12-14-1970SPECIAL MEETING GOLDEN VALLEY PARK AND RECREATION BOARD DECEMBER 14, 1970 A special meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Board was held on Monday December 143, 1970 at 6:30 p.m. at the Brookview Community Center, A200 Wayzata Boulevard, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Fischer presided, and the following members were present: Kelby, Herje, Petersen, Hammer, Brand, Tart. Absent: Kahn, Brown, Also presnet: Corey Bakken, Golf Operations Manager; John Brenna, Park and Recreation Director; Lois Schaaf, Secretary. TOURNAMENT POLICIES After considerable discussion, it was MOVED by Fischer and seconded by Hammer, that open tournaments may be heTd each year between Mem- orial Day and Labor Day - also, that all closed tournaments must be held before Memorial Day and after Labor Day each year. Carried. At this time, Chairman Fischer appointed a committee consisting of Mr, Kelby, M r. Tart and Mr. Bakken to write up a tournament applica- tion to be used by those who request such tournaments. PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND At this time, Mr. Brenna again presented two plans relative to the Park Construction Fund. Mr. Brenna recommended plan A, which pro- vides a shelter building at Brookview Park, After little discus- sion, it was MOVED by Kelby, seconded by Hammer, that Plan A be our recommendation -To the Village Council for the 1971 Park Construction Fund. Carried, There beina no further business, it was MOVED by Hammer, seconded by Brand to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Carried. -------------- Chairman F Scher Vice-Chai r6an Her j e