7-8-1965SPECIAL MEETING of the GOLDEN VALLEY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION July 3, 1965 A special Yeeting of the Golden Valley Park & Recreat-I.on Commission was held on Thursday, July 8, 1965, at 7:00 p.m. at the Golden ValleTr Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman_ Scheffler presided and the following members were present: John Sullivan, Ray Petersen, Stan Anderson, Gene Roelke; Absent: John Byrnes and Roy Yamahiro. Also present: Director John Brenna and secretary Phyllis Jordahl. A motion by Dr Petersen, seconded by Stan Anderson, to approve the minutes of the June 21th meeting; carried unanimously. BOND ISSUE Chairman Scheffler thanked the Commission Members for their hard work and the good job done in the past bond issue. The Commission as a whole thanked John Brenna for the very good job he had done. John Brenna read letters that had been written to individuals from the Park and Recreation Commission thanking them for the time and effort each of them had put forth. The letters were sent to the following: Max Green, Pers Helmi Storlie-League of Women Voters, Tom Tart -Jaycees, Mrs Jean Farni, Burton Brown, Don Brocltel-BoyScouts, Mrs William Terry, Mrs Bill Mattison, Mrs Lee ti^Maden and the Village Council. LITTLE LEAGUE FIELD John Brenna read a letter that the Cortmission had received from Lloyd Hollander, Golden Valley Little League President, which stated that they would like to put in a bid for a Little League baseball diamond at Lions Parr:. It stated that the Little League would use the field from 5:00 p.m. until dark_ each weekday and from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Saturdays during the months of May, June and July. A motion by John Sullivan, seconded by Dr Petersen, to invite the Little League to send someone to attend the next regular meeting of the Parr & Recreation Commission on July 29, 1965, to discuss the use of Lions Park, carried unanimously. SCHEID PARK John Brenna read various background correspondence from persons directly and indirectly involved. After considerable discussion to ways and means of obtaining a footbridge, it was asked that the Park and Recrea- tion Director obtain cost figures for the construction of a footbridge, and attendaneekrojections for the park itself. A tabulation will be brought forth at the regular meeting July 29, 1965. A motion was entertained for adjournment at 20:00 p.m. Vice-cairman-ha r