4-28-1980REGULAR MEETING OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION COMMISSION April 28,1980 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pro -ten, Chuck Burmeister, Diane Asproth, Lowell Benson, Rhoda Jaffe, Emilie Johnson, Dick Lyons, Martha Micks, Bob Szyman. Also present were Mayer Tapper, Chuck Corlett and John Brenna. MINUTES The minutes for the March 31st meeting were proved as ammended to correct the typing errors on page 4. BABE RUTH BASEBALL Mayer Tapper, presidant of the Babe Ruth Baseball Association discussed various needs and problems, and the relationship between the Parks and Recreation Department and Babe Ruth Baseball. He shares a concern of the Little League since Babe Ruth has used the Golden Valley High School Fields since 1957. If the fields are lost to a developer others must be located. This year there will be seven teams for a total of 105 boys between the ages of 13 and 15 part.cipating on the leagues. A greater drop-in registration was anticipated but it seems that the boys are planning on staying at home during the summers and Babe Ruth may be able to hold its own if the field problem can be solved. Babe Ruth baseball is basically self-supporting with an $8,500 annual budget. A quarter of this is raised through dues, a quarter through sponsor's fees, and half throueh consessions. Currently the Babe Ruth Baseball uses 2 fields and if the program is reduced to 1 field the field will need to be lighted. The fields could be split but then the Babe Ruth would loose a common consession stand which accounts for approximately 1/2 of their revenue. A discussion then ensued about the disposition of the Golden Valley High School baseball fields. It was pointed out that it was imperative to look at a facility this year for next year. It was suggested that the parks department could bring Schied or Wesley Park up to standard this year in preperation for next year. If no fields are available for 1981 season the Babe Ruth baseball may be forced to merge with Crystal or Robbinsdale. This would present a serious transportation problem to the boys and the number of participants would naturally drop. A long discussion then ensued about switching the leagues to other fields and the growth components of Babe Ruth Baseball. Chuck Bermister said that it was necessary to have some long range thinking on the problem of softball and baseball diamonds in the city of Golden Valley. Tapper continued by identifying one problem is the recruiting of coaches because coaching is time consuming and costly. All and all however he felt that most of the adult leaders have displayed good sportsmanship. Open Space and Recreation Commission Page Two ELECTION OF OFFICERS Rhoda Jaffe was nominated for chairperson by Diane Asproth. Seconded by Emilie Johnson. Jaffe was elected unanimously. Emilie Johnson nominated Chuck Burmeister. The nomination was seconded by Lowell Benson. Being no Further nominations Chuck Burmeister was named Vice Chairman. Bob Szyman was then nominated to the position of Secretary. He remarked that he might be moving to Robbinsdale. However, it was the Concenus of the commission that he remain on the Commission as secretary until the time that he actually moved. RENAMING OF NORTH TYROL PARK John Brenna presented a letter from Mr. James Gannon requesting that North Tyrol Park be renamed for Harold Lynch, longtime resident, now deceased. Chuck Burmeister felt that the commission needed to establish criteria for naming parks. Burmeister moved that the commissioner recommend to the City Council that it inform Mr. Gannon that their commission will work on a policy for naming parks but right now it is not in a position to accept or reject requests because no policy exists. The motion was seconded by Micks and approved. SPORTS COACHING Chuck Corlett presented materials regarding effectiveness training. He felt there is a need for the recreation department to develop within the youth sports groups, sound philosophy and the psychology ul cuac11L116. -rue emphasis is not on actions on the field but to develop concerns that will ultimately affect behavior. Emilie Johnson felt that the approach was too low key and that there was need for the subject of sportsmanship to be addressed to the coaches. Rhoda Jaffe wanted to know to whom and how this program would be offered. Corlett explained that he would serve for all the youth sports programs, hockey, football, little league, baseball and softball. All the officers of these organizations say that they want the program and will require their coaches to attend. It has been tried in other suburbs. The cost of such a program will be at Dr. Schmoll's expenses and a stipend. Chuck Corlett also said he would like to see the city invest in a library of materials for the coaches to use and also in subsriptions to Sports Lines, a periodical on y uth sports coaching published at the University of Illinois. This total package could be purchased with less than $1,000. The literature s:, -"'d 't` d Signed to coincide with Dr. Schmoll's visit. 1 1 Open Space and Recreation Commission Page Three Diane Asproth asid that she felt first aid should be added to the coaches training. Rhoda Jaffe asked Chuck Corlett to keep a commission informed of the progress of the program. DIRECTOR'S REPORT John Brenna reported that there was a $10,000 construction credit with the Department of Natural Resources and this money will be used to take care of the development plans which were originally to be submitted in a Law Con proposal. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT Dick Lyons reported that the city council accipted the commissions recomendation on tennis court reservation system. The next regular meetion scheduled for May 19th at 7:30. Meeting adjourned at 10:14 p.m. Vice Chairman