ktobar 26, 1972
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission
was held on Thursday, October 26, 1972, at 7:30 p.m. at the Brook -
view Municipal Center, 8200 Wayzata Boulevard, Golden Valley, Minn..
Chairman Brown presided, and the following members were present:
Burmeister, Durda, Herje, Kelby, Peterson, and Thrall. Absent:
Gergen and Hammer. Also present: John Brenna, Park and Recreation
Director; David Latvaaho, Assistant Park and Recreation Director;
and John Murphy, Finance Director.
It was Moved by Kelby and seconded by Durda to approve the minutes
of the Regular Meeting of September 21, 1972, as mailed. Carried.
Mr.Latvaaho was 'introduced to all Commission members present, and
they welcomed him to Golden Valley.
At this time, Mrs. Mable Pearson, our summer playground supervisor,
briefed the Park and Recreation Commission on the highlights of the
1972 summer playground program.
Mrs. Pearson stated that 15 playgrounds were in operation this past
summer. Some of the main programs offered were: Tiny Tots Program,
Girls T -Ball, Adult Crafts, Gymnastics, Puppetry, Traveling Trouba-
dor:; Girls' Softball, Boys' Softball, Village wide checkers, chess,
Horseshoe and Tetherball tournaments. Mrs. Pearson stated that 3000
youngsters per week participated in this'summer's programs.
Special Village -wide events such as the annual Penny Carnival and a
playground olympics were great successes due
to bus transportation
that wes provided by the department.
Mrs. Pearson stated that a varied program and
an enthusiastic and
responsive staff made this a fun summer for Golden
Valley youngsters
in spite of the many rainy days.
At this time, Mr. Robert Lockwood, our Summer
Athletic Supervisor
reported that 18 T -ball teams made up of 450
boys ages 6, 7, and
competed this past summer at 9 park areas.
Mr. Lockwood stated that a new program was started
for boys ages 13, 14, and 15. Six teams were
in the evening
established at 3 park
locations with 90 boys competing.
Mr. Lockwood also stated that 375 boys, ages
9 through 12, took part
in our Midget program.
42 Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission
Regular Meeting October 26, 1972 Pa?e -2-
Commission members present thanked Mrs. Pearson and Mr. Lockwood for
their fine presentations and for the varied program this past summer.
At this time, Mr. Brenna stated that six local architectural firms had
contacted the department and asked to be considered.
Mr. Brenna stated that he will send a letter of invitation to each firm
and set up half hour interviews on the 16th of November, starting at
7:00 p.m. Each architectural firm will be asked to inspect each building
site prior to the interview, plus provide us with a scheme which will
ensure that we stay within our alloted funds.
At this time, Mr. Robert Gove from the Hennepin County Park Reserve
District, brought forth a description of the Multi -trail System. Mr.
Gove stated that a comprehensive system of trails could offer Hennepin
County citizens a diversity of trail activities for all seasons, thereby
providing opportunities for bicycling, hiking, and horseback riding in
the spring, summer, and fall, and ski touring and snowmobiling in the
winter. The system for the most part would be located along stream
valleys, however, certain segments may include abaondoned railroads,
vacated roads and utility easements.
Mr. Gove stated that in essence, the concept would be a linear system
of parks and open space that could accomodate those trail uses that are
linear in character requiring great distrances, particularly bicycling
and snowmobiling. The concept of multiple use is not intended to include
any other form of motorized recreation vehicle.
Mr. Gove stated that it is intended that horseback riding and snowmobil-
ing would occur only in those areas of the county where it would be
practical to achieve. Generally, these areas are beyond the second and
third tier of suburbs. Connecting corridors for access to the main trai
system would be primarily the responsibility of the affected municipal-
ities and user groups.
As to funding, Mr. Gove stated that the Park District is in no position
to contribute any funds toward implementation of the system, but were
optimistic that federal and state funds could be obtained.
Mr. Gove stated that the League of Municipalities will be helding a
meeting to discuss the multi -trail system at the Golden Valley Village
Hall on November 2nd.
Mr. Gove asked if we would be present at the above meeting. Chairman
Brown stated that Golden Valley has a trails committee, and that they
would be notified of the meeting.
Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission
Regular Meeting October 26, 1972
Page 3
At this time, Mr. Donald Rautio, Instructional Assistant at Sigurd Olson
School, briefed the Park and Recreation Commission on the schools Out-
door Environmental Classroom as it pertains to Wildwood Park.
Mr. Rautio requested approval of a plan under which the school's trail
system would link with a trail with teaching stations on that portion
of Wildwood Park which is to be left in its natural state.
Mr. Rautio stated that he is looking toward the private sector for monies
to develop the site.
At this time, it was moved by Herje, seconded by Thrall, that the Park
and Recreation Commission support the concept of the Outdoor ^rviror-
mental Classroom area in Wildwood Park. Carried.
