6-24-1971REGULAR MEETING GOLDEN VALLEY PARK AND RECREATION BOARD June 24, 1971 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Board was held on Thursday, June 24, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. at the Brookview Municipal Community Center, 8200 Wayzata Boulevard, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Herje presided, and the following members were present: Brown, Gergen, Petersen, Tart. Absent: Brand, Hammer, Fischer, Shinder. Also present: Mr. Richard Goldstein, North Tyrol Cicizens; Mr. James Dodson, Golden Valley Hockey Boosters Associa- tion; Richard Rosland, AssistantrPark and Recreation Director; Corey Bakken, Golf Operations Manager; Lloyd Roepke, Park Superin- tendent; John Brenna, Park and Recreation Director. MINUTES MOVED by Tart, seconded by Petersen, carried to approve the minutes of the May 27, 1971 Regular Meeting as mailed. Carried. NORTH TYROL CITIZENS (Mr. Richard Goldstein) At this time Mr. Richard Goldstein, who resides at 520 Janalyn Circle, Golden Valley brought forth a petition containing signa- tures from 160 families who reside in and around the North Tyrol Park area. Mr. Goldstein stated that the above petition represents 60% of the families who live in the North Tyrol section, which is bounded by Glenwood Avenue on the north and Highway 12 on the south. At this time Mr. Maclay Hyde, who risides at 532 Janalyn Circle stated that the North Tyrol citizens were very interested in seeing a neighborhood park developed at the east end of North Tyrol Park. Mr. Hyde stated that for youngsters living in the North Tyrol Park area, the only parks available are South Tyrol Park, where one must cross Highway 12 and Natchez Park, where one must cross Glenwood Avenue. Mr. Hyde ended by saying that the character of North Tyrol has changed over the last two to three years in that many young families with many small children have moved in. At this time four persons came forth and described their need for a neighborhood park: 1. Dr. Rohl - 528 Janalyn Circle 2. Mrs. Nelson - 716 Meadow Lane 3. Dr. Anderson - 401 Janalyn Circle 4. Mr, Lundsgaard - 909 Parkview Terrace. At this time Mr. Brenna stated that he would like to meet with both proponents and oponents to the development of a neighborhood park so that a plan of action can be drawn which will meet the needs of the entire neighborhood. He also stated that he would like a meeting set forth as soon as possible because of the 1971 budgetry process that will soon be under way. Golden Valley Park and Recreation Board Regular Meeting - June 24, 1971 BUS RECOMMENDATION Page -2- At this time discussion ensued relative to the bus proposal which was tabled at the May meeting. Board members present reviewed costs of operating a department owned bus against leasing a bus; discussed department programming in relation to a bus; and the added responsibility and liability of owning a bus. After considerable discussion relative to the above, it was MOVED by Tart and seconded by Gergen that the Park and Recreation Board recommend to the Village Council that the Vaillage accept the Golfen Valley Lions Club offer of a bus and to provide monies for the operation of a department bus. Carried. GOLF OPERATION REPORT At this time, Mr. Bakken brought forth his monthly report. (See attached report.) SWIM POOL REPORT At this time Mr. Rosland brought forth a report on the swimming pool. (See attached report.) PARK CONSTRUCTION REPORT At this time Mr. Roepke, our Park Superintendent, briefed the Park and Recreation Board as to construction development. Mr. Roepke stated that the following projects are completed: 1. Scheid Park tennis courts and sod. 2. South Tyrol Park, hardsurface area, basketball backboard. 3. Brookview Park Picnic shelter and gravel walkway. 4. Brookview Park storm sewer. 5. Medley Hills Park storm sewer. 6. Brookview Driving Range fencing, hitting tees, dividers, gas tank, pump and sod. 7. Swimming pool painting and vestibule railings. 8. Brookview picnic tables and grills. 9. Brookview Park - north 1/4 seeded. The following projects are underway: 1. Filling and re -grading Woodlawn Park 2. Water and sewer connection - Medley Hills Park 3. Sprinkling system - Medley Hills Park 4. Final grading of Lakeview Heigts Park. Golden Valley Park and Recreation Board Page -3- Regular Meeting - June 24, 1971 GOLDEN VALLEY HOCKEY BOOSTERS ASSOCIATION At this time Mr. James Dodson, President of the Golden Valley Hockey Boosters Association, brought forth a proposal for the 1971 - 1972 Hockey season. Mr. Dodson stated that the Natchez Park rink is ideal in all re- spects, but that Hampshire, Lions, Scheid and Wesley Park rinks need additional lighting. At this time Mr. Brenna stated that the above mentioned rinks will receive 12 quartz fixtures each, as was provided in the 1971 Con- struction Fund, and that said fixtures will provide lighting equal to the Natchez Park rink. After little discussion, Mr. Dodson thanked the Park and Recreation Board for their efforts, hockey -wise. ST, LOUIS PARK ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER At this time Mr. Brenna stated that he had contacted Mr. George Haun, the Park and Recreation Director in St. Louis P8rk, relative to a joint meeting between Park and Recreation Boards. Mr. Haun stated that Mr. Chris Cherches, St. Louis Park's City Manager, would like a joint meeting set forth when their Environmental Center designer is available, and that it would be some time in mid July. Mr. Brenna stated that he would inform the Park and Recreation Board as soon as he receives word of the meeting date. ENVIRONMENTAL SUB -COMMITTEE REPORT At this time Burton Brown briefed the Park and Recreation Board on his sub -committee meeting with the newly established Golden Valley Environmental Commission, Mr. Brown stated that a representative from the Bloomington Natural Resource Commission was present at the meeting and ex- plained their envolvement within Bloomington, Mr. Brown stated that the Bloomington group is envolved with all eco -systems, but concentrate mainly on green space. Mr. Brown also stated that Mr. Odland, our Village Engineer, was present and explained some preliminary descriptions of the Bassetts Creek Report. Mr. Brown also stated that Mr. Kelby, Chairman of the Environmental Commission, named two members of his commission to work with our sub -committee on the preservation of natural areas. LIONS CLUB DONATION (PICNIC TABLES AND GRILLS) At this time Mr. Brenna informed the Park and Recreation Board 1 Golden Valley Park and Recreation Board Page -?- Regular Meeting - June 24, 1971 that the Golden Valley Lions Club donated 10 picnic tables and 3 grills for use in the Brookview Community Park. Mrs. Herje asked Mr. Brenna to send a letter thanking the Lions Club for their greatly needed donation. MEDLEY HILLS PARK AREA (Town House and Apartment Proposal) At this time Mr. Brenna, at the request of Mr. Westlake, the Village Superintendent of Building and Zoning, asked the Park and Recreation Board their reaction relative to townhouses and apartments that are being proposed to the south-west of Medley Hills Park. After much discussion by members present, the question was asked relative to population density, if the proposed townhouses and apartments were built. Mr. Brenna stated that he would check with Mr. Westlake. It was the consensus of members present, that if a high population density is projected for the remaining open space around Medley Hills Park, a second look may have to be taken relative to the park facilities. JUNIOR CHAMBER (Brookview'Park - Playground Project) At this time Or. Petersen asked if the Junior Chamber was going ahead with their playground equipment project. Mr. Brenna stated that the Junior Chamber president had appeared before the Village Council and apprised them of their project, and that the Village Council welcomed the Junior Chamber to partake in the playground equipment project at Brookview Park. 1972 BUDGET MEETING At this time Mr. Brenna stated that the Department budget work papers are due on July 27, and that he would like a budget meeting on July 19th at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Brenna will send a reminder relative to the meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:15 a.m. - - -iY - Chairman Herje Vice -Chairman Brown