12-6-1983 (November meeting)t r
The regular Meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. at the
Brookview Community Center by Chairman Burmeister. Commission members
present were Charles Corlett, Program and Policy Superintendent; Debbie
Halvorson, Commission Secretary; Dean Johnson, Architect; and Andy
Lindquist, Golf Director.
Murad moved the Minutes of the October 24, 1983, Meeting be approved as
written. Emilie Johnson seconded. Motion passed.
1. Community Center Drawings Update
Corlett introducers to the Commission Dean Johnson,.Architect for Toltz,
King, Duvall and Anderson (TKDA). Dean Johnson reviewed for the
Commission the general layout of the Community Center plan and explained
the architectural work which had been completed to date. This work
includes preliminary studies of the existing building and preliminary
design of the spaces. He further explained the relocating of the
administrative spaces in the southeasterly corner of the Community
Center. Discussion included inquiries and answers about improvements
to the lower level of the building, the mechanical -systems and energy
efficient windows. Also discussed were the general uses of the facility,
the ability to accommodate groups within the current plan and the outside
patio with new entrance area.
Improvements to the lower level would come about in the areas of electrical
systems and air -circulation due to the interfacing of the systems for the
upstairs improvements. It was further explained that the walls would be
reinsulated and the ceiling area above the old section of the building
would be insulated. Dean Johnson pointed out that the entire heating and
air-conditioning plant would be replaced with a modern -efficient unit and
that the issue of window replacement had been addressed and had been
determined to be too costly an item within the project. Corlett stated
that the current user groups would be better serviced within this plan and
that the plan could not answer all the express needs and desires included
in the original Community Center plan. It was stated that the patio would
remain and that the new entrance would be located on the south side of the
building and would have a separate entrance path for the Community Center.
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Burmeister asked Dean Johnson if the staff area would adequately
serve the Park and Recreation Department. Dean Johnson responded
that in the discussions with the staff, the area which needed
flexibility was the administrative area and that the design for
this area was comfortable during the general operation of the
department and slightly crowded for the summer operations.
Burmeister asked Dean Johnson to review for the Commission the
alternate plan for the Community Center room areas. Dean Johnson
explained to the Commission that with the removal of the center wall
structure and installation of folding walls the community rooms could
be either opened for large groups or sectioned off into four separate
spaces. He pointed -out the flexibility of this alternate plan and
stated that the current appropriated funding would not allow this
alternative. He further demonstrated the difficulties which could be
encountered when the room is divided. This included that access to the
westerly rooms would have to be attained by passing through the other
spaces. Further discussion of the flexibility included the use of a
portable bar rather'than a fixed one.
The Commission expressed concern that the current budget does not
reflect interior appointments, such as carpeting, drapes, and furnish-
ings. Corlett pointed out that this issue has not been totally resolved,
however, it is felt that separate funding may be attained through donations.
Hearing no further discussion, Burmeister asked the Commission for a
motion to the Council regarding the Community Center plans presented.
Emilie Johnson moved that the Commission support the preliminary
Community Center plan as presented and that the alternatives
be included if monies are available.
Murad seconded. Motion carried.
Burmeister thanked Dean Johnson for his presentation.
1. Capital Improvements
Corlett briefly reviewed for the Commission the written memorandum
included in the Commission agenda material, highlighting the Council's
proposed agenda of approving projects on a two-year basis with appropria-
tions being made annually. He further pointed out some of the projects
which have been abandoned or redesigned within the 1984 through 1988
staff proposal for park capital improvements. Corlett further explained
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that the Park and Recreation Department has projects contained
within other funds which include the Public Land Fund - Laurel
Avenue Greenbelt; the Equipment Replacement Fund; and the Building
Improvements Fund.
Commission member Jaffe inquired where the baseball complex in 1988
would be located. Corlett stated that the City is currently
discussing the purchase of lands from the Good Shepherd Church and
if this land is acquired the baseball complex would be located
Corlett reviewed the new projects identified for 1986 - 1988. They
are as follows:
Air -Suspended Bubble - The purchase of an air -suspended bubble
for protecting a hockey rink from weather elements.
Brookview Road Improvements - Corlett pointed out that the
through traffic use of the road through Brookview Park and Golf
Course will cause the need to repair this road. Curbing could
be included to embellish the Park and Golf Course. The existing
difficult curve in the northeasterly section of Brookview could
be corrected. Murad pointed out that I-394 will have an effect
on the road usages in the Brookview area.
Park Curbing - Corlett pointed out to the Commission the need
to install curbing at several park locations. This will help
define the park perimeters.
Murad inquired about the estimated cost for the purchase of an air -
suspended bubble. Corlett stated that this is purely an estimate at
this time. Scanlon inquired about the advantages of having a bubble
installed and how long this would extend the skating season. Corlett
stated that a bubble would extend the season on both ends. He was not
aware of how much earlier skating rinks could be established and
stated that with such a bubble the skating season could extend well
into March. He further stated that such a facility would be a
scheduled facility with times designated for hockey separate from
free skating times. Watson inquired whether it was feasible to cover
a hockey rink and a free skating area with such a bubble. Corlett
stated that he has sent for information regarding sizing of bubbles
and unit costs of operations. He further stated that unit costs would
have to be applied with regional pricing due to different rates in our
area than other areas. Jaffe inquired if this plan would be financed
without a bond issue. Corlett stated that the Capital Improvements
Plan (CIP) is financed via several funding sources and that Park Capital
Improvements basically came from transfers from the general fund. He
further stated that the Council will review the entire CIP and may
determine it necessary to postpone or eliminate projects within the
proposed plan.
