3-28-19631 1 Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting PARK AND RECREATION COI*IISSION OF Village of Golden Valley March 28th, 1963 7:00 P. M. The Park and Recreation Commission of the Village of Golden Valley met at its Regular Monthly Meeting at the Village Hall, Thursday, ',larch 28, 1963 at 7:00 P. M. Board members present: Dr. Ray Peterson, Chairman, John Ii. Sullivan, Laura Scheffler, Ray Stockman, Graydon Ewald and John W. Byrnes. Board members absent: Max Green. Also present: Mr. Clifford French, Director, Hennepin County Park Reserve District and Mr. John L. Brenna, Director, Golden Valley Park and Recreation. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Peterson. He then called for approval of the minutes from the Regular Monthly Meeting of February 28, 1963. Mr. Ray Stockman moved the minutes be approved. John W. Byrnes seconded the motion. The motion was carried. At this time Mx. Clifford French, Director of the Hennepin County Park Reserve District was introduced. At present, the Reserve District's bonding capacity for land acquisition is 1/10 of 1% of the full and true value of Hennepin County, not including Minneapolis. This amounts to $659,000.00. According to i1ir. French's figures of future land costs, and the rapid diminishing land area, the present bonding capability will not keep pace with our needs. Therefore, the Reserve District has a plan that would avail the needed land area with a mill increase that would raise $83,000,000.00 This figure, when likened to other villages in Hennepin County, seemed very high according to our population. Many questions were asked relating to the 12,000 needed acres and why this approach was used. After which, all board members thanked Mr. French for his presentation. At this time Ilr. Brenna gave a brief resume of the Pool Committee progress. A brochure will be mailed out to each resident of Golden Valley within ten days. Endorsements have been given by the Jaycee's, J.C. ettes, and the Lionettes. The committee has talked to seven organizations, and has eleven more speaking engagments. The Jaycee's will sponsor an open form at the Village Hall_, along with handing out flyers to every resident of Golden Valley. Posters will be set up in each store window, and a last minute flyer will be sent home with the school children. Also, the newspaper will feature a story each week until election day. Board members present, after hearing the pool committee's talk at Golden Valley High School, brought forth suggestions on how the committee might improve their delivery, they also recommended that a rendering of the pool would be very beneficial. Mr. Brenna talked briefly on the Park development program. Spring clean up is under way. All parks are being racked, cleaned and fertilized. All the tennis nets are up. The planned schedule for step one of our four year program included final grading, seeding and the planting of trees and shrubs this spring, summer and fall. Mr. Brenna mentioned that he would like the services of a professional in regard to site planning and planting scheme for each park. Mr. Brenna. talked with Mr. Donald Brauer from the firm of Harrison, Brauer and Ripple about the possibility. Mr. Brauer would like to present a proposal at a future meeting. Board members present agreed to listen to Mr. Brauer's proposal. At this time, Mr. Brenna mentioned that the Linter Program was over, and some 2,500 Golden Valley residents took part in 15 recreational activities during the past winter season. At present, the Park and Recreation Department is engaged in program planning for the coming summer season, and the hiring of activity personnel. Mr. Brenna mentioned that all key personnel will be back, plus many of the activity personnel as well. The summer program will start June 17 and end August 10, 1963. At our last meeting Mr. Stockman and Mr. Ewald were appointed as a committee of two to read over and recommend the Ordinance Regulating; the Use of Parks, Rules and Procedures for the Park and Recreation Commission, Organizational Structure, and a new Ordinance Establishing the Park and Recreation Commission. It was their recommendation that we forget the new Ordinance Establishing the Park and Recreation Commission and the Organizational Structure, but they recommended that the Rules and Procedures and the Ordinance Pertaining to the Use of Parks be adopted. All board members present agreed unanimously. Mr. Brenna then asked the boards permission to attend the Great Lakes Recreation Conference in Dayton, Ohio. Board members present agreed wholeheartedly. Ray Stockman moved for adjournment, seconded by John Byrnes. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P. M. air Vice-Chairmah A 1