December 30, 1971
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Board
was held on Thursday, December 30 1971 at 7:30 p.m. at the Brook -
view Municipal Community Center, 6200 Wayzata Boulevard, Golden
Valley, Minnesota.
Chairman Herje presided, and the following members were present:
Brown, Durda, Gergen, Hammer, Petersen and Tart. Absent: Brand.
Also present: Citizens from the Douglas and Natchez Avenue skating
rink areas; Citizens from the Seeman Park area; Lloyd Roepke, Park
Superintendent; John Brenna, Park and Recreation Director.
Moved by Petersen, and seconded by Gergen to approve the minutes of
the regular meeting of November 18, 1971 as mailed. Carried.
Chairman Herje read a letter from the Police Department thanking
the Park and Recreation Department for our help in making their
snowmobile clinic a success.
Pursuant to our recommendation relative to an amendment to our
present park ordinance regarding animal clean-up, Mrs. Herje read
a letter from Mr. Omans wherein the Village Council asked that we
write an article for the bulletin setting forth the problem and ask-
ing the cooperation of all dog owners in Golden Valley.
At this time, Mrs,Herje read a letter of intent that Mr. Brenna had
sent to Mr. Thomas Feeney,the Director of the local office of the
Housing and Urban Development Department. Mr. Brenna outlined in his
letter our entire park development needs.
Mr. Brenna stated that with our X70,000.00 in Park Construction monies,
we could parlay that amount to 52801,000.00 if we were successful in
obtaining an application approval. He also stated that our chances
are slight because of certain stipulations in the application re-
quirements, but would still recommend to submit one. Mr. Brenna stated
that it would take about one month to prepare the application. Members
present agreed that we should proceed.
Golden Valley Park and Recreation Board Page -2-
Regular Meeting of December 30, 1971
At this time, Mrs. Herje asked Mr. Brenna to set up a meeting with
the residents from the Duluth and Pennsylvania Avenue area at our
next regular meeting. Mrs. Herje stated that she had apprised the
Village Council of our intent at the last budget hearing.
At this time Citizens from the Natchez and Douglas Avenue area asked
that we re-establish the ice rink that has been maintained by us at
this site for the past ten years,Mrs. Herje asked Mr. Brenna to
explain why the ice rink was discontinued.
Mr. Brenna stated that the department is presently maintaining 23 ice
rinks within Golden Valley, and that in certain portions of Golden
Valley where parks did not exist, we did flood private property, but
now that we have a neighborhood park within 1/4 mile of every resident,
we are shifting our rinks to the park sites. He also stated that the
neighborhood park for the residents in the Natchez and Douglas area
is South Tyrol Park which is located 3 blocks to the east.
Mr. Brenna also stated that the city of St. Louis Park has established
an ice rink this year just accross the street from the rink is ques-
tion. Mr. Brenna stated that due to the 1972 budget cut in manpower,
rinks and warming houses that are located close to one another and not
well used will be discontinued.
At this time, citizens from the Natchez and Douglas area stated if the
Village would clear the rink area of snow, they would maintain the
rink surface. Judge Durda MOVED that the department clear the area
of snow, and that the area residents maintain the rink surface for
the remainder of the winter, seconded by Tart. Carried.
At this time, citizens from the Seeman Park area asked why their warm-
ing house was closed this season. Mr. Brenna explained that attendance
figures over the past few years have dropped significantly with the
advent of Hamshire•Park's lighted hockey rink, general skating area
and warming house which is located 4 blocks to the north.
Mr. Brenna also stated that in line with our parks system's develop-
ment, warming houses and/or permanent shelters will be located at play -
fields in the future.
Mr. Brenna displayed a map of our park system, showing the playfield
locations within each quadrant of our community, and their relation-
ships to each neighborhood playground.
Golden Valley Park and Recreation Board Page -3-
Regular Meeting of December 30, 1971
Mr. Brenna stated that we do intend to maintain the ice rink at
Seeman Park this winter. Citizens present stated that their young
children ages 5, 6, and 7 are not permitted to walk the streets to
Hamshire Park. The citizens present asked if the present warming
house could be opened this year from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 P.M. for the
young people after school.
It was MOVED by Tart and seconded by Durda, to open the Seeman warming
house from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Carried.
At this time, Mr. Brenna brought forth his revised recommendations
relative to the 1972 Park Construction Fund. After little dis-
cussion, it was MOVED by Tart, seconded by Hammer to approve said
recommendation. Carried.
At this time, Mrs. Herje thanked those members who were present at
the past Council Budget Hearing in helping establish the revised
Park Construction Fund.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
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Chairman Herje
Vice -Chairman Brown