The regular meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M. at the Golden
Valley City Hall, Gold Room, by Chairperson Johnson. Commission
members present were: Burmeister, Jaffe, Kahlow, McDonald, Murad,
Scanlon, and Watson. Nlso present were Charles Corlett, Program and
Policy Superintendent; Debbie Halvorson, Commission Secretary; and
Andy Lindquist, Greens Superintendent.
There being no changes to the April 23, 1984 minutes, the minutes
were approved as written.
A. Introduction: William Joynes - City Manaaer
Chairperson Johnson introduced William Joynes, City Manager, to
the Commission. Mr. Joynes gave a brief personal and
professional background and informed the Commission that he was
very anxious to work with the Commission.
B. Introduction: William Barbeau - Metropolitan Parks and Open
Space Commission
Mr. Barbeau thanked the Commission for having him on the agenda
and reviewed for the Commission a preliminary draft of the
Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission's guide for the
1985-1990 development and operations procedures. He pointed out
several issues which the Commission itself had identified to be
addressed during this five-year plan. Included in the issues
was the question of operations and maintenance funding,
.distribution by the Metropolitan Council, and whether fees and
charges should be collected differently than they are at the
present time within the Metropolitan Regional Park System.
Barbeau stated that one of the important issues to be addressed
is the marketing of the Metropolitan Regional Park System, as
presently many people are unaware of the entire system. He
pointed out Issue No. 10 which deals with local government
control of sites within the boundaries. He stated that he
wanted Golden Valley to have a opportunity to review the
preliminary drafts and have input into a final draft of the
Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission's five-year plan.
Barbeau closed by promising the Commission that he would inform
them of hearing dates and locations and encouraged the
Commission to participate in the processes. Several Commission
members asked questions of Mr. Barbeau regarding funding,
hearings, and current fees and charges. Chairperson Johnson
thanked Mr. Barbeau for attending the Commission meeting and
invited him to attend future meetings.
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May 21, 1984
A. Summer Program
Corlett informed the Commission of the Department's satisfaction
with the summer brochure and complimented Sue Cook for the
outstanding job which she did in organizing and supervising its
production. He pointed out that due to established time tables,
the Department was unable to utilize the mail distribution
technique which was discussed at the April meeting. However, it
is the Department's plan to use such a service in the future.
Corlett stated that the Brookview pool operations for the summer
will be similar to those of previous years. He also stated that
the pool building will be painted including the flooring, and
several steps have been taken to embellish some of the areas
where previous problems have occurred. He pointed out staff
selection of individuals with extensive background in instruc-
tion and first aid. Scanlon inquired as to what method would be
used to check people at the pool entrance. Corlett stated that
we would again use the every eighth person checking technique.
Scanlon asked if further consideration had been given to tags or
some additional identification for the participant. Corlett
replied that as this was to be the final year of the Brookview
pool operation it was felt that the funds could be better spent
in general repairs. Scanlon also asked how much funds would be
spent for the maintenance of the pool in 1984. Corlett replied
that the maintenance budget was approximately $11,000 and that
the painting contract, daily on site cleanup and some supplies
would be paid for by the operations budget. Corlett reminded
the Commission of the high operational costs of the Brookview
pool compared to pools located in neighboring communities.
Corlett stated that it was important to the Department staff
that aquatics continue to be a part of the program offering;
however, that the current pool with its conditions is
undesirable. McDonald inquired about admission fees, costs of
family passes and instructional fees. Corlett reviewed the fees
for each item. Chairperson Johnson inquired whether it would be
possible to develop agreements with the school districts in
Golden Valley for use of their pools. Corlett stated that this
may be one way to continue to have aquatics offered within the
program. He further informed the Commission of the current
operating structures of School Districts 270 and 281 regarding
their pool facilities.
There was no new business to discuss at this meeting.
Page 3
May 21, 1984
A. Migratory Waterfowl Committee
Burmeister reviewed for the Commission the recommendation
presented to the Council for the Migratory Waterfowl Committee
and stated that the Council had approved the recommendation as
written. He informed the Commission that this meant the City
would participate with the Minneapolis Park Board in rounding up
the geese at Brookview, Sweeny Lake, Lake of the Isles and
General Mills in 1984. He further stated that the recommended
program was for four years and that the Council motion allowed
Golden Valley participation for this time period. He stated
that the Committee is currently attempting to establish the
location of an informal meeting to disseminate the information
regarding the program to the general public. This meeting would
be a joint meeting between Golden Valley and Minneapolis.
Kahlow asked when the round up would be conducted and what would
happen to the birds after the round up was completed. Burmeister
stated that it is necessary to have the round up between approx-
imately June 15 and July 4, as this was the molting season for
the birds. Re continued by stating that the birds would be
initially shipped to the Carlos Avery Game Reserve area and from
there they would be shipped to places in Oklahoma which were
attempting to establish a goose population. Further discussion
,fir+rding the future egg removal program resulted in that the egg
removal program would not start until the third year of the
program for reasons of establishing the desired pairs within the
Burmeister stated that the birds shipped to Oklahoma would be
banded in a fashion that would make them identifiable from
wherever they were rounded up from. This will allow the
research portion of the program to gather information regarding
th number of birds which return to the area in the following
years. Corlett reminded Burmeister that the Council desires the
completion of a flyway map which was addressed within the
committee's report.
