October 28, 1965
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park & Recreation Commission
was held on Thursday, October 28, 1965, at 7:00 p.m. at the
Golden Valley Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley,
Minnesota. Chairman Laura Scheffler presided and the following
members were present: John Sullivan, Ray Petersen, Roy Yamahiro,
Stan Anderson. Members absent: John Byrnes, Gene Roelke. Also
present were John Brenna, Director, Phyllis Jordahl, secretary
and John Voss, Planning Commission.
Minutes of the September 30, 1965, regular meeting were approved
as written.
Mrs. Scheffler mentioned that she enjoyed her visit at the confer-
ence. She took in a session on Board Members, which was very
enlightening. Dr. Petersen mentioned he also enjoyed the day he
spent at the conference. He took in a session on Recreational
Music. Mr. Brenna mentioned that he thought it was a very good
conference even though the world Series was held at the same
time and Mr. Robert Short, the poor inkeeper, transferred most of
the Conference from the Leamington Hotel to the Minneapolis
Mr. Brenna mentioned that the school board was mainly interested
in lighting expenses incurred while our programs were using their
facilities. Mr. Brenna stated that the Park & Recreation Commission
were cognizant of the fact that when a burden occurs in an area of
our programming on another party, we definitely will take steps to
correct the situation. Mr. Brenna pointed out that there are
services which the Village extends to the school district through-
out the year. The School Board realizes that we do help out when
needed, but they feel if at some time the burden becomes burdensome,
some action would, no doubt, take place.
Mr. Brenna brought forth a quick resume on work done in all parks.
Mr. Brenna mentioned that a spread sheet on all park construction
will be brought forth at our next meeting.
At this time Mr. Brenna displayed a visual composit picture of
Park Acquisition Plans. Mr. Brenna explained the feasibility of
acquiring said lands, present status, and asking price.
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A motion by Dr. Petersen, seconded by Stan Anderson to recommend
that Mr. Brenna proceed with negotiations to purchase for the
entire Medley Hills Park area, the available parcels of land bor-
dering Ensign Avenue and Medley Lane, carried unanimously.
A motion by Dr. Petersen, seconded by John Sullivan to approve
acquisition of available lots in the Lakeview Heights Addition
for park purposes carried unanimously.
A motion by John Sullivan, seconded by Stan Anderson, to proceed
with negotiations to acquire the four lots on the west end of
Hampshire Park, carried unanimously.
Mr. Brenna introduced Mr. John Voss, our Village Planner. Mr. Voss
briefly outlined the provision of a new law that will go into
effect January 1, 1966, which possibly could help our land acquisi-
tion program. The law allows that subdivision regulations may
require that in appropriate plots of subdivisions to be developed
for residential uses that a reasonable portion of each proposed
subdivision be dedicated to the public for public use as parks and
playgrounds, or that the subdivider at his option contribute an
equivalent amount in cash as defined by the regulations, provided
that cash payments received under such regulations shall be placed
in a special fund by the municipality and used only for the acqui-
sition of land for parks and playgrounds. Considerable discussion
ensued from board members present.
A motion by Dr. Yamahiro seconded by Dr. Petersen to appoint a
committee of two to work with Mr. Brenna and that an extensive
recommendation be made to the Village Council, coordinated with
the Planning Commission relating to the dedication of land for
public use as parks or playgrounds by land developers and new
subdividers, carried unanimously.
Chairman Scheffler appointed Gene Roelke and Roy Yamahiro to
serve on this committee.
The board members discussed the progress of our shop and storage
building. Mr. Brenna mentioned that his department is about ready
to investigate other facilities fQr their pros and cons so that in
our building some of the pitfalls are avoided.
A motion by Stan Anderson seconded by Dr Yamahiro to begin the
research for preliminary plans for our shop and storage building,
carried unanimously.
A motion for adjournment was entertained at 10:00 p.m.
.y Y
Chairman Vice -Chairman