10-16-1975REGULAR MEETING GOLDEN VALLEY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION October 16, 1975 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission was held on Thursday, October 16, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. at the Brookview Community Center, 8200 Wayzata Blvd., Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Petersen presided, and the following members were present: Brown, Duebner, Jaffe, Kelby, and King; members absent, Courey, Gergen, and Hammer. Also present were: Merle Krotaska of the Trail Committee, Katharine Hakala, Paul St. Marie, and Craig Huseby of the Open Space Committee; Mr. Ron Bastyre of the Centurian Company; Sgt. Gary Quanstrom of the Golden Valley Police Depart— ment; John I. Brenna, Director of Parks and Recreation, and Gertrude Peterson, secretary. MINUTES It was moved by Brown and seconded by Kelby that the minutes of the regular meet— ing of September 25, 1975, be approved. Motion carried. RINGS COLONIAL SECOND ADDITION Mr. Ronald Bastyre of the Centurian Company presented a plan for the area known as Rings Colonial Second Addition, which is located south of Lions Park, as it pertains to trails, open space, and to Lions Park . (This plan has already been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission) At this time, the concerns of the Open Space Committee, Trails Committee, and the Park and Recreation Commission relative to the area was discussed. After discussion, it was moved by Kelby and seconded by Jaffee to recommend to the City Council the proposed plan wherein it shows an eighty (80) foot trail corridor through the property, and that this corridor be suitably filled, and an oVerlay of gran— ular material of at least twelve (12) inches in depth be placed over the fill material, with an additional six (6) inches of black dirt over the granular material; that the trail portion of the corridor will will be eight (8) feet in width, and will be constructed out of minus 5/16 limestone chips, and be laid in place to a depth of four (4) inches; and will be so laid that drainage will not interfere with the trail proper; and further, that the future homeowners who will border the corridor, be apprised in their purchase agreements that the corridor is public open space with a trail running through it, and that the outer boundaries of the corridor be clearly delinated with suitable posts, fences, and plantings; and further when that portion of Western Avenue is constructed just south of Lions Park, the suitable number of curb cuts for ingress and egress be provided for a parking lot on the south end of Lions Park. The above items and their costs are to be borne by the Centurian Company. Motion carried (suitable where mentioned, means suitable to the Park and Recreation staff). HIGHWAY #55 PEDISTRIAN BRIDGE Mr. Brenna briefed the Commission on the status of the pedestrian bridge. He stated that new renderings showing the use of ramps, and discussion on the bridge as a whole will be discussed at the November 17th regular Council meeting. ) 0 Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission page two YEARLY AGENDA — PARK SECURITY REPORT Sgt. Gary Quanstrom of the Golden Valley Police Department reported to the Commission on security in the parks and trails this past summer. Sgt.Quanstrom stated that the biggest problem this summer was in the East Sweeney Lake area, which is located in Golden Valley, but is on Minneapolis park property, where we have joint jurisdiction. Sgt. Quanstram stated that Seeman, Golden Oaks, and Natchez Parks had a number of problems last year, but this year they were- quiet as were all parks, except for a few minor infractions throughout the system. He stated that the newly instituted motorcycle patrol was on duty in the park and trail system about 16 to 25 hours per week between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11 p.m. He also stated that the motorcycle is definitely an asset, and was well re— ceived by the citizens of the community. He further stated that park infractions fell into the following categories this past summer: driving in prohibited areas, public nuisance, careless driving, vandalism, curfew violations, parking 'vicflations drinking violations, fireworks, and miscellaneous for a total of 104 infractions - 52 adult and 52 juvenile. Sgt. Quanstrom stated that he will send a break down on which parks and trails the above infractions took place. SHADE TREE DISEASE CONTROL ACT Mr. Brenna explained the Shade Tree Disease Control Act, and the State Grant in Aid Formula, and appropriations thereofr. He stated that this past summer 352 elm trees were removed from private property and that 75 elm trees remain to be removed. After discussion, it was moved by Kelby and seconded by King that the City Council consider a grant in aid program relative to Duth Elm disease and Oak Wilt disease with local reimbursement to be the lessor of $25.00 or 25/ of the lowest quote for remo,/al. Motion carried. OPEN SPACE TRAIL COMMITTEE The merger of the Open Space and the Trail Commitee was discussed by members present. After discussion, it was decided that Chairman Petersen will combine the functions structure, and procedures of the Open Space Committee with the philosophies and objectives as established by the Trail Committee and present them at the next regular meeting. YEARLY AGENDA — PARK TOUR The recent tour by the City Council, Open Space Committee, Trails Committee, and the Park and Recreation Commission was discussed. Mr. Brown stated that the tour was very well planned and that it was very successful and informative. Chairman Petersen expressed disappointment in that the Park and Recreation Commission was not well represented on this tour. Chairman Petersen announced that the next meeting of the Commission will be held on December 4, 1975. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Jaffe and seconded by Kelby that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. 4.. Chairman Petersen Vi Chairman Duebner Park and Recreation Commission 1 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Duebner that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was adjourned by 12 o'clock midnight. Page three Brown and seconded by carried and the meeting Chairman Petersen Vice Chairman Duebner 1