At this time, the Park and Recreation Commission brought forth a number
of concerns that they asked Mr. Rautio to indicate to District 281
before a specific agreement could be reached.
It was MOVED by Herje and seconded by Peterson that:
1. Golden Valley residents have ecaual priority with District 281
2. Public liability lie with District 2.81 on both the Outdoor
Environmental Classroom area and on the creative play area.
3. District 281 have the responsibility for�.inaintenance and pres-
ervation of the Outdoor Environmental Classroom.
4. A description of the exact area within Wildwood Park, which is
to be used for the Outdoor En*ironmental Classroom and play
area to be provided.
District 281
parking space for school buses that use
the Outdoor
Classroom area.
District 281
an account for any private funds accumulated.
District 281
Have the
responsibility for scheduling.
The agreement
provide for procedures of termination and
At this time, Mr. Rautio stated that he would apprise the District 281
School Board of our concerns.
At this time, Mr. John Murphy, the Village Finance Director, stated
that the Park and Trail bonds were sold on October 16th at an interest
rate of 4.85512. Mr Murphy stated that each park will be given an
44 Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission
Regular Meeting, October 26, 1972. Page 4.
account number, and that amount which was stated for the completion of
each park will be placed in said account. Mr. Murphy stated that the
contingency fund will also be placed in an account and will be drawn
upon only through Village Council approval.
Members reminded Mr. Murphy of their concern that Village residents
receive all that we promised them in the bond issue campaign, and that
expenditures be closely maintained with this in mind.
Members present asked if a monthly statsment stating the disposition of
all accounts could be sent forth, Mr. Murphy stated that he would.
Mr. Brenna stated that the department would also keep close track of
expenditure committments in each park.
At this time, Dr. Peterson stated that his committee had met and
visited the site in question. Dr. Peterson stated that the committee
has decided to call in the Presidents of the four Garden Clubs on Monday
November 6th, at 7:30 p.m. and discuss with them their request in more
!-detail. Dr. Peterson also stated that after the presidents' meeting,
the committee will hold a meeting with the residents who surround the
area. After which, a recommendation will be brought forth.
At this time, Mr. Brenna stated that he had inspected the site with Mr.
Dennis Thompson, the environmental landscape architect from the
Environmental Science Center. Mr. Brenna stated that in Mr.
Thompson's opinion, the site would be ideal for a bird sanctuary if
the north, east, and south sides of the area were fenced, and if a
trail is to be constructed, it should be constructed on the west side
of the creek. Mr. Thompson stated that the fence would keep the wild
life in the area, and those who would be walking the trail could look
across at the wildlife and not disturb their habitat.
At this time, Mr. Brenna referred to the memo that was sent to the
Commission from Mr. Omans regarding the Star of Bethlehem property
that was discussed by the Village Council on the 16th o cto eer and
referred to us.
As per the memo, Mr. Brenna brought forth a series of maps that depict
the area in question relative to the number of children that the
property could serve for playground purposes. Mr. Brenna obtained his
statistics from School uistrict 281 and drew upon a 1/4 mile radius of
the site for his figures.
Mr. Brenna dtated that the number of children in school who surround
the site are as follows:
Elementary Grades 1 - 6 224
Jr. High Grades 7 - 9 76
Sr. High Grades 10 - 12 71
Of the above number, 123 grade school, 33 junior high, and 39 senior
high students live west of Winnetka Avenue within the 1/4 mile
radius. Winnetka Avwnue does present somewhat of a problem mainly
because of the high traffic volume;;
Golden Valley Park and Fecreation 45)
Commission Regular Meeting October 26, 1972 page 5
The exact number of students who might use the location from the Dover
Hill P°U°D° is only a guess at this point, but the figure of 109
children of school age was obtained from our planning department.
Also, at this time, Mr. Brenna presented figures relative to the cost
of said property. Mr. Brenna stated that he had contacted Mr. James
Ingemunson from our assessing department and received a figure of
575,000.00 for the raw land and special assessments of X13, 991,36.
Mr. Brenna stated that he was contacted by Mr. Robert M. Shank, a
realtor for the Star of Bethlehem, and he quoted a figure of 5130,000
which he received from the appraisal firm of Newcombe and Lawrence.
After much discussion relative to the above, it was MOVED by Burmeister,
and seconded by Herje that we recommend that the Village Council
consider the acquisition of the Star of Bethlehem property for open
space purposes. Carried.
At this time, Mr. Brenna stated that the State Recreation and Park
Conference will be held at the Pick Nicollet Hotel in Minneapolis
on November 8, 9, and 10th.
Mr. Brenna stated that the Board and Commission section will meet on
Wednesday, November 8th. The only fee is a $5.00 charge for
dinner. Commission members interested in attending were asked to
call the Park and Recreation office on Monday, October 30th so that
reservations can be made.
There being no further business, it was MOVED by Peterson, seconded
by Kelby, that the meeting be adjourned at 12:10 a.rp. Carried.