B. Brookview Improvements Committee
Murad informed the Commission of his attendance at the bid
opening for the improvements project and that it was discovered
that one company had made an error in their arithmetic when
adding up the total. This error resulted in a $100,000 decrease
in the Viet & Company, Inc. bid and with this reduction made
them the low bidder. He stated that the Company has a good
Page 4
May 21, 1984
reputation and everyone felt con
completed in 1984. Murad enligh
could not attend the ground brea
of the event.
'ident that the project would be
:ened the Commission members who
king ceremony held May 21, 1984,
A. Commission Member Responsibilities
Chairperson Johnson stated that the Commission members were
responsible for the total'communIty and that although personal
issues may be important they sho ld not dominate the Commission
meetings. She further stated that each Commission member should
make every effort to visit the park open spaces and use the
trails during the summer months Io gain a better understanding
of the programs operated and how the parks are used.
B. Urging of Sub -Committees to Meet
Chairperson Johnson urged the tw
Opening Committee and Brookview
as the July deadline for reporti
near. Johnson asked Jaffe to ch
Subcommittee. Jaffe accepted.
C. Tribute to Burton "Burt" Brown
subcommittees, Brookview Grand
olicy Review Committee, to meet
g to the Commission was getting
it the Grand Opening
Chairperson Johnson asked Rhoda Jaffe to inform the Commission
members who had not met Mr. Burton Brown of his work in the
development of the City's park and recreation system. Jaffe
stated that Burt Brown was a man who was a member of the
Commission during the development times of the Golden Valley
park and recreation system. His efforts gave the City's park
and recreation system elements sLich as the Golf Course, trail
network and existing park sites. She stated that he was a man
of integrity and perseverance an that he was a man she truly
admired. She also stated that a�though she frequently disagreed
on many issues with Burt Brown, ie always had her respect.
Jaffe moved that the Commission recommend to the City
Council that a letter be se t to Mrs. Brown and her
family commending Burton Br wn for his services and
stating how highly regarded he was within the
Burmeister seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Page 5
May 21, 1984
B. REM, Inc. - Parkinq and Trail
Corlett informed the Commission of the City's staff efforts to
resolve the issues regarding the installation of additional
parking facilities at the Golden Valley Day Activity Center. He
reviewed a diagram of the area pointing out the specific
footages available and how each segment could be utilized. He
further stated that the staff is working on an agreement which
would prohibit future additional developrr,ent of the property.
Several Commission members stated that it was hoped such an
agreement could be reached, pointing out several past incidents
where such development had taken place differently than what had
been understood. Chairperson Johnson asked if this would be a
written agreement. Corlett stated it would be a written
document done by the Legal Department of the City.
A. Parks Division Update
There was no park update due to the absence of Tom Klatt.
B. Recreation Division
1. Administration. Corlett informed the Commission that the
Department would be beginning its work on the operating
budgets and that the Commission would be kept aware of the
Department budget development. The staff would like to
hear the concerns of the Commission and will make every
effort to address these concerns within the operating
Corlett informed the Commission that the Department staff
will be interviewing candidates for the administrative
secretary position which is now open and reviewed the
process the staff would be using for selection.
2. Capital Improvements. Corlett updated the Commisson of the
progress being made in the capital improvements program and
stated that bids were being advertised for the tennis court
resurfacing, the parking lot striping, and that the park's
shop heaters have been bid and contracts awarded. Corlett
informed the Commission that Tom Klatt is preparing for
this year's portion of the Open Space Management Plan and
that the Lion's Club tennis courts are near completion.
Page 6
May 21, 1984
He went on to
inform the Con of the
beaver family
located in the Laurel Avenue
and that
these beavers
have already taken down two
of the
planted trees.
Corlett stated that it is
the Depar'Lment's
intent to live
trap the beaver under a contract
and that
the destiny of
the animals was unknown.
C. Golf Update
Lindquist informed the Commission that there will be a precon-
struction meeting regarding the course upgrading on Wednesday,
May 23, and that at this meeting, general discussion of how the
project will proceed will take place. He informed the Commission
that Doug Deiter has been hired to act as a project manager on
the City's behalf. He stated that the construction would
commence on the June 29 date cited within the specifications.
Lindquist informed the Commission that the irrigation project
should be completed by mid-June and has progressed on schedule.
Lindquist also informed the Commission that all 18 holes would
be operating until construction commenced. Murad stated that
the course looks nice.
4ChAiTheing was adjourned at 9:14 P.M.
rperson J nson ice Chairpe so affe