12-9-1965r REGULAR MEETING of the GOLDEN VALLEY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION December, 1965. A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Pari: & Recreation Commission was held on Thursday, December 9, 1965, at 7:00 p.m. at the Golden Valley Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Raod, i Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Laura Scheffler presided and the followina members were present: John Sullivan, Ray Peterson, Roy Yamahiro, Stan Anderson, and Gene toelke. Member absent: John Byrnes. Also present were John Brenna, Director, Phyllis Jordahl, secretary, and John Voss, Planning Commission. Minutes of the October 28, 1965, regular meeting were approved as written. RECOMMENDATION - NEW PARK PLANNING LAW John Voss of the Planning Commission was present to answer questions on the New State Planning Law. Durinc the month a Committee of Roelke, Yamahiro and Director Brenna had met and discussed the possibility of a park dedication clause and came up with the following draft: "In subdivisions designed for residential use, encompassing more than four dwelling units, the subdivider shall dedicate to the Village, for public use as parks and playgrounds, an amount of land equivalent in value to $100 per the dwelling unit where the land being subdivided is designated for parks and playgrounds; according to the Village Community 'Facilities Plan. Or, the subdivider shall contribute an amount of cash equivalent to $100 per dwelling unit based upon the number of lots in the subdivision designed for single family homes or the maximum number of units permitted if zoned multiple dwelling as provided by Section of the Minnesota State Statutes. Cash payments received shall be used only for the acquisition of land for public parks and playgrounds. Single Family - 400 units 2.5 units per acre 10 people per acre - 5 children, 5 adults Land Value $3,000 per acre Dedication equivalent to 10% or $300 per acre or $120 per unit. Also for every 10 people - .1 acre of park is needed. Multiple - 2,500 units 12 units per acre 30 people per acre - 6 children, 24 adults Land Value $10,000 Dedication equivalent to 10✓/ or $1,000 or $83.00 per unit. Also for every 30 people .3 acre of park needed.,, Minutes of the Park & ;pec. Comm Meeting 12-9-65 Page 2 A motion by Petersen, seconded by Sullivan to approve the preceding suggested park dedication clause and send it on to the Planning Commission carried. GOLDEN VALLEY LITTLE LEAGUE Mir. Bill Bossert of the Golden Valley Little League was present to ask for some commitment from the Park Board for a new location for the Golden Valley Little League Baseball Diamond, since the land they are now occupying at the Minnegasco Park has been sold. However, they will be able to use it for their 196 season. A motion by Roelke, seconded by Sullivan: Resolve' that Golden Valley Little League, Inc. shall be per- mitted to improve a baseball diamond on Village Pars land in a manner and place approved by the Park & Recreation Director and further they shall be permitted to designate such baseball diamond as the "Little League" diamond provided, however, that use of such facility shall not be exclusive of appropriate general public use, and that the improvements and facilities shall be at all times owned by the Village. Fwrther resolved that it is the Recreation Commission to assist The motion carried un&nimousiy. PARK ACQUISITION intention of the Park and and cooperate in this endeavor. Mr. Brenna stated he had presented to the Village Council, the Park & Recreation Commission I -_coP andation for additional park property. The Council approved of our flan and gave their consent to our negotiations. Mr. Brenna at this time informed the Park & recreation Commission that the Lapides property in the Lakeview Heights area has been purchased and negotiations are underway for the remainder of said property. Hopef_.11y the remaining lots will be purchased by mid-February. 4INTER PROGRAM Mr. Brenna gave a brief rundown on all of the winter activities which included Swimming, adult & children, Basketball for the men and boys, Volleyball, Men's night in the Gym, Schronized Swimming, Senior Citizens, Tumbling & Trampolene, Slim Gym, the past Football program, Skiing, and Hockey. He informed the board that the skating rinks were all ready with the exception of the cold weather to :make the ice. FEDERAL GRANS IN AID Mr. Brenna informed the Commission of Federal Aid Programs that could be of benefit to our park system. Copies of the urban Beautification program will be sent to each Commission member for their study and recommendation. 1 1 F_ Minutes of the Park & Recreation Comm. Meeting 12-9-65 Page 3 HAMPSHIRE PARK A motion by Sullivan, seconded by Roelke, to have the Park and Recreation Director start right after the first of the year to formulate overall plans and definite fill for Hampshire Park during the construction period in 1966. The motion carried with one member abstaining. EXPIRING TERMS Commission members whose terms will expire the end of December of this year are: Stanley Anderson, John W. Byrnes and Dr. Ray G. Petersen. Members Anderson and Petersen indicated they would enjoy another term on the Commission. Chairman Scheffler stated she would contact Mr. Byrnes to see if he would be interested in serving another term. Dr. Yamahiro, whose ter.r will expire in December, 1967, mentioned that he has moved fro -n the Village of Golden Valley and that his resignation from the Park & Recreation Commission wo=ald be forthcoming. Chairman Scheffler asked if board members present would submit names of Golden Valley residents who world be interested in serving on the Park & Recreation Commission to Mr. Brenna before December 25, 1965. In turn, the recommendation will be sent on to the Village Council for appointment. A motion for adjournment was entertained at 10:30 P.M. Chairman -- -- ----- Vice-Chairman