The regular meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM at the Golden Valley City
Hall, Valley Room, by Chairperson Jaffe. Commission members present were:
Burmeister, Johnson, Murad, Watson, and Younghans. Also present were Charles
Corlett, Program and Policy Superintendent; Debbie Halvorson, Commission
Secretary; Tom Klatt, Park Superintendent; and Laura Loomis, Pool Manager.
Younghans moved that the minutes of the July 30, 1984, meeting be approved
as written. Watson Seconded. Motion carried.
Chairperson Jaffe and other Commission members extended a warm welcome to Jim
Johnson, new Commission member.
A. Dede Scanlon - Letter of Resignation
Chairperson Jaffe called to the attention of the Commission the letter of
resignation from Dede Scanlon to the Council, which was included in the
Commission agenda packet. Murad stated that the Commission should send a
letter of thank -you for service to Dede and wish her well.
Chairperson Jaffe asked if there was any old business. There was none.
A. Pool Information Session
The Commission generally discussed the Brookview pool issue and reviewed
past discussions regarding Toltz, Ring, Duvall and Anderson (TKDA) recom-
mendations, the Commission's previous recommendation to the Council and
generally the reasons no action had been taken prior to the 1984 season.
Commission members expressed their concerns and interests regarding the
upcoming September 13th meeting. The following items were further dis-
The Commission asked how the advertising of the meeting will be handled.
Corlett responded that it will be stated on the cover of the fall recrea-
tion brochure, media announcements via newspaper and cable TV, school
flyers would be distributed to the elementary schools, and the department
staff is working on signage similar to the community billboard signs used
for athletic registration.
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August 27, 1984
Chairperson Jaffe asked the staff how much response has already been generated
via the general information put forth in the newspaper. Corlett responded
that one letter has been received and asked Laura Loomis, Pool Manager, to
respond regarding the inquiries of the pool patrons. Loomis informed the
Commission that there have been several inquiries and the pool staff has told
the public how they can have input into this issue. She stated that they
have encouraged people to respond in writing and to attend the September 13
meeting. She further stated that the general concern of the current patrons
is to have a pool similar to the existing Brookview pool.
Murad inquired regarding the format of the meeting and who will be conducting
the meeting. Corlett stated that the first step would be to have Burmeister
and Bill Joynes, City Manager, develop the basic quesions which the Council
desires to be answered. Questions could be presented in both a written and
verbal fashion. Corlett further stated that the staff would be available at
the meeting to answer technical questions relating to the pool issue.
Burmeister stated that he felt it would be important for the residents to
know the cost per participant compared to the cost per participant in other
city sponsored programs conducted by the department. He added that cost per
participant should also be compared to other public pools in the area.
General discussion took place at this time regarding whether the Commission
had developed any position regarding the operation of a pool in the communit;-
The discussion resulted in that the Commission had taken a position regarding
the renovation of the Brookview pool when the TKDA report was reviewed in 1983.
Its position had been to recommend Scheme IIIB. *[Murad stated that the
Commission should utilize the input received at the September 13 meeting,
review their past recommendation and develop a recommendation to the Council
regarding the issue of public pools in Golden Valley.)
Discussion continued on the possibilities of renovation or construction of a
new pool. Younghans inquired if there was land within the existing system
and if there was land available to be purchased for a pool. It was discussed
that land within the system could be mads available if changes were made in
existing uses and that there were only limited parcels available for purchase
throughout the City.
Murad inquired whether there were established methods to determine whether a
community should have a municipal pool. 'Corlett stated that he know of none;
however, the true determining factor isthe want of the community and the
ability to finance capital and operation 1 costs.
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August 27, 1984
Corlett and Commission members pointed out that the reason no action regarding
the renovation of the pool had been taken was a result of not having the
ability to finance such a project. There is also the question of the advise -
ability of renovating the existing facility.
Watson asked if the purpose of the meeting was to give information to the
public or to receive the general feelings of those who will be in attendance.
Chairperson Jaffe responded that the purpose of the meeting would be twofold;
to both provide information to the public and receive their comments, which
will be passed on to the City Council.
Burmeister raised the point that only determining the want for a pool would
not complete the issue as several people within the community desire an out-
door pool, while others desire an indoor pool. He further stated that these
questions would have to be answered before discussion of financing any program
could take place.
Staff and Commission discussed generally the existing pool with regards to
renovation and location, siting many of the items stated within the TKDA report.
Chairperson Jaffe reminded Commission members that while it is important to
have foresight and make recommendations regarding the future of facilities
within the community, it is also necessary for the Commission to help the
Council and it will be necessary to follow the Council's direction/charge in
many issues. Chairperson Jaffe asked the Commission how they would like to
approach the September 13 meeting with regards to what information would be
important for them to have, and whether or not the Commission wanted to have
a position developed for the meeting.Watson felt that it was important
that we hear the wants of the community and that we should provide the citizens
with the information so they can tell us their true feelings. Burmeister
stated that the Commission should enter the September 13 meeting with an open
mind, as it is important to hear the input from the community. General dis-
cussion regarding the September 13 meeting pointed out that the attendants of
this meeting will most likely be those who want to have a pool and that very
few individuals who oppose the pool will attend.
Loomis informed the Commission that the general feedback from the current users
includes a want to have something similar to the existing pool and that they
like the current location. She further stated that there was a desire to have
more adult oriented programming of the pool. Corlett stated that the existing
pool does not allow for several of the current desired programs such as lap
swim for adults or the ability to isolate the various types of uses within the
pool, and stated that the design of a pool could accomplish a change in the
ability to provide desired programs if it were determined a new pool was to
be built. He showed some examples of pool design which meet the needs for tiny
tot areas, lap swim, diving, and general swim.
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August 27, 1984
The Commission asked if the technique of the informational meeting was the
best method to get a true community -wide opinion and asked if a professionally
operated opinion poll should be used regarding this issue. The Commission
expressed that it would be necessary to present data regarding participation a
the pool and the ocst of operation, and asked if the staff would be organizing
such data. Corlett responded that the staff is currently trying to organize
the data collected in 1984 and has record of participation and costs of previous;
The Commission and staff reviewed the organization of the meeting. The Commission
asked if the meeting could be taped. Corlett said a recorder was available.
Chairperson Jaffe encouraged all Commission members to be present at the
September 13 meeting and that members remain open minded regarding this issue.
A. Brookview Improvements Committee
Murad updated the Commission of the progress in the construction project
to renovate the Brookview Golf Course. He reported that the construction
is very close to being on schedule at this time and reviewed for the
Commission details of the project time table. Murad highlighted the renova-
tion of the Number 9 green and pointed out that Andy Lindquist, Greens
Superintendent, has been very cooperative with cha -es that the Improvements
Committee felt necessary on this green. Murad st that the Committee
is enthusiastic about the improvements that are ' ..;ade.
B. Grand Opening Committee
Chairperson Jaffe updated the Commission of the grand opening of the
Community Center, siting the need to change the date and the effects
this will have on the general program for the grind opening day events.
The new grand opening date will be October 21.
C. Metro Open Space Issues
No report given.
No report given.
Staff present gave summary reports of the' summer season, siting the accom-
plishments of the department. The staff is looking forward to the Community
Center opening and are involved in organizing the activities and groups which
will use the Community Center.
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August 27, 1984
Corlett made the Commission aware of the upcoming Minnesota Recreation and
Park Association State Conference.
Younghans moved that the meeting be adjourned. Murad seconded. The meeting
was adjourned at 9:55 PM.
Chair rson Jaf a Vice Chairperson McDonald