10-22-1970REGULAR MEETING GOLDEN VALLEY PARK AND RECREATION BOARD October 29, 1970 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Board was held on Thursday, October 29, 1970 at 7:30 p.m, at the Brook - view Municipal Community Center, 8200 Wayzata Boulevard, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Fischer presided, and the following members were present: Brown, Herje, Hammer, Kelby, Petersen, Absent: Brand, Kahn, Tart. Also present: Mr. Omans, Village Man- ager; John Brenna, Park and Recreation Director; Lois Schaaf, secretary. MINUTES MOVED by Petersen, seconded by Brown, to approve the minutes of the 7 ptember 24, 1970 Regular Meeting, October 6, 1970 Special Meet- ing and the October 16, 1970 Special Meeting as mailed. Carried. NEW BUSINESS BROOKVIEW FUND - PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND At this time Mr. Brenna read a memo from Mr. Omans dated 10-20-70 relative to the Brookview Construction Fund. The memo stated that the Village Council had transferred $9,000.00 from the Brookview Construction Fund to the Park Construction Fund; thereby eliminat- ing the Brookview Construction Fund. The Park Construction Fund will from her on out be our vehicle for Park Construction purposes. 1970 BUDGET EXPENDITURES At this time Mr. Brenna brought forth a report depicting estimated expenditures for all budgets as of December 31, 1970. Mr. Brenna stated that he had apprised Mr. Omans of the status of each budget, and that Mr. Omans made the appropriate transfers. PARK CONSTRUCTION (WRAP-UP) At this time Mr. Brenna stated that a public hearing will be held at the next Village Council meeting relative to the purchase of the Rice Lake Area. Mr. Omans asked for a member of the Park and Recrea- tion Board to appear at the public hearing on Manday, November 2, 1970. Dr. Petersen volunteered to represent the Park and Recreation Board. MRO BARKLEY OMANS (VILLAGE MANAGER) At this time Mr. Omans visited with the Board and explained the budget breakout relative to the Park and Recreation function. Mr. Omans also explained that capital development monies relative to Park Construction will be placed in a Park Construction Fund. Golden Valley Park and Recreation Board Page -2- Regular Meeting October 221, 1970 PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING (NOVEMBER) MOVED by Herje, seconded by Kelby to hold the next regular meet- ing on Thursday, December 3, 1970 because of the Thanksgiving Day Holiday which falls on our regular scheduled date. Carried. There being no further business, it was MOVED by Herje, seconded by Hammer to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p,m. airman icher ----`/u/��Z�---U-------- Vice-Chai rmafn Her 'e 1 1