Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting
January 30th 7:00 P.M.
The Park and Recreation Commission of the Village of Golden Valley met
at its regular monthly meeting at the Village Hall, Thursday, January
30, 1964, at 7:00 P.M. Board members present: John Sullivan, Chairman,
Stanley Anderson, Laura Scheffler, Ray Petersen, John Byrnes, Graydon
Ewald, and Elroy Roelke. Also present were John Brenna, Director, Cindy
Olson, Secretary, Ben West, Chairman of Bassett's Creek Citizen's Commit-
tee, Bruce Paterson, Acting Secretary of Bassett's Creek Citizen's Commit-
tee, and members of the League of Women Voters.
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M. by Chairman Sullivan. The
minutes from the January 9th, 1964, meeting were then called for approval.
Ray Petersen moved the, be approved. Laura Scheffler seconded. Minutes
were approved as written.
John Brenna explained that the first meeting of the Dutch Elm Committee
had been held on January 23rd, 1964. The Committee is contemplating the
use of the Boy Scouts of Golden Valley for a survey of the elm trees in
Golden Valley. Publicity on the project will be forthcoming as the Com-
mittee progresses. The tentative kick-off date for the survey is Washing-
ton's Birthday.
John Brenna stated that most of the Winter Programs were coming to a close.
Attendance was high and all of the programs seemed to be met with enthusiam.
John Brenna explained that a meeting had been held with some of the off-
icials of the Minneapolis Park Board. A possibility of mid -block light-
ing along Manor Drive and Zenith Avenue was discussed. It will probably
be a jo-int venture with Golden Valley and the Minneapolis Park Board.
Dr. Ray Petersen read a letter form Ray Stockman to the Magor requesting
to be relieved from the Park and Recreation Commission. The letter was
read and accepted by the Council.
Mrs. Edward Farni, Chairman of the League of Women Voters Trail Ways
Program, and some other members arrived to present their proposed Trail
Ways plan. Mrs. Farni stated that the League can initiate, study and
present their plans to different groups and hope for backing and support.
They are unable to take any action. Mrs. Farni then told of ways that
Meeting - January 30th, 1964
she thought a Trail Ways in Golden Valley would benefit her family. She
also said that at this time there was no established cost for construction
since everything was still in the planning stages. They hope to have a mark
of some sort, to make people aware of the Trail Ways. A mark of paint or
warning sign had been suggested. The Village needs a circulation system
for all residents and equality in the accessibility to the parks. Elroy
Roelke asked Mrs. Farni what the League of Women Voters wanted the Park
and Recreation Commission to do. She stated that they want to reactivate
interest in the trails insofar as a. study is concerned at this time.
Elroy Roelke moved that the Park Board extend our appreciation to the
League of Women Voters for their presentation and we assure them that we
will study the proposed program at our next meeting. Ray Petersen second-
ed the motion. The motion carried. Mrs. Borchart and Mrs. Presta.gard
then brought up a Girl Scout project that they wished us to approve.
They want to erect a historical marker in Bassett's Creek Park. The
Readers Digest o7fers a $500.00 grant to Girl Scouts for community pro-
jects. Discussion followed. Laura Scheffler moved that we endorse the
Golden Valley Girl Scouts Community Service Project in Bassett's Creek
Park. John Byrnes seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Bruce Paterson explained the contents of the Bassett's Creek Report that
each of the Board members had received. It contains all the background
history - judicial law, water ways, etc. pertinent to Bassett's Creek.
A joint meeting will be held in February concerning Bassett's Creek.
Those committees attending the meeting will be the Park and Recreation
Commission. the Planning Commission, the Village Council, and the
Bassett's Creek Citizen's Gommittee. It was felt by the Park Board that
we attend the meeting with no definite ideas but willing to learn. Then
a decision can be made about a policy at our next meeting.
February 13th was the date set for a special meeting. John Brenna wishes
to discuss the Park Developments and contracts for the summer months. Ile
also wishes to inform the new Board members more fully about the Park
and Recreation Commission.
There being no further business, Ray Petersen moved the meeting adjourn.
Laura Scheff ,er second d. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Chair, n