A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission was
held on Thursday, July 29, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., at Brookview Community
Center, 8200 Wayzata Blvd., Golden Valley, Minnesota.
Chairperson Duebner presided and the following members were present; Brown,
Courey, Hammer, Jaffe, King and Petersen; members absent, Gergen and Kelby.
Also present were John L. Brenna, Director of Parks and Recreation, Corey
J. Bakken, Golf Operations Manager, Gertrude Peterson, secretary; also
present were Mrs. Betty Simonson and Mrs. Marguerite Harbison of the Brook—
view Womens Golf Association, and Mr. Michael Gair of Harold Dahlgren
The minutes of the regular meeting of June 30, 1976, were approved as printed
with the exception of on page two thereof, under Yearly Agenda Items, line 6,
after the wordrq oups, add the following: and additional non resident fees.
It was moved by Brown and seconded by Courey that the minutes of the Open
Space and Trails Committee of July 21, 1976, be received and filed.
Motion carried.
Health Center — TRAIL
Chairperson Duebner read a letter from Mayor Hoover relative to a public hear—
ing to be held on August 16th on this matter. Mr. Brenna explained the
various trail options that might be considered. After discussion, it was moved
by Courey and seconded by Brown, that when the Health Center, PUD #17, is
considered by the City Council, it is the recommendation of the Park and
Recreation Commission that the Council take into action the following
salient points:
1. any trail system on the east side of Twin Lake might conflict with
the use of that portion of that property with the hospital
2. The City of Golden Valley should obtain an easement for a trail
from the Golden Valley Road across that portion of the property
extending up to the arm of Sweeny Lake.
3. It is desirable to obtain for the City access to the peninsula
from the trail described in #2 above, and that that acess be
in the form of an extension of the trail system across Health
Center property described in #2 above
4. That if the Health Center is permitted use of the house now on
the peninsula, that any such use be consistent and compatible
with use of the above described trail system by Golden Valley
5. In lieu of #4 above, acquisition by the City of fee title to the
property including and abutting the house now situated on the
northeast end of the peninsula (VanHauer residence)
6. In any event, that the City Council insist on compliance with
Ordinance #406 with preference being given to dedication of land
rather than payment of money by developer.
Motion carried.
Function and Organization of the Open Space and Trails Committee
After discussion, it was moved by Peterson and seconded by Hammer that the
Open Space and Trails Committee no longer exsist as a sub committee of
the Park and Recreation Commission, but that the function of the trails
remain the responsibility of the Park and Recreation Commission.
Motion carried.
Wildwood Park
After discussion relative to possible duplication of facilities at Olson
Sghool, it was the decision of the Commission to invite the residents in the
Wildwood Park neighborhood to a hearing on this matter at the next regular
Graduated fee structure and non resident fees — Recreation Programs
After discussion, the Commission requested recommendations and further
proposals from the staff.
Vandalism in the City Parks
Mr. Brenna presented a report to the Park and Recreation Commission on
vandalism in our City parks. There has been nearly $800 damage sustained
in our parks as of July 20, 1976, as compared with the approximately $150
for the entire summer season of 1975. Mr. Brenna stated that he has con—
tacted our Public Safety Director and that a flyer is being prepared for
distribution to park neighborhoods to apprise those citizens, and ask for
their assistance in calling the Public Safety Department when viewing
misdeed in the parks.
Brookview Improvemnts Report — Fred Sicora
Mr. Sicora presented his final report to the Commission. Construction would
consist of four phases, (1) construction of new 11th, 12th, and 13th holes;
(2) construction of a new 9 hole par three golf course, (3) rebuild fair—
ways and install drainage and irrigation system on holes #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,
#6,#7,#8, and #18; (4) rebuild fairways and install drainage and irriga—
tion system on holes #10, #14, #15, #16, #17, and #9. After discussion,
it was the concensus of the members present to hold a special meeting on
August 11th to ready a recommendation for the City Council.
July 29, 1976
Brookview Green Fees
Mr. Bakken requested input from the Commission relative to raising green fees
for 1977. After much discussion, it was moved by Courey and seconded by
Hammer that the Commision recommends that green fees at Brookview Golf
Course be raised by 50� for both 9 and 18 hole rounds for the 1977 season.
Motion carried.
Mr. Petersen moved that other Brookview fees, i.e. patron cards, discounts,
etc., be placed on a future agenda for discussion, and that representatives
of the Brookview Mens and Womens Golf Association be invited. Motion
was seconded by Brown and carried.
Brookview Mens Golf Association
Mr. Brenna presented a proposed amendment to the by—laws of the Brookview
Mens Golf Association, Article II, Section 6, concerning junior members.
After discussion, it was moved by Hammer and seconded by Brown that the
matter be tabled until the August meeting of the Commission, and that repre—
sentatives of the Brookview Mens Golf Association be invited to the meeting.
Motion carried.
Commission's Recommendation — 1977 budget
After discussion, it was the decision of the Commission to wait until such
time as the figures are more definite and then recommendations will be
Dutch Elm Disease
Chairperson Duebner read a letter from the City Manager regarding aid to
property owners with diseased trees, reforestration, and the hauling away
and disposing of diseased wood. After discussion, it was moved by Courey
and seconded by Hammer that the Commission recommends that the City Council
budget sufficient funds for 1977 to provide for the costs of removal of
cut diseased elm trees on private property in place of last year's match—
ing fund program. Motion carried.
Mr. Sam Courey submitted his resignation as a member of the Park and Recrea—
tion Commission effective July 29, 1976. The Commission expressed its ap—
preciation to Mr. Sam Courey for his dedicated service on the Commission
and expressed regret at his leaving.
There being no further business,it was moved by Brown and seconded by Hammer
that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned
at 12:00 o'clock.
Chairperson Ouebner
ViceChairman Brown