February 1, 1973
A special meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation
Commission was held Thursday, February 1, 1973, at 7:30 p.m.
at the Brookview Municipal Community Center, 8200 Wayzata
Blvd., Golden Valley, Minnesota.
Chairman drown presided, and the following members were present:
Burmeister, Gergen, Hammer and Petersen. Absent: Herje, Thrall,
Kelby. Also present, Mr. James Rydeen from the firm of Armstrong
Torseth, Skold and Rydeen; Mr. Richard Fieg, Electrical Consult-
ant from the firm of W.J. Sutherland and Associates; John L.
Brenna Park and Recreation Director.
ARCHITECTS (Re -design Woodlawn Parr Recreational Building)
At this time, Mr. James Rydeen brought forth the re -design for
the Woodlawn Park Recreation building. After little discussion,
it was MOVED by Petersen, seconded by Burmeister to give prelimin-
ary approval to the re -design for the Recreational Building at
Woodlawn Park. Carried.
CONSULTANT kRecreational lighting)
At the time, Mr. Richard Fieg from W.J. Sutherland and Associates
presented an outline depicting various schemes relative to walkway
lighting fixtures and prices.
After much discussion by Commission members present, the Commission
tentatively accepted the 100 watt walkway fixtures at a 100 foot
spacing. The Commission also asked for an alternate look at the
175 watt fixtures at 150 foot spacing. Mr. Fieg will investigate
the 175 watt scheme for a better sytle fixture.
Mr. Fieg stated that samples of the above should be here soon
and when they arrive he will bring them out for us to see.
There being no further business, it was MOVED by Burmeister
seconded by Petersen to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m.
C airman Brown
ice a rman ammer