8-1-1983OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY ON AUGUST 1, 1983 The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. at the Brookview Community Center by Chairman Burmeister. Commission members present were: Jaffe, McDonald, Murad, Scanlon, Watson, and Younghans. Also present were Barbara Bailey, Senior Citizens Coordinator; Charles Corlett, Program and Policy Superintendent; Debbie Halvorson, Commission Secretary; and Andy Lindquist, Golf Director. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Murad moved the Minutes of the June 27, 1983, Meeting be approved as written. Watson seconded. Motion passed. NEW BUSINESS 1. Pool Study Burmeister stated that Mayor Thorsen had contacted him and requested that the Open Space Commission have a subcommittee meet with her and Councilman Stockman prior to the Commission making a recommendation concerning the Brookview Pool Study. Burmeister asked the Commission if there were any questions regarding the pool report and stated that these questions would be only to provide Commission members with general knowledge and that the Commission would not make a recommendation at this meeting. The questions were asked in the following areas: - Recent electrical problems (Scanlon) - Five schemes of repair suggested by the architects (Murad) - Whether other alternatives could be recommended by the Commission ( Younghans ) - Technical construction of the pool (Jaffe) - History of the pool and facility development in Golden Valley - Material included in the report, i.e. map of pool locations (Watson) - Questions to gain an understanding of statements made by the architects. Corlett responded to the individual question areas and provided the Commissio^ with general information about the report. Minutes Page 2 August 1, 1983 Burmeister asked for volunteers to serve on a subcommittee to meet with Mayor Thorsen and Councilman Stockman. Scanlon and McDonald will serve on this subcommittee and will meet the week prior to the 22nd of August. Burmeister asked the staff what effects these improvements would have on the operational costs of the pool. Corlett stated that the savings would be primarily in the area of maintenance, i.e. chemical use savings and getting the pool ready for operations. He pointed out that the day to day operational expenditures will still remain very similar, as we will still need life guards, telephones, etc. Murad asked if the architectural group could have a representative present at the next meeting to answer specific questions. Corlett affirmed that a representative will be present. As a final note, Chairman Burmeister stated that the purpose of the meeting with Mayor Thorsen and Councilman Stockman is to gain a clear understanding of the report by both groups. 2. Senior Citizen Report Chairman Burmeister introduced to the Commission Barbara Bailey, Senior Citizens Coordinator, to review the past year's Senior Citizen Recreation Program. Bailey reviewed for the Commission the written report and high- lighted many events in which the seniors have been involved in. The highlights included the very successful Golden Gala coor- dinated by Golden Valley with several other communities, growth in many program areas such as Humanities, the transportation committee which has been formed and their initial activity with North Memorial Hospital. She expressed the importance of con- tinuing to meet needs in the area of senior citizens. Many of the Commission members commented on the diversity of and the extensiveness of the current program and thanked Barbara for all her work for these residents. It was also noted by the Commission the volume of individual participation within the senior program. COMMITTEE REPORT 1. Brookview Improvement Committee Murad reviewed the Minutes enclosed in the agenda package from the Brookview Golf Improvements Committee. He pointed out that the Committee is involved in finding out the remedial costs of improvements necessary at Brookview and that at the August 4 meeting of the Committee they will be attempting to prioritize their suggested improvements. Minutes Page 3 4ugust 1, 1983 Chairman Burmeister introduced Andy Lindquist, new Golf Director, and asked that he review the written reports included in the agenda package. Lindquist explained to the Commission the various revenue sources for the golf operations and displayed their projected percentages per month throughout the year. He further reviewed the weekly situ:, ion for the Commission and pointed out where the revenue prr,-ections were accurate. Jaffe asked if all these reports were helpful in the golf operations. Lindquist replied that the reports were helpful to him in making decisions. Lindquist called attention to the area regarding merchandise revenues and pointed out that this was low; however, it was of no great concern as it was a very low percentage of total golf revenues. Jaffe asked what the general condition of the course is at this time. Lindquist stated that it is getting dry and that we were receiving some _-omplaints regarding the day to day maintenance which are beir,Dealt with promptly. Murad and Younghans stated that at the recent Guest Day held by the Brooksiew Mens Golf Association, they received many very positive comments from the guests regarding the improved condi- tion of the course from last year. OLD BUSINESS Six Month Operation Review Burmeister called upon Corlett to review the recreation division operations during the first six months. Corlett stated that present expenditures were in line with the six month planned budget and pointed out several categories where some savings have been made. Murad asked where the rental paid by the City went. Corlett stated that the City rental was to the golf operations. Murad further asked why we are paying rent. Corlett explained that the golf course was an enterprise fund and that the rental was for the City's operation of the park and recreation department in the Brookview building. He further stated that the "Enterprise" indicated a self-sustaining fund. DEPARTMENT ITEMS 1. Budget Proposal Review Corlett stated that he has developed the department's recommended budget for the City Manager and reviewed the basic philosophy of Minutes Page 4 August 1, 1983 the budget development. He indicated that the philosophy was to attempt to meet the needs of the community. He stated that the request in the area of senior citizens programming was higher than in past years as that portion of the operation has grown significantly in recent years. He stated that the summer playground program budget has been developed as if the traditional program were to be operated. This was to allow flexibility in the decision to either continue to contract this service or to return to the traditional opera- tions of summer playground. He then explained the difficulty in developing budgets for areas such as the pool, due to the need to budget for a full advertised season which may be affected by the weather conditions. Jaffe asked if thewY would be new programs designed. Corlett responded that we have the ability to develop new programs under our youth or adult general accounts. Scanlon asked if the department could budget to put flowers in the parks. 2. Storm Damage Corlett informed the Commission that the recent July 19 storm caused damage to trees at every park location in the City. These damages included downed trees and broken limbs. He stated that several of the downed trees were substantial in size. The park crew is to be commended on their cleanup efforts following the storm. He further informed the Commission of the electrical problems in the area of Brookview and the effect that this had on the heavy motors for air-conditioning and the pool circulatory system. He stated that one motor was burned out when the power was restored. This was due to the motor going into single phase operation instead of three phase operation. Burmeister asked Lindquist what the tree loss was on the golf course. Lindquist replied that the course lost five trees and that the locations of these trees did not cause a great deal of difficulty. However, branches and limbs were down throughout the course which required extensive cleanup. 3. MPRA Conference Corlett announced to the Commission that the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association (MPRA) Fall Conference will be held in Rochester on November 16, 17, and 18; and if Commission members are interested in attending, they should contact him for registration information. 1 Minutes Page 5 august 1, 1983 m- SCELLANEOUS Scanlon asked Corlett the status of the recommended batting cage at Sandberg Babe Ruth fields. Corlett indicated this would be included in the 1984 capital improvements and installed prior to the season, due to the time necessary to receive one from the company. Younghans asked how this could be a problem due to the distance from the home plate area to the Thompson's house. Corlett stated that several balls were being hit into the garden area and sometime against the house. However, the Babe Ruth coaches were cooperating in trying to resolve this problem. ADJOURNMENT Burmeister asked if there were any other items of business to discuss. There being none, the Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Following the adjournment an commission member.._ 6CChairman Burmeister orientation session was held for new