March 30, 1965
Special Meeting
Board members present: Laura Scheffler, Chairman, Stan Anderson, John Byrnes,
Dr Ray Petersen, Gene Roelke, John Sullivan, and Dr Roy Yamahiro. Also presont:
John L Brenna, Director and Dolores Peterson, Secretary.
Minutes of the March 4th special meeting and March 23rd special and regular
meetings were read and approved.
Discussion ensued around the subject of communications. It was the feeling of
the Park and Recreation Commission that a closer tie should exist between the
Village Council and the Park and Recreation Commission. It was moved by Gene
Roelke that we send each council member a copy of our minutes and a synopsis of
any controversial issue that might arise. The motion was seconded by Dr Yamahiro.
The motion was carried.
At htis time Mr Brenna brought forth a tentative achedule of expenditures 6or a
three year period amounting to $165,000. The schedule included 13 park areas,
2 areas for acquisition and a storage building. Mr Brenna explained in detail
the finances of each. At this time board members discussed the proposed schedule
in relation to the community at large, timing, feasible amount, other community
programs, etc. After a great deal of discussion it was the consensus of board
members present to approve the proposed schedule. At this time T)r Petersen Moved
that we ask the Golden Valley Village Council to approve a bond issue in the amount
of $165,000 for park development, land acquisition, and a storage building; and
further recommend that the date of the election be set for June 29, 1965. John
Sullivan seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously.
Mr Brenna mentioned that the portion of Scheid Park lying north of CHAS #66 is
under discussion, insofar as redemption is concerned. Mr Brenna stated that the
property was of no value for an active area, but mentioned that a strip of at
least 20 feet plus the easement on Regent Avenue should be held, in case an
overhead walk ramp is installed. Board members were in agreement. The subject
was tabled until the nextmeeting.
There being no further business Dr Yamahiro moved the meeting be adjourned and
John Sullivan seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.