Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 22, 1982
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:35 at Brookview
Community Center by Chairperson Jaffe. Commission members present
were: Burmeister, Fuller, Johnson, Lyons, and Micks. Benson,
Peterson, and Scanlon were absent. Also present were Chuck Corlett,
Recreation Superintendent; Vern Hansen, Golf Operations Super-
intendent; Todd Christiansen, Assistant Golf Operations Manager;
Joanne Kosciolek, Program Supervisor; Robert Provost, Chairperson of
the Brookview Solicitation Committee; and Debbie Halvorson, the new
Secretary for the Commission.
Minutes of the meeting of January 25, 1982, were amended to correct
the spelling of Burmeister. Lyons moved to approve the minutes as
amended, seconded by Micks. Motion passed.
Corlett introduced to the Commission Debbie Halvorson who will be
the new Secretary to the Open Space and Recreation Commission.
1. Policy for Facility Use by Teams and
Institutional Use of Public Facilities
Tabled until the March 22 meeting.
1. Brookview Pool Fees - 1982
Corlett submitted a written recommendation for Brookview
pool fees for the 1982 season. Fees to be $12 for indivi-
dual passes, $24 for family passes, daily admissions to be
$1 for adults and $.75 for children. (See Attachment A.)
Burmeister moved that we recommend to the Council the
increase of the fees for the use of the Brookview swimming
pool. Motion seconded by Lyons. Motion passed unanimously.
2. Spring Brochure - Review
Kosciolek reviewed for the Commission the various activi-
ties planned for the spring recreation program.
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3. Summer Recreation - Input Session
Kosciolek reviewed the staffs planning for the upcoming
summer recreation program and asked for additional input
from the Commission members in the areas already being
planned and new areas. Jaffe suggested that we find some
activities for the 12-14 age group, such as a Theater group
or track. It was also suggested that the current tennis
program be expanded to include a class for 6-9 year olds.
Kosciolek also informed the Commission of cooperative
programs with neighboring communities and the Golden Valley
Corlett informed the Commission of upcoming meetings with
the Sandburg track coaching staff to discuss track activi-
4. Brookview Golf Fees — 1982
Hansen submitted a written recommendation of the proposed
1982 golf fees. (See Attachment B.) He stated that the
fees are based on the needs of the course and our competi-
tion. He compared each increase with the 1981 prices for
the Commission and also explained the emphasis on trying to
accommodate the 18 -hole golfer.
Micks moved to recommend the following fee schedule for the
1982 season. Johnson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Community Center Update
Robert Provost, Chairperson of the Solicitation Committee,
informed the Commission of the progress of his Committee
with the Community Center project.
The Commission asked Provost questions concerning the plans
for fund raising for such a project. Provost explained the
many Solicitation Committee discussions concerning corpor-
ate contributions and bonding and the combinations of the
Micks asked if consideration had been given to Day Care
facilities. Provost responded that the Committe has looked
into Day Care and felt that the State requirements in-
hibited the ability of this facility; and, therefore, the
Committee was no longer pursuing this matter.
Provost informed the Commission that the Solicitation
Committee would be reporting to the Council on March 11 and
asked everyone to come to this Council meeting concerning
the Brookview Community Center.
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The Commission thanked Robert Provost for coming in to
update them on the progress of his Committee.
1. Brookview Golf Operation — Update
Hansen and Christiansen discussed some changes in golf
operations this year. Changes include:
A. Only one patron card holder will be necessary to make
reservations rather than the four as it has been in
the past, in the hope of increasing the number of
players on the golf course. Rates will be the same on
weekends as on week days.
B. Thirty new Yamaha golf carts have been leased.
C. There will be an increase in locker rentals.
D. We would like to open up the golf course more to the
public rather than tournaments and leagues.
E. The staff has been discussing with the Bullseye Golf
Centers to supply pro shop merchandise for Brookview.
In addition to the merchandise, the course will re-
ceive additional benefits in the area of advertising
and score cards.
F. New carpeting will be put in the pro shop area, locker
rooms, hallway and snack area. This will be paid for
out of insurance monies that we received because of
the water damage caused by the water heater break
down. The walls will be repainted also. The counter
will be put in the southwest corner of the pro shop.
This will give a better view of the lst and 10th tee
G. Improvements in the driving range operations include
mechanical ball dispensers. Hopefully this will make
the driving range a profitable area in 1982.
H. Christiansen explained a new system for tee times for
weekend play known as "flip-flop" which should speed
up play. This system has golfers teeing off the 1st
and 10th tee beginning at 6:30 for approximately a two
hour time period and then no additional golfers are
allowed to tee off for approximately 2 1/2 hours.
This results in the ability to have 128 golfers per
flip-flop. This can be repeated at 11:30 and 4:30.
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I. Corlett reported that the signage budget has been
increased this year. This should help to eliminate
the confusion currently experienced by many golfers in
the interior section of the golf course.
2. Preliminary — Capital Improvements
Corlett distributed the City's current Capital Improvement
Plan, Open Space Management Program, and the proposed
Implementation Plan for Laurel Avenue Greenbelt and asked
that the Commision review this matter for discussion of the
Department's Capital Improvements Update which will be
discussed at the March meeting.
Jaffe asked Corlett to inform the Commission of the Liberty
Carton landscaping requirement found during research for
the Laurel Avenue landscaping program. Corlett responded
that the Inspections Department had forwarded a document
which was dated May 1977 that required Liberty Carton to do
landscaping work on the north side of their property.
3. State Cuts
Corlett informed the Commission that the affects of the
State cuts will be a Department reorganization and some
minor decreases in program areas.
Jaffe asked the Commission if they would like to conduct the elec-
tion for Chairperson and Vice Chairperson at this meeting or wait
until the March meeting. The Commission indicated concern that new
Commission members would probably not have enough background to
participate in elections; and, therefore, the elections could be
conducted at this meeting.
Jaffe opened nominations for Chairperson of the Open Space and
Recreations Commission. Fuller nominated Burmeister and Jaffe
seconded. There being no further nominations, Lyons moved to close
the nominations and Fuller seconded. Burmeister was elected unani-
Jaffe opened nominations for Vice Chairperson of the Open Space and
Recreations Commission. Johnson nominated Micks and Burmeister
seconded. There being no further nominations, Lyons moved to closed
nominations and Johnson seconded. Micks was elected unanimously.
The Commission expressed its appreciation for the fine job Jaffe has
done as Chairperson and that Micks has done as Secretary.
The next meeting will be March 22, 1982.
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Lyons moved the meeting be adjourned and it was unanimously seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:47.
Vice Chairman Burmeister