September 21,1981
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jaffe
at 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Benson, Burmeister,
Fuller, Johnson, Vicks, Petersen and Scanlon. Lyons was absent.
Also present were Corlett and Sweet of city staff.
There were no corrections or additions to the minutes of the
regular meeting of August 24, 1981. Petersen moved to approve the
minutes as written. Penson seconded. Motion passed.
Review of Proposed City Budget (Old Business) lie were informed
that all city departments received approximately an 81C budget increase.
Pt'ocess for Selection of New Park and Recreation Director (New
Business - Advertising for the new director will begin mid-October
for a 30 day period. Applications will be reviewed by a representative
of the Open Space and Recreation Commission, City Council and City
Manager. The three most promising candidates will then be screened
by Personnel Decisions, Inc. (industrial psychologists) to help decide
on the best candidate.
In response to a question by*.Tohnson, Sweet said he decided to
maintain the position of Director of Park and Recreation because it
is the best organizational structure to have one lead man with the
three superintendents reporting to the director.
Burmeister was designated as the commission's representative
to help screen applicants for the position of Director of Park 4 Rec.
Park Superintendent Dismissal - The reason for the dismissal was
misuse of purchase orders. The amount involved was no more than 51500.
The city attorney advised it would not be worth the legal fees to take
further action beyond dismissal.
Many questions were then directed to the whole situation with
the golf superintendent such as how this could have been discovered
earlier or where the dommission went wrong. Sweet responded that
neither the finance department, the auditors nor the commission
could have known, because of the nature of the items taken and the
verbal explanations of delayed bank deposits. Micks asked whether the
chain of command was too strict to allow someone going to the city
manager to reveal their susnicions. Sweet said that because of the
trust in the Public Safety department and the excellent investigation
done, he has proposed that the Director of Public Safety become an
internal auditor for the city. Jaffe suggested an anonymous complaint
box might help.
Proposal for a New Advisory Commission on Brookview - A group
of golfers have asked for a new advisory commission for Brookview.
Their reasons are: 1) they feel the golf course has been mismanaged,
(i.e., plans have been drawn up and not followed, and staff has
implemented ridiculous ideas), 2) they want a long range plan for
the golf course and 3) they want to review policy. The commission
will be given a copy of the letter sent to the council asking for the
new advisory body.
The key question of the commission was whether this was a self-
serving committee or a standard greens committee. It was suggested
that maybe it's not known that our coe-mission has a subcommittee for
Brookview Golf course. We could understand the need for a new
advisory commission being formed if the golfers had come to us and
not been heard.
Members of the Brookview subcommittee will be present at
the meeting between the citizen group, Mayor Thorsen and Councilman
Stockman on Sept. 23rd. We will hear their report at the Oct. meeting.
---- Thanks were given to Jeff Sweet for coming to the meeting. Fis
communication with the commission was very helpful and the commission
asked that we try to schedule periodic visits by the city manager.
OLD BUSINESS/Annual Agenda
In response to agenda discussion, Corlett stated that it would
be possible to schedule an agenda with topics one month ahead of the
actual department work plan so that we could have more timely input.
Petersen said we still need a timetable that allows us to review
various topics each year. Jaffe recommended we need Public Relations
time with community.
Guidelines for Park Re -Development and Major Improvements - The
commission reviewed the present Guidelines for Considering Changes
in Park Development Plans which pertain mainly to bond issue appro-
priations. The commission conceptually concurred with these guidelines.
Petersen volunteered to write guidelines which would address changes
in park usage and programs, as well as physical facilities. These
guidelines will be brought before the commission next month for review
and approval.
Report on Adult Softball (Scanlon and Fuller) - The coiniission
heard the report. Scanlon'.s report was based on interviews with
neighbors of Hampshire Park. Althouph there were some complaints
such as toilets being closed during game time on a couple of occasions
causing players to ask for use of neighbor's toilets and also cars
pealing out when leaving the parking lots the consensus was that
adult softball is preferable to any group wanting that park facility
changed in any way.
Fuller's data showed very few teams which do not work or live
in Golden Valley. The Honeywell team data is not quite ready so
the softball report will be presented at the October 19th meeting
of the city council.
The commission commended Fuller and Scanlon for their fine
report and further thanks were given to Corlett for his hard work also.
Br-)okview Noise Policy - Concerns were voiced regarding the
accuracy of 18 hour covering, the overtime costs of a police officer
and the possibility that persons might stay beyond the 11:00 p.m.
limit without notifying Brookview staff. Corlett responded that the
$18/hour figure was accurate and that the janitorial personnel would
dim the lights to remind those parties to leave at their specified
departure time.
Petersen moved to recommend ap-)roval of the proposed revisions
for the use of Brookview Community Center (as stated in the memorandum
from the Acting Director to Open Space and Recreation Commission,
dated September 21, 1981) to be effective immediately upon the approval
of city council. Johnson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Brookview Women's Golf Assn.Proposed By -Laws Changes - Tabled
until October meeting. Corlett will prepare a lined out copy for
clarity of what changes have been proposed.
Laurel Ponds - Plantings will begin mid-October and will be done
by November 1, 1981.
Youth Athletics - Corlett summarized all sports available in
Golden Valley throughout the year.
Diamond Construction at Sandburg - The two new diamonds will be
completed in 2 - 3 weeks. Zhe restoration of the other three diamonds
will be done by May of next year.
Easement through Brookview Driving Range - The city will receive
$1,600 from Northwestern Bell for an easement 25' inside the proposed
right of way on the north side of the trees by Highway 12.
Because of the National Park and Recreation convention taking
place the last week of October, the next meeting will take place a
week earlier, October 19, 1981 at 7:30 p.m.
Petersen moved to adjourn. Scanlon seconded. The meetinf*
was adjourned at 11:05 p.m.
Chairperson Vice Chairman