9-29-1961Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Village of Golden Valley
September 29, 1961 7:15 P.M.
The Park and Recreation_ Commission of the Village of Golden Valley met
at its regular monthly meeting at the Village Hall, Thursday, September 29, 1961
at 7:15 P.M. Board members present: Mr John Byrnes, Chairman, Mr. Ray Stockman,
Dr. Ray G. Petersen, Mr. John H. Sullivan and Mrs. Laura Scheffler. Board
members absent: 14r. Flax Green and Mr. Graydon Ewald. Also present were hiss
Patricia Lynch, Secretary, Mr. John Brenna, Director, Mr. Richard Ulrich,
Park Maintenance Man and Mr. George Otis, a representative from the Chester
Swimming Pool Company.
Chairman Byrnes brought forth the August 31, 1961 minutes which were
approved as written.
The 1962 Budget has been approved but an adjustment is to be made
concerning the special assessments.
At this time Mr. Brenna introduced Mr. Richard Ulrich, the new Park
Main tneance Man. ''r. Ulrich has been formerly with the Brook -view Country
Club in the position of Grounds Keeper. Mr. Brynes expressed pleasure in having
him with the Park Department.
N3V BUSINESS: Fall and Winter Program. Mr. Brenna explained that a resume
of the Fall and Ainter Program had appeared in the September 20, 1961, Newsletter.
He went on to explain that the Football program was now under way with 200 boys
participating on eight teams. This program will run to November 11 at which
time it will end with a Goblin Bowl,
Basketball: Will begin December 3, for the grade school boys.
Senior Citizens: Will meet at the Golden Valley High School starting
October 25, 1961.
Swim Teams dill practice one hour a week at the Lincoln Pool.
Men's Basketball League: An o rganizati nal meeting will be held in October.
Adult Dance Instruction: Has had a very enthusiastic return. The question
of price has not been resolved yet, but it was thought that a large group
would get b% on a cheaper rate. If the people are really interested they'll
pay the nominal fee.
PARK DEVELOPMENT: Mr. Brenna explained that weather has been hindering
much of the work to be done. If the weather holds up, Woodlawn, Natchez, the
u:>per end of Wesley and Golden Oaks Pa •k West will be seeded.
SWIhWING POOL: At this t i;re Mr. Brenna introduced Mr. George Otis, of
the Chester Poo mpany. fir. Otis explained to the board that he is in the
process of preparing an engineering study for the area for the possibilities
of a pool site. he further explained the processes of the pool construction
and installation. The pool is partially fabricated at the factory in Hamilton
Ohio. It is composed of an alloy which is completely non-corridible and weldable
it is welded by mig welding or gas. It is completely self-sustaining, nothing is
needed to support the side walls. Concrete pads are placed at strategic points.
Water is admitted through an extrusion feed line. It is a continuous flowing
system. The filter is 30 inches below the deepest part of t e drain box. The
contaminents are always at the top. This is a continuous process on a 24 hour basis.
An anti-skid surface is imbeded on the sides, composed of silica sand which
last 3 to 5 years. The pool is painted to eliminate the glare of the metal.
An outdoor pool is exposed to more detramental elements and should be painted
every 3 to 4 years. The entire pool is painted and this serves only as a
protective agent, aluminum is too bright otherwise. It can be equipped with
such things as raci,g blovks, etc.
There are four types of filter: L. Vacuum type, gravity sand filter,
2, pressure sand, costly and difficult to operate, 3. diatomacious, 4, vacuum
diatomacious. The vacuum is the best and it is more economical.
The is never more than 3 to 5 degrees difference between the water and the
Mr. Otis stated that sanitation -wise this pool was the finest system.
The settling and rising of the pool is takem care of in the bottom of the pool.
The bottom of the pool is put in compression, it is never put in over pilings.
It equalizes the pressure in the vin. nter.
The pool can be constructed in three different shapes, the "L" which is the
most popular, the "T" which has twice as much shallow swim area And the "Z" pool.
The wading pool is construc:•ed much the same way as the pool except the wading
pool has a 3 hour change over whereas the pool has a 6 hour chamge over.
The report which Mr. Otis will be submitting will cover such things as the
size of a pool needed, the load, pool description, bath house, spectators and
pool revenue. He will submit a copy to each member of the board. Mr. Jtis
suggested as a site fo r the pool Lions Club Park and Wesley Park, the pool needs
5 to 7 acres of high ground.
Mr. Otis said the things to keep in mind when regarding an area as a pool
site are -cost of developing the land,' parking space, the right kind of entry
to the property, the usability of 5 acres. A pool built close to the business
district helps store owners and the district itself.
The question was then brought up of cost and means of paying for such a
pool. Mr. Otis suggested the following: Season family passes, individual
passes, general admissions, special admissions, pop, candy, etc. sold in a
separate area, rental of chaise lounges. In assessing 2,000 families $15,00 a
family and money taken in from other ticket sales etc, ($45,900.00 would be
received. The pool expense including maintenance and wages would come to around
$22,979.00. Concessions would bring in around ,0,500.00. There would be a
profit of about $27,000.00.
1r . Qt s :exp1mined thatrthe cost of the pool at this time would be h rd to set,
it depends on the land procurred, utilities available, One pool can be self-
sustaining and self liquidating the other not, it depends on thew ay it is set up.
Mr. Otis recommends a 11Z" pool, which would cost somewhere around $240,000.00,
this includes the single deck and everything. uuell water is usable. Soft water
is not necessary. Additional equ pment would be needed only if th ere was a bad
inon problem. An "L" pool cost about the same. An Olympic size pool is n:;eded for
about 25,000 people, The pool, filter welders and painters are supplies th rough
the general contractor.
The figures regarding the leasing of the pool will be in the report. j!he
Chester pool is the only pool a leasing canpany wi 1 handle. The lease depends
on what is involved. The City of St. Paul will be installing Chester Pools in the
near future.
With no further business Mr. Ray Stockman moved the meeting be adjourned.
Dr. Ray Petersen seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
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