7-27-1978GOLDEN VALLY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION The Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission met on July 27, 1978, for a regular meeting with the following members present: Brown, Eastes, Jaffe, King, Petersen, and Riley. John Brenna, Director of Parks and Recreation was also present, as was David Latvaaho, Assistant Director. Vice Chair— person Eastes presided. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of June 26, 1978 were approved as printed. LAUREL AVENUE PONDS Approximately 25 area residents attended the Commission meeting to express their views about the wild grasses growing in the ponds near their homes. Mr. Brenna first gave a brief history of the ponds development and the decision to plant the grasses. Several residents spoke about their dislike for the tall grasses, residents mainly living on the north side of the ponds. Resident Gary Edelston served as lead spokesman for the group, all of whom expressed their displeasure with the weeds and the animals and the insects they draw. They want a well maintained north side of the pond area. After the public hearing was closed, Commission members discussed maintenance problems in keeping up the whole park system as well as trying to keep up this area, the possibility of re—planting with shorter grasses, the decision to plant wild grasses in the first place, how the present plan hasn't really been allowed to develop, etc. The decision was made to have a joint meeting with the Environmental and Open Space Commissions in August to hear the complaints again and reach a joint decision on what to suggest to the Council in terms of meeting the desires and needs of the nearby residents. RECREATION SUB COMMITTEE REPORT The Recreation Study was reviewed again and suggestions were made as to changes needing to be made. Acceptance of the report will be considered at the next meeting. In connection with the Sub Committee, Brown asked Commission members to work on a recreation policy worksheet that he had prepared for con— sideration. At the next meeting, members will discuss the elements of the worksheet and discuss recreation policy and the implementation of it. OPEN SPACE COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL The Commission discussed a letter from Mayor Hoover regarding the Open Space Commission's recommendation that they be given responsibility for management of ten properties (areas) in Golden Valley. After some discussion about the situation, it was decided to see how the vacancy filling goes for the Commission (Park and Recreation). Thoughts were shared whether it is in the community's best interests to have access to undeveloped areas or leave them as strictly open space. MARY HILLS PARK DEVELOPMENT Brenna reviewed the different plans that have been discussed for development of the area with the introduction of a possibility of a park at the end of Dresden Lane on Robbinsdale property. Robbinsdale has responded favorably to the idea, and it will be presented along with the others at the next Commission meeting (area residents will be invited to attend and give their page two input. The meeting will be on August 28th possibly at St. Margaret Marys Church). SPECIAL ELECTION Assuming the pending resignation of Chairman Kahn because of job conflicts, it was decided to elect a vice chairman who would assume the chairman's position. Burt Brown was nominated and elected unanimously. 1979 BUDGET The 1979 budget request will be $1,817,.which includes the costs of possibly taking a recreation needs assessment survey. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT 1. resignation of member Eastes accepted 2. letter from New Hope to Park and Recreation Commission regarding increased use of Terra Linda Park by Dover Hills residents. We will discuss need for possible modification of the Dover Hills PUD agreement for the development of some recreation facilities for those residents since Terra Linda's activity is reduced. We will respond to New Hope in September. 3. Minnegasco Park may be purchased and developed, which will mean loss of a park to Little League. Golden Valley has no legal responsibility but a moral committment; possibilities for other park for little league were disscussed. DIRECTOR'S REPORT 1. Manager's response to request for a recording secretary for the Commission: volunteer position only 2. park program done on 8/4/78 3. Laurel Avenue Ponds trail scheduled to start soon. 4. Par 2 golf course done in August. NEW BUSINESS Commission members commended Sue Eastes for her work on the Commission. 4n In IDMMrMT Adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Chairman Vice Chairman Eastes 1 1