7-31-1969REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION July 31, 1969 A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 31, 1969 at the Brookview Municipal Community Center, 8200.Wayzata Boulevard, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Vice -Chairman Fischer presided, and the following members were present: Brand, Brown, Jodan, Kelby, Oukrop, Sullivan, Tart, Weisenburger. Members absent: Kahn, Forster, Herje; Petersen. Aleo present: Lloyd Roepke, Park Maintenance Supervisor; John Brenna, Park and Recreation Director; Lois Schaaf, Secretary. MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of June 26, 1969 were approved as written. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS PARK SUB -COMMITTEE Robert Jodan reported that the Park Sub -Committee took a tour of all Golden Valley Parks before their meeting of July 8th. He also informed the Commission that he had contacted General Mills, Inc. regarding their deeding the property north of future Duluth Street as a nature area. They (General Mills, Inc.) are not willing to part with the property at this time. The remainder of the items in the July 8th minutes of the Park Sub - Committee will be discussed at the next regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission on Thursday, August 28th. RECREATION SUB -COMMITTEE No report. BROOKVIEW SUB -COMMITTEE No report. The next meeting will be held on Monday, August 11, 1969 at 7:00 p.m, in the Brookview Municipal Community Center. DIRECTORIS REPORT Budget - 1970 - Mr. Brenna asked for three volunteers for a Budget ot; mmif�ee. olunteers were Burt Brown, George Kelby and Tom Tart - to be notified of a meeting when the proposed budget for 1970 is complete. Recap-B_r000kview Municipal Golf Course - At this time Mr. Brenna brought forth a Grief recap on rounds of golf played and total green fees to date. July 31, 1969 Page -2- Scheid Park Bridge - Mr. Brenna stated that the Scheid Park Bridge would be under construction on August 1st. There being no further business, it was MOVED by Oukrop, seconded by Kelby to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. ----- -------------------r=�--------------- Ch firman Kahn Vice - Ch;irman Fischer 1 1