5-21-1970REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION May 21, 1970 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission was held on Thursday, May 21, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. at the Brookview Municipal Community Center, 8200 Wayzata Boulevard, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Fischer presided, and the following members were present: Brown, Herje, Kelby, Petersen, Tart. Members absent: Brand, Hammer, Kahn. Also present: Corey Bakken, Golf Operations Manager; Richard Rosland, Assistant Park and Recreation Director; John Brenna, Park and Recreation Director. MINUTES MOVED by Dr. Petersen, second by Tart that the minutes of the April 23, 1970 Regular Meeting be accepted as mailed. AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORT (NATURAL AREAS) At this time Mr. Kelby informed the Park and Recreation Board as to progress of the natural area committee. Mr. Kelby stated that the committee had attended a recent meeting where the Metropolitan Develnprnent Guide on Perks and Open Space was explained. Mr. Kelby stated that the aims and objectives of the Metropolitan Park Reserve Board were much the same as our committee. Mr. Kelby stated that the Committee had also toured the Village and had looked at a number of natural areas that had a7 dual purpose where ponding could also be utilized. Mr. Kelby stated that the committee is planning to meet with our Village Engineer for additional information relating to ponding and drainage. AD-HOC COMiMITTEE REPORT (BROOKVIEW PARK) At this time Chairman Fischer explained to those members present that the Village Council on May 4, 1970, denied the issuance of Patron cards to Golden Valley business men who do not live in Golden Valley. Chairman Fischer also stated that the Village Council at the above meeting denied the Park and Recreation Board's request for the re- commitment of parking lot surfacing monies for a shelter building in Brookview Park, SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM At this time Mr. Rosland briefed the Park and Recreation Board on the following summer activities: Swimming instruction; Open Swimming; Synchronized Swimming; Family and Adult evening swimming; Knothole Regular Meeting - Park and Recreation Commission May 21, 1970 Pace 2 Baseball; Puppet trailer shows; Puppetry classes; Creative Dramatics; Junior Golf; Group golf lessons; Tennis instructions; Picnic and Party service; Ment softball; Women's softball; Summer playgrounds; Arts and Crafts; Playground softball; Junior High Volleyball; Senior Citizens; Bookmobile at the Parks; Programs with the Pilot City Project; Program for the Mentally Retarded; Day Camping; and Junior and Senior Teen Center Activities. PARK DEVELOPMENT At this time Mr. Brenna briefed the Park and Recreation Board as to Park developments. Mr. Brenna stated that most park construction work has been held up due to the strikes by the various trades. Mr. Brenna stated that the expenditure of the 1 mill levy for Park Construction will take place during the course of the summer. BROOKVIEW GOLF PROGRESS REPORT At this time Mr. Bakken briefed the Park and Recreation Board as to course activities and developments. Mr. Bakken stated that the men's and women's golf associations are organized and functioning well. Mr. Bakken also stated thet the juhior golf program has been set for boys and girls ages 10 to 17, and will begin on June 16th. Mr. Bakken stated that he will bring forth a financial statement at the end of May, and every month thereafter. DIRECTOR's REPORT At this time Mr. Brenna outlined golf course development to date and that which will be undertaken this season. Mr. Brenna stated that the golf cart storage building bid opening will take place on June 9, 1970. Mr. Brenna stated that the Brookview 9crk road excavation and graveling operation should be completed by June 20, 1970. Mr. Brenna mentioned that the bid opening for the water, sewer and electrical utilities for the Brookview Park will be held on June 11, 1970. 1 There being no further business, the Park and Recreation Board adjourned at 10:30 p.m. too" -------------- Cha iirmffn iScher ,r l---- --------- V ce Chaan Here