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Jaffee moved that the Council accept the entire Capital
Improvements Plan as submitted by the staff.
Scanlon seconded. Motion carried.
1. Sidewalks
Emilie Johnson reviewed for the Commission the City Sidewalk
Committee's reviews of the existing plan, pointing out that the
once established priorities had not been followed and that the
Committee was looking at reprioritizing sidewalk projects. She
pointed out that it is the intent of the City to spend $200,000
per year on constructing sidewalks and that the City would gain
approximately four miles of sidewalk per year with this expenditure.
Murad pointed out to the Commission that the original priorities
emphasized the need for sidewalks near schools, parks, churches,
and shopping areas and that this structure of priorities need to be
changed due to the closing of several elementary schools within the
City. Emilie Johnson and Murad stated they would bring an updated map
of the Committee's work to the January Commission meeting. Further
discussion answered questions of snowplowing of sidewalks and why the
Commission had membership on the City's Sidewalk- Committee.
1. Council Action
a. Park Lighting. Burmeister reviewed for the Commission the
Council's action regarding Park Lighting, stating that the Council
asked for the policy to include the times for walkway lighting
in the descriptive portion of the policy only and that the wording
of the policy identify lighting times for parking lots.
b. PUD #42/County Trail. Burmeister reviewed the Council's action
which directed the developers of the Holiday Motor Inn property
to redesign their plans to include land dedication for trails
and solve the existing parking problems on the property. He
summarized a letter written to the Council by Cliffton French,
Director of the Hennepin County Park Reserve District, which
eloquently pointed out the importance of this section within the
plan to develop the northwestern Hennepin County trail corridor
which will loop the entire northwestern suburbs and Minneapolis
2. Independent Topic (Geese)
Burmeister reviewed for the Commission his explorations into the problems
which are currently being expressed due to the large number of geese
at the Brookview Golf Course/Park complex. He pointed out that the
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problem is quite widespread within the metropolitan area and
stated many of the agencies which have expressed concern. In
Burmeister's search for information regarding this problem, he
has found that there is a Metro Goose Flock Coordinator who is a
professor at the University of Minnesota. Burmeister suggested
that perhaps a seminar could be conducted which would include
representatives from the DNR, Metropolitan Airport, Minnesota Park
and Recreation Association, the Cities of Golden Valley, Eden Prairie,
Edina, Minneapolis, Fridley, and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife. Lind-
quist suggested that if such a seminar were to take place, the
Minn s to Golf Course Superintendents Association (MGCSA) should be
contac ed as this topic was discussed at a recent MGCSA Conference.
Corlet pointed out that the business community should also be
included in such a seminar due to their interest in preserving open
space areas.
3. MRPA C2Inference Report
Burmeister passed around for the Commission a copy of a survey
questionnaire coducted by Charles Smith of the Metropolitan Open
Space staff. He reviewed for the Commission the purpose of the
survey and stated that the questionnaire returns are currently being
tabulated and that when the tabulation is completed we will receive
a copy,.
ster shared with the Commission a short tour of Silver Lake
Park he and Corlett conducted while attending the MRPA State
Conference in Rochester. He tried to develop a picture of the quantity
of geese there and the devastating effects the geese have had on the
Silver Lake site. He pointed out that one bathhouse was completely
removed as a result of their grazing. He stated that the City of
Rocheser has no intentions of trying to remove or in any way reduce
the number of geese which currently flock to the Silver Lake site.
Corlet updated the Commission on the progress made on the following
projec s: Mary Hills, Drainage, Gearty, Laurel Planting, and
2.. Lions Park Tennis Courts
Corlett informed the Commission of the steps which will be taken to
repair the Lions Club Park Tennis Courts. He pointed out that the
court surface will be ground off and a 1 1/2 inch asphalt lift will
be installed in 1984 along with resurfacing of the courts. It is
expected that the lift will seal the courts and solve the problem
of existing asphalt contaminates.
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3. Skating Rinks
Corlett informed the Commission of the exemplary work performed
by the Park Maintenance staff to remove the heavy snow from the
skating rink areas. The removal of this snow was necessary as
it serves as an insulating blanket which does not allow frost to
be formed in the ground. Burmeister stated that the park crew
deserves a sincere thank you for their efforts to provide skating
facilities for the City's residents.
4. Golf Update
Lindquist reviewed for the Commission the extreme weather conditions
of the 1983 season, stating it was the hottest summer on record for
many years. He alerted the Commission of the potential for turf
damage due to the large quantities of snow which has fallen to date.
He stated that the current conditions are generally similar to those
experienced in the winters of 1976 - 1977 at which time several golf
courses including Brookview experienced heavy turf losses as a result
of no ground frost prior to the heavy snows. The golf crew will be
taking all known preventative actions to reduce the possible turf loss.
Lindquist updated the Commission on the progress made to date regarding
the Golf Course improvements which include expected Council action to
enter into contracts with Minnesota Toro for the sprinkling system and
TKDA for the fairway reconstruction.
5. Hockey Bubble.
The Meeting was, adjourned at 9:40 P.M-
Chairman Burmeister