8-26-1965REGULAR MEETING of the GOLDEN VALLEY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSIONAugust 26, 1965 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park & Recreation Commission was held Thursday, August 26, 1965, at the Golden Valley Civic Center. Chairman Scheffler presided and the following members were present: John Sullivan, Ray Petersen, Roy Yamahiro, and Gene Roelke. Members absent: Stan Anderson and John Byrnes. Also present: Bob Lockwood, Lloyd Roepke, John Brenna, director and Dolores Peterson, secretary. A motion by Petersen, seconded by Sullivan to approve minutes of July 8th Special Meeting and July 29th Regular Meeting. SCHEID PARK CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Brenna reviewed the situation concerning the access problem to Scheid Park. He also read a memo received by the Park and Recreation Department from the Hennepin County Highway Department stating that the Citizens group from West Urban Area had requested a place on their agenda to make a formal request for safe access. The date for this has not yet been set but would be done in the near future. The memo reiterated the need for facts and figures to warrant a footbridge or traffic signals. Mr. Brenna was asked to notify board members of the date set for the board hearing. LITTLE LEAGUE FIELD The request of the Little League for a baseball diamond at Lions Club Park was reviewed. Mr. Brenna stated that since the request had been made, ground work had begun at Lions Park and long range plans for the park have changed somewhat. The number of ball diamonds possible to install at this park must be cut to three instead of four in order to provide adequate space and facilities for other planned activities. This would mean that the location of the Little League diamond will have to be changed to a different park, because the three diamonds will have to be softball regulation fields. Discussion followed and it was decided to give the Little League assurance that we want to cooperate in providing them with a base- ball diamond although we may not be able to put it in on the location requested. Wesley was mentioned as a possible alternative. SUMMER PROGRAM RECAP Mr. Brenna reviewed the summer activities. He commented on the drop in the swimming registrations from last year. He also mentioned that Harvey Feldman, director of Parks & Recreation in New Hope, had expressed the desire to run a cooperative swimming program with Golden Valley or to at least allow Golden Valley to use their pool on a lease arrangement. PARK CONSTRUCTION At present we have 13 park maintenance men working for the depart- ment. Mr Roepke reported the work done this summer and Mr. Brenna 1 MINUTES - August 26, 1965 Page 2 showed pictures of the areas involved and compared work done with the plans provided in the Park Bond Issue. Mr. Roepke reported the sprinkling system completed and sodded over at Scheid Park, that they were working on the sanitary sewer at present, an ad plans for seeding the flat surface area this fall. A softball backstop will also be installed this fall. At Yosemite Park fill has been added and grading has been done. The sprin ing system has been installed and the park has been sodded and seeded. The hard surface area is next to be constructed. Two ball diamonds, backstops and team benches have been finished and the north and west areas of Wesley Park has been seeded. Mr. Roepke mentioned the problem of c aywasF'ng down through the man- hole across Zealand and onto the west ball diamond killing the grass. This problem has not yet been solved. Work has just begun at Lions Park; at present black dirt has been brought in and plans are for uunncerdrain installation yet this fall. Mr. Roepke also reported that temporary shelters for Lions and Scheid Parks have been built and that some of his men were working on hockey boards so they will be ready when the season arrives. BUDGET The 1966 Budget was discussed. Mr Brenna explained great increases occuring in the various divisions, such as; a request for 2 additional men in the park maintenance personnel and a jump in the utilities due to installation of more lights in parks. A motion was made by Petersen, seconded by Roelke to approve the proposed budget for 1966. Carried unanimously. DAY CAMP FILM Bob Lockwood, Day Camp Director, presented the day camp schedules and a film of daily activities in the week of a camper. Discussion concerning the great enthusiasm for this program brought forth two suggestions: 1. Could we enlarge the staff making it possible to take more children each week? 2. Could we extend the program a week or two? Mr. Lockwood stated that a larger number at each camp might crowd the activities so as to detract from the effectiveness of the camp. FALL PROGRAM Mr. Brenna reported that the fall activities' dates were being cleared with the schools involved. The activities again included swimming, tumbling & trampoline, volleyball, basketball, and a possible football program for men. MINUTES - August 26, 1965 MEETING WITH MR. ULSTAD Page 3 The members of the Commission asked Chairman Scheffler to request a meeting with Mr. Ulstad to hear his explanation of the Golden Valley Personnel Salary Schedule. First choice as to time and date was set for Monday, August 30th at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Chairman Vice -Chairman 1