6-30-1976REGULAR MEETING GOLDEN VALLEY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commision was held on Wednesday, June 30, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. at Brookview, Community Center, 8200 Wayzata Blvd., Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairperson Duebner presided, and the following members were present: Jaffe, Kelby, and Petersen; members absent, Courey, Gergen, Hammer, Brown and King. A quorum was not present, but commission members present decided to discuss items on agenda OLD BUSINESS Capital Long Range Improvements Mrs., Duebner discussed the input from the Park & Rec. Commission and the Park and Recreation Director at the June 1st meeting with the Capital Long Range Improvement Committee. Mrs. Duebner stated that Mr. Brenna will be bringing forth additional rational for our items to the committe. Town Meeting 76 Mrs. Duebner stated that she had attended the Town Meeting, and of all the areas discussed, she thought we might ponder the areas of City wide communication, i.e. bulletin, flyer, etc., and the City wide transportation problem. Mrs. Duebner asked all members to think about the above areas and be ready to discuss them at our next meeting. Health Center Tour Members of the City Council, Open Space Committee, and the Park and Recreation Commission toured the Health Center property on June 22nd, with an eye toward a possible trail area. Discussion ensuedrelative to the above. It was the consenus of members present that we would ask for input from the Open Space and Trails Committe, and have Mr. Brenna bring forth schematic of the total area at our next regular meeting. NEW BUSINESS Open Space and Trails Committee Mrs. Duebner read a letter from Mayor Hoover relative to a reevaluation of the function and organization of the Open Space and Trails Committee. After dis— cussion, it was decided to table the above until our next regular meeting. Ad Hoc Committee — Campaign Ethics Mrs. Duebner stated that an Ad Hoc Committee on Campaign Ethnics will be formed and anyone interested in serving on this committee should contact the City Clerk. Yearly Agenda Item — Fall, Winter and Spring Recreation Programs Mr. Brenna handed out a written report depicting our 1975-1976 fall, winter and spring recreation programs. The information was broken down into adult activities, childrens activities, Senior Citizen activities, and teen activities. Also included were attendance figures and anticipated additional fall ,and winter programs for 1976-1977. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION page two After discussion, Mrs. Duebner asked that we consider a graduated fee structure for various age groups; also that all members read the report and bring any suggestions and ideas to our next regular meeting. DIRECTORS ITEMS Dutch Elm Disease Mr. Brenna up—dated the Commission on the number of trees affected to date, and projected losses throughout the year. He stated that our City Forester is behind his inspections because of the great number of calls from the commun— ity. The Forester is handing out a flyer that depicts the time frame for removal after a tree has been confirmed, and the grant aid program. Park Construction Mr. Brenna brought forth a breif recap on park projects that are under way. Hard suface areas and tennis courts that are being resurfaced, sun shelter being erected, park and trail benches being installed, trail segments that are under construction, and CCA projects at Pennsylvania Woods and at Outlot I. Vandalism Mr. Brenna apprised the Commission of a preponderence of vandalism at Medley Hills Park and Wesley Park. The nature of the vandalism is the stripping of trees, broken lights, fire in trash containers, and the tearing of shingles and writings on the park buildings. Mr. Brenna stated that our Public Safety Department has been notified. Golf Driving Range Mr. Brenna informed the Commision that trees have been planted along High— way #12, and that poles and nets will be installed in about ten days which will alleviate the problem of balls being driven on to the highway. Wei l dwood Park Mr. Brenna stated that he will send cards to the residents in the Wildwood Park area and invite them to our next meeting relative to the possible duplication of play equipment, hard surface area and basketball courts which is in the bond issue for the park, but which now also exsists just 100 feet to the south of school property. Lilac Festival Golf Tournament Mr. Brenna read a letter from the president of the Brookview Mens Golf Associ— ation thanking the Brookview Staff for a job well done during the Lilac Fes— tival Golf Tournament. At 9:40 p.m., Commission member King arrived, and a quorom was present. MINUTES There will be no corrections or additions to the minutes of the regular meet— ing of May 27, 1976, the minutes were approved as printed. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISIION June 30, 1976 page three It was moved by Kelby and seconded by Jaffe, that the minutes of the Open Space and Trails Committee of June 16, 1976, be received and filed. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Jaffe and seconded by Kelby that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. C irperson Duebner Vice Chairman Brown 1