recreation 'ommission that the summer staff had been selected and an institute would be held on June 16, to acquaint the staff with the summer program. Tdr. Brenna then raised the question of having the Park and Recreation Commission meeting date changed to a date later in the month to facilitate the recording of the payroll and bills. Mr. John Byrnes made the motion that the regular meeting date ':e the last 'Thursday of each month and this date shall be published in the official village newspap--r. Mrs. Laura Scheffler seconded the motion. Motion carried. There being no further busin :ss the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P. M. Attest: Vice- hairman 1