October 199 1981
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairperson
Jaffe atr 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Benson,
Burmeister, Fuller. Lyons, Petersen and Scanlon. Micks arrived
late and Johnson was absent. Also present were Corlett and
Kosciolsk of staff and Rita Kamp of BWGA.
There were no additions or
the regular meeting of September
approve the minutes as printed.
Guidelines for Considering Chang
Existing Parks - Petersen
corrections to the minutes of
21, 1981. Petersen moved to
Benson seconded. Motion passed.
se and Facilities of
Petersen decided after beginning to write the subject
guidelines that a separate set of guidelines should be written
to cover changes in existing parks. We should continue to use
the guidelines for changes in park development plans which refer
to bond issue expenditures exclusively.
Specific dollar amounts were not specified in defining a
minor versus a major change. A small dollar amount could possibly
alter a park's usage in a major way and vice versa. Also the
value of the dollar can fluctuate. It was also agreed that two
hearings was a good idea when considering major changes.
Petersen moved to recommend the city council approve these
guidelines for considering changes in use and facilities of existing
parks. Lyons seconded. Unanimous approval. Petersen was commended
on the excellent work.
Annual Agenda
A couple of suggestion were made by the commission. They were:
1. The format of the annual agenda should be changed to chronological
order by month rather than flow chart style.
2. Planning should be part of any program evaluation.
3. We would like staff to produce a 12 month agenda with ongoing
evaluation as part of our agenda every month, thus annual
review would be automatic. This would anable the commission
to not be dependent on the Director of Park and Rec setting the
total monthly agenda.
Brookview Women's Golf Association - Rita Kamp, President
After reviewing the bylaws changes, the main discussion
centered on Article II, no. 2., which makes purchase of cards
optional for resident members and nonresident members. Cards
refers to patron or hononary cards.
Commission concerns were that we have a policty that we
pay for reservations (the association has advance reserved tee
times) and we prefer resident usage first.
Ms. Kamp responded that the association's membership is down
and they are trying to increase their membership. She contended
that the cost of the cards is quite high and assumes that golfers
will be golfing at least 25 times per season to recoup the $1.00
discount per play time with the card. The cost of the nonresident
patron card is $75.00# which would make it prohibitive for a
nonresident to join the association. ,Therefore, Ms. Kamp believes
cards should be optional and that if a BWGA member does not want
tee time reserved or $1.00 off, it should be the individual's
Petersen moved to table the subject of bylaws changes until
the November meeting when we have the results of staff planning
as to the various types of cards. The motion was seconded and
Softball Report
The commission received a written copy of the Softball Report.
Fuller and Scanlon could not be present at the October 20, 1981
council meeting, so Jaffe was asked to present the softball report.
Summer Youth Recreation Report - Joann Kosciolek
The commission heard a summary of the written recreation
report. Scanlon commented that scheduling activities without a
five or ten minute break between activates short-changed some
of the program activities. Kosciolek said this would be considered
when planning next summer's activities.
Winter Recreation - Kosciolek
Programs scheduled for the winter include a cheerleading
clinic at Meadowbrook and Noble for 5th and 6th graders, one or
two special events, tumbling, tap and ballet, "Getaway" will
replace "gal's Getaway" so that men can take part in the activities,
jassercise and aerobic dance, speed skating (for novice racers),
family fair (ice fishing at Mille Lacs for the day) and basketball
has been changed to Saturday afternoon to allow participation of
Jewish youth who attend Saturday morning Hebrew school.
Joann Kosciolek goes off full-time into a half-time position
with the department in two weeks.
s for
and Institutional Reservations at Brookview
Corlett informed the commission that Golden Valley Lutheran
College asked to reserve the Brookview tennis courts from 12:00 noon
to 3:30 p.m.; and Breck School has asked to reserve the courts
from 3s30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the spring and fall.
A long discussion ensued with the basic concern that public
facilities should not be reserved for a private group during
prime time hours. Also, would this be in line with separation
of church and state? Another comment was that maybe we should
reserve facilities not at a nominal charge of $1.00/hour as was
suggested by staff, but a more realistic charge. Also this would
be favorable only if there was a spirit of cooperation and trading
off facilities -between these institutions and the city.
Lyons moved to recommend it be policy that park facilities
not be committed on a permanent basis for parochial and/or private
schools. We don't feel we have adequate public facilities to
serve the public during the most desired times. Nicks seconded.
The motion failed by a vote of 3 to 29 because it precluded the
possibility for exchange of facilities with private and/or
parochial schools. Also, we now reserve park facilities for Good
Shepherd and St. Margaret Mary for hockey, softball, etc. during
school hours, therefore the above motion would have affected present
parochial school students who are mainly Golden Valley residents.
Nicks moved to table item #2 of new business (Charges for
Team and Institutional Reservations at Brookview Tennis Courts)
until next month. Scanlon seconded. The commission felt this
proposal posed larger questions and that we should hear the opinion
of the city attorney. Motion passed unanimously.
Update of Proposed Community Center at Brookview - Burmeister
There is now a new financial statement. The YMCA suggested
that control of the facility needed tightening - including management
administration— and suggested that they (the YMCA) can provide
contract management. It was suggested that solicitors would have
it easier if contract administration was provided by the YMCA
because corporations are familiar with the Y management. Finally,
the solicitation committee is not sure of their charge.
Chairperson's Report
1. We will soon be getting a secretary for the commission.
2. Park Tours the commission agreed to a park tour on
either November 7 or 14th.
3• Proposal to Move Commission Meeting to City Hall•
After the commission questioned why this proposal was
made, Petersen moved to remain at Brookview. Nicks
seconded. The motion passed. The commission reasoned
it was easier to carry on a meeting where all data and
backup charts are nearby in the park offices.
Department Report
1. Noise Control Policy at Brookview - City Council approved
our motion.
2. Brookview Update - $40,000 inventory remmins. Sale is
on now.
3. Sandburg Progress - Ag lime and sodding has been done
and now awaiting completion of track.
4. Capital Projects - commission received written report
5. Demographics: Commission received written report
Lyons moved to adjourn the meeting. Micks seconded. The
meeting was adjourned at 11:43 p.m.
The next meeting will be November 23, 1981 at 7:30 p.m.
Chairperson Jaffe Vice Chairman Burmeister