August 28,1975
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission was held
on Thursday, August 28, 1975, at 10:00 p.m. at the Brookview Community Center,
8200 Wayzata Blvd., Golden Valley, Minnesota.
Chairman Petersen presided, and the following members were present: Brown,
Courey, Duebner, Gergen, Hammer, Jaffe, Kelby, and King; members absent, none.
Also present were John L. Brenna, Director of Parks and Recreation, Fred
Sicora, architect, and Gertrude Peterson, secretary.
It was moved by Brown and seconded by Deuber, that the minutes of the meeting
of July 24, 1975, and the continued meeting of July 29, 1975, be approved with
the following correction: Page, 2, paragraph 4, BUDGET REVIEW, line 2 thereof,
after the word "that" insert the following words: "if it be reduced". The
minutes were then approved as corrected. The Park and Recreation Commission
has met earlier in the evening with the members of the City Council, and at which
meeting several citizens of Golden Valley were present. The matters of main—
tenance of our parks, the policy of the scheduling of our parks by independent
athletic associations, and the relationship of the Park and Recreation Commission
with these associations was discussed. After a brief discussion, it was moved
by Kelby and seconded by Hammer that a sub—committee be created to study our
present policy as it relates to the use of parks for recreation, and to study
the procedures used to schedule softball and baseball diamonds for various
athletic associations and other organizations, and to recommend its findings no
later than the February, 1976 meeting of the Commission. Motion carried. The
chairman appointed Kelby chairman ofF the subcomittee, and Gergen and King as
Mr. Courey gave a report on the meeting of the Brookview Subcommittee, and Mr.
Fred Sicora was introduced to the Commission. After discussion, it was moved
by Courey and seconded by Hamner that the Commission recommend to the City
Council that it retain Mr. Fred Sicora to prepare a fairway improvement and
rennovation study for the Park and Recreation Commission, the cost of which shall
not exceed $10,000, and will be borne by the Brookview Enterprise Fund, and that
the study and report be conducted in accordance with Mr. Sicora's letter of
July 28, 1975, and weather permitting, be completed within or approximately
sixty (60) days of Council approval. Motion carried.
Mr. Brenna explained the items in the budget which had been changed following
his budget meeting with the City Manager. After discussion, it was moved by
Courey and seconded by Hammer that the Commission recommends to the City
Council that it give serious consideration to the following additions to the
City Manager's budget request for the Park and Recreation Department: Park
Maintenance, (a) $6,204 for a full time maintenance employee for the last
six months of 1976. (b) $700 for a three wheeled maintenance vehcile for
park maintenance. Trails and Open Space, (a) $2,600 for a three wheeled
i J(
Regular Meeting
Park and Recreation Commission
Page two
August 28, 1975
maintenance vehicle for the trails. (b) $6,000 for consultant fees for Open
Space. Recreation (a) $5,000 for a contingency fund for new programs.
(b) $2,000 for pilot program for teens in neighborhood parks, (c) $6,000
for tennis court lighting at Brookview Park. Motion carried.
Mr. Brenna presented a proposed rendering of the Highway #55 pedestrian bridge
that showed steps for access. Mr. Brenna also explained that a ramp might
be used instead of steps which would make for easier maintenance for snow
removal, etc., and also easier for children with bicycles. After discussion,
it was moved by Courey and seconded by Duebner that the Commission recommends
that the Highway #55 pedestrian bridge be designated to encompass a pedestrian
ramp with appropriate lanes designation to maximize pedestrian and vehicular
safety wheelfare. Motion carried.
Mr. Brenna presented the programs which have been set up for the fall and
winter recreation programs. Discussion on same followed.
There being no further business, it was moved by Courey and seconded by Brown
that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting was adjourned at 12:45.
Chairman Petersen V ce Chairman Duebner