February 23, 1981
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. at Brookview Community Center.
Chairperson Jaffe presided and members present were: Asproth, Burmeister,
Fuller, Johnson, Lyons, Micks, Petersen. Benson was absent. Also present were
Brenna, Corlett, Thorn and Wade.
The minutes of the January 26, 1981 meeting were approved with some discussion
of whether the Laurel Avenue Greenbelt motion by Asproth should instead be
called an ampliciation of the Lyons motion. It was decided to let the minutes
stand as approved.
(Refer to January 26, 1981 project estimates written by Merlin Thorn and Diane
John Brenna introduced Thorn and Wade and explained that they had gone over the
Vogt proposal and in some cases made different recommendations. They mainly added
specific plantings as Vogt had not gone into planting specifics.
Brenna made correction on page 3, paragraph 29 line 2 to eliminate "picnic areae.
Asproth questioned priority of trail along the creek. Petersen commented that it
is important that persons living in the vicinity be informed of fact that the
area will look worse before it looks better because of cleanup. Total cost will
be $18,381 to make the recommended changes.
Members agreed with Thorn/Wade report that it is important not to have trail too
close to resident homes. Burmeister dissented wanting boardwalk going east.
The cost factor was questioned as to whether it is worth it.
OUTLOT NO. 1 (Noble Avenue)
Brenna explained that there must be Council approval before anything can be done
in this area. Also, it is not practical to put in trail here. Lyons asked
why money should be spent there if it is not accessible and neighbors there like
it that way. Petersen asked the consequence of doing nothing to this parcel.
shorn estimated that about 5 trees per year would be lost to Dutch Elm disease
in this parcel.
Micks asked why lilacs were not proposed plantings
because it would add nice
continuity for Lilac Drive. Thorn replied that he
wanted to break
up the lilac
pattern because of the lilacs on the other side of
highway by fire
Brenna mentioned that every three years the area is
cleaned up and
still the area
slowly becomes a dumpsite for the neighbors. Note:
Plan differs
from Vogt plan
by eliminating boardwalk and having a bridge over the creek.
Honeywell Pond
Discussion centered around the buffer planting along Douglas Drive which would
block the view of the pond from Douglas, but would hopefully serve as a buffer
to prevent the ducks from walking across Douglas which cause traffic hazards.
Jaffe concern that observation decks would be money wasted because only the
neighbors would use. Petersen contended that many people use all the different
natural areas in Golden Valley.
Ewald Donation
There was some discussion that the Open Space Sub Committee had already sub-
mitted a revised plan eliminating one of the trails into the woods area of the
northwest section.
Rings Colonial
Micks commented that one neighbor has complained to her about weed seeds blowing
over onto their lawn from the nataural area on Colonial Drive. Also is prairie
practical when it can't be maintained by burning every few years? Brenna said
the prairie grass should be better this year.
South Cortlawn
No additional comments.
North Tyrol Park
No additional comments.
Comments were made throughout the presentation questioning priorities for the
amount of money being spent for the natural area when they can present problems
such as the "Rings Colonial" with neighborhood complaints. Should the neighor-
hood first agree to the concept before plans are implemented. However, for
the immediate future, there was no question as to the spending of money for
cleanup of the areas. Petersen moved approval of the proposed expenditures
from the public land fund for the first year of the three year program of im-
proving natural areas. Burmeister amended motion to omit "C cleanup" (cleanup
of Outlot No. 1) because the neighbors want it to remain inaccessible and there-
fore would not benefit other residents of Golden Valley. Micks asked for
clarification of "cleanup" to ensure no live trees would be cut. Brenna stated
cleanup meant removal of concrete, rubbish, dead trees, and shrubs (no live
trees). Cost of first year expenditure with Burmeister amendment would be
$289609. Lyons seconded. Motion carried.
Item 3 b. Brookview Rotary Club Picnic Shelter.
It was asked if this was a donation, why was there an expenditure for this.
Brenna explained that the Rotary Club will reimburse the City of Golden Valley
$39000 over the next few years.
