January 28, 1980
A reilular meeting of the Golden Valley Open Space and Recreation Commission was
held on January 28,1980, at the Brookview Community Center. Chairman Brown
pres°'ded and the following members were present: Diane Asproth, Richard Lyons,
Raymond G. Petersen, Lowell Benson, Rhoda Jaffe, and Robert Szyman. Members
absent: Emilie Johnson and Charles Burmeister. Also present were Carl Vogt,
Robert Close, John Brenna, Charles Corlette, and Robert VanHoe.
The minutes of the regular meeting of December 17, 1979, were accepted as
John Brenna presented several plans for the community center, and the estimated
cost for each building. Each of the plans included an outdoor pool. Much
discussion centered around the Commission's original suggestion that the
c,�Amunity center be built including an indoor pool. The concensus was that a
pian should be presented including an indoor pool planned as inexpensively as
possible. Several questions were raised about the rqcquet ball courts during
the delibarations, and it was felt that the expense of building and maintaining
therm was more than the City could absorb. The Commission requested plans and
figures as per its recommendations outlined on page 3 of Chairman Brown's report
to 4,he City Council on December 3rd. It was felt that none of the plans pro—
jectcd the concepts the commission had dealt with. A special meeting to review
these: plans in scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, 1980, at 7:00 p.m. at
Broo';�.vi ew.
The Commission was reminded that Olson School is to be closed by District 281.
It w+s mentioned that the opportunity for purchasing the school should be
revi t;lwed.
Robert Close and Carl Vogt presented the recommendations that they had for the
City owned parcels and the parcels which might be acquired. Each parcel was
disc=,ssed. Commission members made several suggestions to Close and Vogt.
''harles Burmesiter reminded the Commission that comnittments had been made to
communities earlier and that we should be cautious not to break that comnitt—
ment was the communities. Diane Asproth suggested that they look into putting
a pod in Parcel J. Burmeister suggested that the trail proposed on Parcel
K ;tauld only be run on the east side, instead of all away around. Careful
study should be made of the pond because it was felt that the pond had a
sea`, which if broken, would drain very quickly and that the pond seemed to
fie reverting to a meadow very quickly. Brown asked the consultants to check
Open Space and Recreation Commission page two
on the environmental impact of trails through the Kings Creek parcel as
s opposed to going around. The consultants were asked to determine
priorities, considering management and upkeep versus purchasing or parcels.
It was brought up that only some of the land contained in the parcels
necessarily had to be purchased and not the entire parcels. The consult—
ants are to review their recommendations and come up with their prioritized
list of purchases and management. The chair thanked the consultants for
their presentation and work. John Brenna was asked to send members of
the Commission the Planning Commission's reports on the sites.
The Chair reported that the Council approved the Commission's recommendation
on reimbursing citizens for Dutch Elm disease tree removal.
_ John Brenna presented the work plans for the period of July lst to December
1st, 1979, and for July 1st through June 30th, 1980. He then brought the
Commission up to date on the ponding and overlay project on Brookview Golf
The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 25, 1980, at 7:30 p.m.
at the Brookview Community Center.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
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