2-22-1962Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Village of Golden Valley
February 22, 1962 7:00 P.M.
The Park and Recreation Commission of the Village of Golden Valley met at
its regular monthly meeting at the Village Hall, Thursday, February 22, 1962,
at 7:00 P.M. Board members present: Dr. Ray G. Petersen, Chairman, Mr. John H.
Sullivan, Mr. Ray B. Stockman, Mr, Graydon Ewald, and Rs. MaIK Green. Board members
absent: Mrs. Laura Scheffler and Mr. John Byrnes. Also present were mr. John L.
Brenna, Director and Miss Patricia Lynch, Secretary.
Chairman Petersen called for the approval of the January 25, 1962, minutes.
Mr. John Sullivan moved the minutes be approved as written. Mr. Graydon Ewald
seconded the motion. The minutes were approved aswritten.
BUDGET: The figures for the 1961 year show a surplus of $2,087.00. This surplus
will be added in with the contingency fund.
Mr. Stockman made a motion that should the bids for a 1 ton truck be
acceptable tp the Council that payments be made from the erntingency fund. The
mo do n was seconded and c Arried.
SWIMMING POOL: The Council has placed the pool committee back under the jursidiction
of the Park and Recreation Gommission. There will be a joint meeting held next
month. Dr. Petersen outlined 7 points for consideration regarding the formation
of a pool committee.
1. Should the present committee be kept? How many should there be to
serve effectively on the mmmittee? Should there be separate committees for an
indoor and an out door pool?
2. Should there be additions to fill in where there have been :vacancies
made in the committee?
3. Should there be a new chairman?
4. Who shall be the liaison between the Commission and the committee?
5. Should there be a secretary and will this be volunteer or paid work?
6. Should a format be suggested?
7. Should there be ccntrols with regards to press releases?
The gaz eral concl Ls ions were reached concerning the above. One committee
with representation from the four sections of the Village. The chairman shall
be elected by the members of the committee. Mr. John Brenna shall be the liaison
between the committee and the Commission and shall be desingnated the position
of Consultait. There shall be a secretary employed on a paid basis -minutes shall
be sent to both the Commission members and the committee members. The Commission
shall map out a tentative plan of action and finally, that all press releases
shall be made through John Brenna
CURRENT PROGRAM: Scale models are being made for Natchez and Wesley Parks.
Mr. Brenna expressed a need fbr a snow blower which could be purchased for next
years winter program. He explained the Studebaker Truck has been under going
repairs and has been repainted "Flambeau Red". He further told the Commission
that there was a 1942, 12 ton Civil Defense Jeep for sale and if it could be
purchased for $200.00 it would be a good buy.
PROGRAM: The warming houses will be closed Sunday, February 25, 1962. Skating
rinks will be maintained as long as possible but there will be no more flooding done
to them. The women's and Men's Volleyball group are entering Tournaments.
The yo;ngsters Basketball will be set up differently next year, teams will be
arranged and scheduled so that they will get a chance to play every Saturday.
yt has been a bad year for Hockey, in that, it has been tpo cold for play.
It will end the first week of March. The swimming activities have been doing well.
The swim team has been very active and now has two hours. The whole program will
be terminating in about three weeks.
Mr. Brenna explained that Richard Ulrick had attended a seminar on trees
at the University of Minnesota and the information will prove to be valuable
in the purchasing of trees for the parks.
Mr. Stockman raised the question of the problem of the Box Elder Trees
on Tyrol Park and Mr. Brenna explained that plans were being made for their
With no further business Max Green moved the meeting be adjourned. John
Sullivan seccnded the motion. Meeting adj:,urned at 9:30 P.M.
i e -Chairman