Park and Recreation Commission
Special Meeting dealing with Dutch Elm Disease Problem, January 6, 1977.
Meeting called to order 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Duebner.
Present: Hammer, King, Bronw, Petersen, Duebner, Kahn, Jaffe.
Absent: Gergen
Guests: Emilie Johnson, Environmental Commission
Glen Eiden, Community Development Commission
Roma Witzig, Open Space and Trails
Bruce Wick, Ex City Forester
Tom Felt], Park Superintendent
Staff: Brenna
Duebner reviewed discussion of Regular Meeting of Park and Recreation
Commission of Dec. 9, 1976, in re Dutch Elm Disease problem. Pointed out
four (4) areas of importance to consider: Surveillance, Removal, Disposal,
and Reforestration.
Bruce Wick reviewed 1976 Surveillance problems to wit: shortage of adequate
manpower and lack of public belief in surveyor's ability because of youth—
ful appearance. He suggested 1977 program should include two (2) qualified
people to be able to keep up with heavy demand for inspection — also
suggested our 1977 goal should be to get rid of diseased trees and slow
down loss of elm tree population. Diseased tree identification should
begin in early spring and trees must be removed before breeding season in
Tom Felt] commented that removal is impossible within the twenty (20) day
time period stipulation because of lack of enough qualified tree people
to do the job and because of the need for three (3) bids.
Eiden commented in answer to a question that HCD funds are not available
to private parties.
Moved by Petersen: Our number one priority in the Dutch Elm Disease
program is surveillance therefore we recommend the hiring of a full time
forester. Seconded by Hammer. Discussion followed. This method
would allow us to develop continuity of program for years rather than
use new people each year with the accompanying problems of re—learning.
Motion passed.
General discussion followed during which the following methods were
brought up to consider as some sort of financial relief to those property
owners who might have to remove and dispose of diseased trees; follow
the St. Louis Park plan ( a aplan which reimburses the party of a
percentage basis from City money); allowing costs to be put on the tax
bill as a special assessment; some sort of cash relief from the city;
shared expenses between the property owner and the balance of the
Park and Recreation Commission
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Moved by Kahn: Recommend to the City Council that financial relief
to affected property owners for removal and disposal of diseased trees
be offered through costs spread over a ten (10) year special assess—
ment. Seconded by Brown. Motion passed.
In following discussion the Commission determined that we do not
recommend subsidizing reforestration on private property but hearility
encourages property owners to reforest on their own area. This
recommendation to be made to the community through educational brochures,
etc., along with educational information regarding the total program.
Next regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission set for
Thursday, January 20, 1977, 7:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
David Kahn
Chairman Duebner
Vice Chairman Brown