8-31-1961Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Village of Golden Valley
August 31, 1961 7:15 P.R.
The Park and Recreation Commission of the Village of Golden Valley, met
at its regular monthly meeting at the Village Hall, Thursday, August 31, 1961, at
7:15 P.M. Board members present: Mr. Graydon Ewald, Mr. John H. Sullivan,
1&s. Laura Scheffler and Mir. Ray Stockman. Board members absent: Mr. John
Byrnes, Chairman, Dr. Ray G. Petersen and Mr. Max Green. Also presen.': were:
Miss Patricia Lynch, Secretary, Mr, John Brenna, Director and a representative of
the League of yiomen Voters, Mrs. Lazarus.
Acting as Chairman, Mr, Stockman brought forth the July 27, 1961, minutes.
The minutes were approved as written.
At this time Mr. Stockman brought forth the Pavroll and Bills for August,
1961, A Payroll of x$5,281.50 and Bills amounting to $884.62 were approved.
Mr. Stockman brought forth the Bond Fund Breakdown. He stated he would
prefer to have the :5,000.00 from Independent School District 275 not shown,
as it did not afford an accurate view of the Bond status.. Further parleying
ensued and ended in favorable agreement that the Boad Fund was in good shape.
Mr. Stockman suggested that close account be kept on the fund and reminded those
present that it cannot be used for maintenance but only the initial capital
investment. Mrs. Laura Scheffler further suggested that this be brought forth
in the September Commission meeting.
RECAP-SUTJIrJM FROGRAIvI: At this time Mir. John Brenna expo ;nded on the past 1961
Summer Recreational Program. Ile expressed a satisfaction with the program. The
playground registration totaled 1,062 children, Swimming was just short of 600,
Tennis n,.umbered 400 and Golf showed 100 registrants. The participation and activity
in both the major and minor events, in Mr. Brenna's estimation, was very good.
Next year he foresees a change in the order of the special events programs on
the playground. Mr. Brenna, then, explicated the projected fall and winter
programs. On September 16, 1961 the Fall season will open with the boys ages 9 - 12
registering for Tackle Football. There is a 110 pound weight restriction placed
on the registrants. Basketball season will begin. December 2, 1961, and terminate
about the second week in March. Locations for play are: Sandburg School,
Golden Valley High School, Viestview School and Noble School. It will be comprised
of youngsters 9 - 17. Action as to a Men's Volleyball and Basketball program
is still forth coming. Hockey will be opened to boys betvieen the ages of 9 and
16. Play will be held at Lions Club Park and "olden Valley High School. The
boys will be grouped into 3 divisions according to age, Peewees, Bantams and Seniors.
Concerning the future skating rinks in the area Mr. Brenna is of the or -inion
that fewer rinks will facilitate maintenance of them than many pooly serviced rinks.
It is impossible to to service the number of rinks as have been in the past. The
locations that have been sited are: Lions Club Park, Golden Valley High School,
Golden Oaks, Papoose Park, Scheid or Woodlawn and Seeman Park. Mr. Sullivan mentioned
that a few vital locations be selected and provisions be made available for the
maintenance of these rinks. There was general agreement that it was unwise for the
Park and Recreation Department to flood and maintain private rinks. Reasons, such
as the following: That the eq•,zipment was not insured for use on private property.
Also, if the job is done for one private party, there will be others requesting th e
same service.
Concerning the Tenn Age Dance and Winter Swimming Programs, final steps on these
are still forth -coming. An indoor pool, such as the Glenwood Hills Hospital or
Lincoln Pool are under consideration as a place for the Swimming team to practice.
The Golden Age Club will have its f irst meeting in October. Registration now
totals about 10. The general concensus of opinion was th>zt once the club was
established it would catch on quickly. Mr. Brenna expressed he would like to
see a Ski School open at the dlenwood Theodore '4irth Park area in conjunction with
the Department.
PARK: At this time tor. Brenna proceeded to elucidate b,,r means of maps and films
on the parks and the 4 key areas scheduled for development in the near future.
Woodlawn Park: The area is about three-fourths finished insomuchas the
filling is concerned. A bit more fi 11 az d peat will he added, disked and land
leveled, Vie hope to seed this fall.
Natchez Park: Three-fourths completed as far as fill is concerned. feat
will be spread for the top soil. This park as well as ''+oodlawn should be seeded
by fall. Skating area, Baseball diamond, hard surface area, horseshoe court
are a few of the plans for this park.
Lions Club Park: A picture showing a cut where 300 feet of culvert will
be laid, whereby, an additional 22 acres will be opened up for Lions Park.
Golden Oaks Park: That portion located south of Plymouth Avenue has been
leveled, to soil has to be added and men leveled. This park area would make
an ideal nursery location.
Golden Oaks Park; That portion :xrtth. of Plymouth, ' has:.been partially filled
top soil is needed and it must be leveled..
Golden Oaks Park: That portion south of Wesley H.rive is filled. It needs
top soil and leveling. Mr. Brenna suggested naming this park so as to eleviate
the confusion as to which parte is the actual Golden Oaks Park.
Papoose Park: A picture showing the canopy dome was shown.
Lillian Seeman Park: Pease Utility Dome picture shown. Lower triangles can
be removed and garage door opened for ventilation is the summer months. A stove
must be installed for winter months. Electricity, as shown by the pcitures, is
easily accessible to the dome.
Mr. Brenna explained that maps and seale models were being constructed to
show possible future development of the parks.
Aith no further questions or discussion the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
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