August 11, 1976
A special meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Com-
mission was held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 11th, 1976
at the Brookview Community Center, 8200 Wayzata Blvd., Golden
Valley, Minnesota.
Chairperson Duebner presided, and the following members were
present; Brown, King, Petersen and Hammer; members absent,
Jaffe, Kelby and Gergen. Also present, Corey Bakken, Golf
Manager,Fred Sicora, Golf Improvement Consultant and John
Brenna, Park and Recreation Director.
The meeting was called to discuss Brookview Golf Course Improve-
ments. After considerable discussion it was moved by Brown and
seconded by Petersen that the Park and Recreation Commission
recommend that the City Council proceed with a plan to improve
the golf facilities at Brookview along the following lines.
#1. The improvements to include a 9 -hole par 3 course; improved
irrigation for the main course and some fairway renovation
for the main course.
#2. The total cost to be 500,000.00
#3. The financing to be through revenue bonds.
#4. That Fred Sicora be asked to develop a modified improvement
plan consistent with #1 and #2 above.
The above mentioned was approved by all members present.
There being no further business, it was moved by Hammer and sec-
onded by Petersen that the meeting be adjourned. Motion car-
ried and the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m.
Ch person nuebner Vice Chairperson Brown