3-28-1968REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION March 289 1968 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park & Recreation Commission was held Thursday, March 28, 1968, at 7:00 p.m. at the Public Safety Building, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Vice -Chairman Dave Kahn presided, and the following members were present: Roelke, Sullivan, Oukrop, Hammer, Brown, Byrnes, Petersen, Neuman, Fischer, Reed, Forster, Jerje and Anderson. Member absent: Tart. Also present: Director John Brenna, Secretary Phyllis Jordahl APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOVED, secondedland unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the February 29, 1968 meeting, as mailed. BROOKVIEW SUB -COMMITTEE REPORT Dr. Petersen briefed those members who were not present when Claire Armstrong and James Rydeen, architects from the firm of Arnstrong, Schlichting, Torseth and Skold met with the Brookview Sub -Committee on March 11, 1968. The next sub -Committee meeting will be held on April 15th at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Bucky Johnson from the Minneapolis Park Board will talk about golf in the Minneapolis Park System. RECREATION SUB -COMMITTEE REPORT Kathy Herje reported on the meeting with the Senior Citizens. The Sub -Committee felt the meeting very beneficial in that many ques- tions were brought forth; such questions as: storgae facilities, day use, a raised stage, kitchen facilities, transportation, janitorial staff, P.A. system, frequency of meetings, types of activities, etc. The next meeting of the recreation sub -committee will be held with the Teenagers at Brookview, Saturday morning, March 30, 1968 at 10:00 a.m. MINNESOTA RECREATION & PARK ASSOCIATION - SPRING CONFERENCE Mr. Brenna apprised the commission of the MRPA Spring Conference which will be held in Owatonna on May 2nd and 3rd. Members will be mailed the schedule of events for the conference. SCHEID PARK BRIDGE AGREEMENT 411 Commission members received a copy of the Scheid Park Bridge Agreement proposed by Hennepin County, and certain suggested changes to that agreement from Mr. Brenna, Mr. Odland and Mr. Skare. After considerable discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to present a counter -proposal. MOVED by Roelke, seconded by Petersen, unanimously carried that the Commission accept the counter -proposal and enter into an agreement with Hennepin County on the Scheid Park Bridge. March 28, 1968 TRACTOR -LOADER BID Page 2 Bids were re -opened March 1, 1968 at 11:00 a.m, for the purchase of one tractor -loader. Bids were as follows: Freeway Equipment - John Deere $5,844.00 Long Lake Farm Supply, Inc. - Ford 5,978.00 International Harvester Co. - I. H. 6.540.00 Upon recommendation from the Park & Recreation Director, the bid was awarded to the low bidder, Freeway Equipment in the amount of $5,844.00. FENCING Mr. Brenna informed the commission of certain requests by home owners for fencing. The home owners live contiguous to Scheid and Wesley Parks. After considerable discussion, It was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Roelke, unanimously carried to set forth the following resolution. RESOLVED: that, since Golden Valley Parks are intended to be open, inviting, attractive, accessible areas for public recreation, Golden Valley should not install permanent fencing between Golden Valley Park Property and abut- ting private property, (-eYrg See m i n L i P S cr-�- BROOKVIEW POOL AGREEMENT In negotiating with Brookview for the purchase of same, the days the Village could use the pool were put to three days a week for eight weeks in the summer, when in actuality, the need for the pool is five days a week for eight weeks. There might be some sort of compromise available, in that Brookview will let us have the pool five days if we will let them have the Brookview Building for a few Saturday nights and New Years Eve. After considerable discussion, both pro and con, it was MOVED by Sullivan, seconded by Byrnes, unanimously carried to recommend that John Brenna negotiate to the best of his ability with the Brookview people so the Village can use the swimming pool facility for our Summer Swimming Program. PROGRAM SUPERVISOR The need for a They asked Mr. requirements at program supervisor Brenna to provide the next regular PHYSICAL FITNESS ITEM was discussed by the Commission. a job description and salary meeting. A brochure was passed around to each Commission member. The Commission asked for criteria concerning space, which would encompass the item, to be made available at the next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. - '---- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - Chairman Stan Anderson --------------------- Vice-Chairman Dave Kahn 1 I