1-30-1969REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION January 30, 1969 A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was held on Thursday January 30, 1969 at 7:30 p.m. at the Brookview Community Center, 3200 Wayzata Boulevard, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Vice - Chairman Kahn presided, and the following members were present: Sullivan, Oukrop, Tart, Hammer, Brown, Jodan, Petersen, Fischer, Herje, and Kelby. Members absent: Reed, Forster. Also present: John Murphy, Acting Village Manager; Lloyd Roepke, Park Maintenance Supervisor; Richard Rosland, Assistant Recreation Director; John Brenna, Park and Recreation Director; Lois Schaaf, Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOVED by Herje, seconded by Fischer to accept the minutes of the November 25, 1968 Regular Commission meeting as written. Carried. MOVED by Sullivan, seconded by Tart to accept the minutes of the December 13, 1968 Special Commission meeting as written. Carried. INTRODUCTION OF NEW COMMISSION MEMBERS Vice -Chairman Kahn introduced new members Robert Jodan and George Kelby, and welcomed them to the Commission. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1969 Vice -Chairman Kahn announced that nominations were now open for Chairman and Vice Chairman for -1969. Nominations for Chairman were as follows: Larry Fischer, Dr. Petersen and David Kahn. It was then MOVED by Oukrop, seconded by Sullivan, that nominations for Chairman be closed. Carried. A secret ballot was taken, and Mr. Kahn was elected Chairman for 1969. Nominations for Vice -Chairman were then opened. Mr. Fischer's name was the only one brought forth; by acclamation Mr. Fischer was elected Vice -Chairman for 1969. OUTGOING MEMBERS Discussion insued concerning appropriote certificates and/or plaques for outgoing Commission members Stan Anderson and John Byrnes. It was MOVED by Tart and seconded by Fischer to send a certificate to each member depicting their loyal service to the Commission and to the Community. Carried. RECREATION SUB -COMMITTEE REPORT Kathy Herje submitted the Sub -Committee's report on Fees and Charges at the Community Center for approval by the full Commission. After considerable discussion regarding the need for custodial help, etc., it was decided that the Recreation Sub -Committee do further study and submit a new report at a later date. January 30, 1969 Page -2- PROGRESS REPORT - BROOKVIEW CONSTRUCTION Lloyd Roepke stated that the ponding at the Brookview Park area is now complete. The Pro -Shop and Snack Bar construction is under- way, and the footings have been poured for the addition to the pool building. TEEN MEETING REPORT At this time Mr. Rosland reported on the progress being made with the Teen Program. It was suggested that the Teens appear at the next Recreation Sub -Committee meeting to present their by-laws. WOMEN"S AND MEN'S GOLF ASSOCIATION Mr. Brenna brought forth a frief report regarding the formation of the Women's and Men's Golf Associations. Chairman Kahn suggested that when the by'laws of each group is ready, their representatives should appear at the Brookview Sub -Committee meeting. ORIENTATION MEETING An orientation meeting for the new Commission members will be held soon (date to be announced later). Any current members are welcome to attend. SUB -COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Sub -Committee appointments for the coming year will be made during the next week and sent in the mail. The committee for the Open House (Brookview) will be named at the same time. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Brenna mentioned that both the Senior Citizens and the Teen Group would like a representative from their organizations to attend the Park and Recreation Commission meetings on an ex - officio basis. The groups would name their representatives and attend several times a year. PARK SITE At this time Mr. Brenna showed Commission members present, by use of a Village map, a 42 acre site that Rees Thompson Scorggins, Inc. has. They wondered if we might be interested in purchasing same for a possible park site. Mr. Brenna also stated that the asking price is $80,000 an acre. There was no discussion on the matter. There being no further business, by Hammeeadjou the meeting a rman it was MOVED by Sullivan, seconded at 10:10 p.m. --==L--- -�I-- ----------- Vice-Chaijrman Larry Fischer 1 1