June 29, 1981
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairperson J.ffe at
7s40 p.m. The following members were present: Burmeister, Fuller,
Johnson, Nicks, Petersen and Scanlon. Absent members were Benson and
Lyons. Also present were Corlett of staff, Bob Close (landscape
architect% neighbors of Lions Park and Hampshire Park and members of
subcomriittee on alternatives to Lions Park for Babe Ruth and Little
League use.
A typographical error was noted on page 1, line 7 (Curmeister)
to read Burmeister. Burmeister moved to ap-rove minutes as amended
and Johnson seconded. The minutes were approved as amended.
Landscaping: Laurel Avenue Ponds
The proposed landscape plan was presented by Bob Close. The
plantings recommended were seedless cottonwood, tamarac trees, an
aspen grove and American highbush cranberry bushes. The plantings
of Marshalls ash trees will be doubled along Colonial Drive. The
placerrent of some of the plantings was affected by the sewer line
that goes under the trail. No tree can be planted closer than 20'
from the center of the trail and no shrub can be planted closer than
10' from the center.
Corle*+ reported that Liberty Carton had no record of escrow funds
set aside for landscaping. The City Council has appropriated up to
$10,000 for materials, labor and any other costs for landscaping the
Laurel Avenue Ponds.
Neighbors showed general a-)proval of the plan, with main concern
that planting begin as soon as possible and with larger tree site
wherever possible. Mr. Close mentioned that the school being built
on the west side of the pond would plant some small trees.
Johnson moved to recommend that we accept drawing concept as
presented by architect for funding and implementation. Petersen
seconded. Discussion: Some use of evergreens would be best to
provide screening from institution on west side of pond and any new
industrial Rite that may be built on Laurel Avenue (Hicks). Motion
passed with one no vote.
Nicks moved to recommend that further non-residential develornre^.t
be referred to our commission for possible need for screenin,e frorr
residential area. Scanlon seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes of June 29, 1981 Page 2
Johnson gave update from the 'alternatives' subcommittee. The
present recommendation at Lions Club Park would bet
two ( 2) diamonds for boys Little League baseball
Two (2) diamonds for girls Little League softball
_- Concession area would be 108 sq. ft. to be set up in the existing
shelter (this would use up 13f* of the shelter)
Green plastic outfield fencing (non -permanent)
Regular chain link backstops
-- No lights except for existing lights
-- No changes on Louisiana side (girls softball on Louisiana diamonds)
-- Boys baseball diamonds would be set in a few feet from where
the existing softball diamonds are.
No dugouts (fenced in player areas instead)
Cost: $44,000.
A site for Babe Ruth is still being looked at. Johnson asked
for commission input. Look at all alternatives 'no sacred cows'
(Burmeister). Possibly a merger should be looked into (Petersen).
It was pointed out that Little League/Babe Ruth have 7 teams - only
one short of a full league. Hockey and football had to merge because
they only had three teams or less. Would the Lines property between
Legion building and railroad track by Hwy SS and 100 be feasible
(Petersen). Sandberg was mentioned as a good alternative by the
comrrission irembers, if possible.
Impact of Community Center as Proposed
Burmeister reported that Dick Webster was hired by City Vanager
to ivvft u.r. �r+rations and costs of the proposed new community center.
and impact of center on Northwest and West suburban YMCAs. Yr. Webster
concluded that:
our building costs were considered too low.
_- revenue projections were reasonable
no harm to Y programs. If building is for seniro citizens, then
Y would be interested in joint program.
any association with building or management would require
further study.
__Note: YMCA as a national policy is building no more outdoor pools
because of the number of down days associated with outdoor
Theodore Wirth Park Changes
Burmeister went over the proposed plans of the picnic facilities
new tot lot, and expanded parking lot.
Chairman's Report
The Open Space and Recreation Commissiontsrecommendationto
increase golf fees was approved by the City Council.
A person from Children's Hospital Auxiliary complained about
the $25.00 Brookview picnic deposit. Corlett responded that it is
only necessary to reserve picnic facilities Mon - Fri 4 p.m. - dusk,
and Sat and Sun 11 - 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. to dusk.
Staff Report
New golf manager has been hired as of July 20, 19p1 - named
Vern Hansen.
Johnson moved to adjourn. Micks seconded. The meeting was
adjourned at 10;10 p.m. The next regular meeting will take place
July 27, 1981 at 7;30 p.m.
Chairperson Jaffe
F -J
Vice Chairman Burmeister
6 Fi