It will cost $8,000 just for the parking lot changes. The parking lot will be
increased in size. Also drain the will be put under parking lot so that water
can spill into storm sewer. There will be a 20 foot backstop, 10 foot wings,
7 foot hood. Team benches will be installed. Aggregate lime will be taken out
and turf put in and snow fences will be removed. There was concern expressed
for spending $14,000 for these changes when the park is to be used just one year
by Little League. Petersen moved that we approve cost to convert Seeman Park
for Little League use for one yar, with the exception of sodding infield. (The
cost to sod infield would be $29400.) The motion was seconded and passed
Concern over permanent outfield fences was brought forth. This would prevent
use of Lions Park for soccer, football, and other spoorts. Micks moved that
in negotiations with Little League and Babe Ruth, it is important that the follow-
ing items be upheld: that Lions Park remain flexible for football soccer, and
T --ball use: therefore permanent outfield ences should not be installed to insure
Maff schedule diamond use to allow airl's league to cusp diamonds_ Burmeister
seconded, passed with one abstention.
Jaffe asked Burmeister to take over as Chairman temporarily to explain why she
abstained on vote. She felt that we needed a sentence to explain that we were
pushed into a corner to make concessions to a single minded group with no price
tag at that time. For a group that has been so independent to take over a
regional park at such a high cost ($949497.00) is ridiculous. Other members
agreed that we as a commission are responsible for the entire recreation program.
Asproth added that our vote last month to upgrade Lions Park and Seeman Park for
baseball league use, not to provide an optimum complex. Brenna explained that
the dugouts will probably not cost $329000 because Little League will provide
about $17,000 plus in kind services. The Commission agreed that they want to
know bottom figures to convert Lions and Seeman Parks, not top dollar optimum
Commission members stated a concern for the total plan to allow areas both for
Little League and adult softball. Jaffe stated concern that the neighbors of
the Schapper property were not notified. Johnson moved that further investi-
gation of Schapper property be pursued as alternative to relocate softball
program, including study of additional access. Burmeister seconded. Passed
Lyons moved to remove Lions and adult softball complex from capital improvements
at this time. Seconded and passed.
Regional Trail - CNW-RR
Brenna explained that the county is interested in a regional trail that would
run on the CNW-RR right of way. A meeting last week between the county and
CNW drew the two bodies a bit closer together, with the county now looking at
same issue areas, i.e. spur tracks and street intersection.
Re -roof park shelter buildings
Brenna proposed that split shake roof be installed because of their hardness.
Micks questioned flammability and cost.
Re -place Hockey Rink Lights from Wood to Metal_
This was questioned in light of proposed closing of some local hockey rinks.
Multi -surface Areas
f. - are to mean basketball areas.
Correction to item l.d. to read Wesley Park (not Lions Park) Petersen moved
tentative approval of capital improvement programs on revised February 691981
pages, as amended by previous motions. Seconded and passed unanimously.
3. Adult Softball Complex
Brenna mentioned that in addition to the Schapper property, that Honeywell
diamond may be increased to two diamonds converted to softball.
COMMUNITY CENTER-- Rules and Regulations
Corlett pointed out a correction on page 3 "Fees and Charges for use of Brook -
view Community Center" item 39 line 3 to read $325.00 rental fee. Motion that
we approve Regulations for Use of Brookview Community Center as set. Jaffe
clarified that motion is to mean that all items in the regulations are approved.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Because of the late hour, the Commission asked that we only discuss items which
cannot be postponed until March meeting. At the next meeting, Community Commun-
ications, Commendation from Twin Cities Trust, and Position paper re social
services within School District 281 will be addressed.
Brief mention that Councilman Mitchell commented that it was possibly backwards
to recommend converting Lions and Seeman Parks before neighborhood meetings had
been held. It was mentioned that we were presented with a peition from the
neighbors of Lions Park at the January meeting.
Mr. Brenna stated that he had met with residents of the Seeman Park area and in-
formed them of the park's use for Little League for the 1981 season. Residents
had three requests of the City: that portable toilets be placed on the field
during the season; that the low area behind the backstop be looked at; No Parking
Signs be erected on the west side of the park stating NO PARKING from 5 to 9 P.M.
Monday through Friday.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 a.m.
Chairperson Jaffe Vice Chairman Burmeister