26, 1984
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM at the Brookview Cnmmunity_
Center by Chairperson Jaffe. Commission members present were: Burmeister,
Johnson, Kahlow, McDonald, Watson, and Younghans. Also present were Charles
Corlett, Program and Policy Superintendent; Debbie Halvorson, Commission
Secretary; Tom Klatt, Park Superintendent; and lion Taylor, Director of
Administrative Services.
Chairperson Jaffe asked the Commission if there were any corrections or
additions to be made to the October 22, 1984 minutes. Hearing none, the
October 22, 1984 minutes were approved as written.
Addition to Old Business - Laurel Avenue Greenbelt Project Review.
A. Capital Improvements - Staff Update
Corlett reviewed for the Commission the changes the staff will be recom-
mending in the 1985-88 projects of the existing capital improvements plan,
pointing out changes in the park shelter building improvements, the pending
trail improvements and updating the estimated cost figures. Additionally,
the equipment replacement fund, the public lands fund and building improve-
ments fund were reviewed for the Commission. Corlett pointed out that it
was important to make final recommendations as the various funding sources
of the capital improvements plan will need to be reviewed by the adminis-
trative departments and then finalization of projects can be discussed.
Discussion of the various projects included a detailed review of what work
will be accomplished at the Lions Club site in 1985. These include the
realignment of the softball fields, the replacement of the hockey and free
skating lighting and the moving of the field lighting to service the
football/soccer area. Additionally, the Commission was made aware of the
sewer line which will be installed along the west border of the park and
how all these projects will be coordinated. It was explained that due to
this work, the adult softball program will be reduced to single games
during June, July and August. The Commission questioned whether this
would be the final time the lights in the field area would need to be
moved as they have been relocated twice in the past. The staff answered
that the relocation of the field lights was prior to 1975 and it was
hoped this would be a last move to accomodate the final realignment of
the field.
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November 26, 1984
B. Laurel Avenue Greenbelt Project Review
Corlett reviewed and updated for the Commission the Laurel Avenue
Greenbelt project in order
to make the new mem?�ers of the Commission
aware of the scope of this
project. The sccpe of the project includes
pending areas, walkways, storm sewer, and the realignment/completion
of the Laurel Avenue through the area. The purpose of the Greenbelt,
as proposed in the past, is to provide a screening buffer between the
commercial/industrial areas along Highway 12 and the general residential
areas. The project covers from Pennsylvania Avenue on the westerly end
through to Greenwood Aven
a and the M N & S Railroad Crossing. Several
individual areas were dis
ussed including the South Cortlawn area. The
Commission asked if the staff could ,invite the Engineering Department
to their next meeting for a revieV of the pond and sewer line construc-
tion in this area. The staff stated that it would try to secure
representatives from the Engineering Department for the next meeting.
(Special letter.)
A. Don Taylor - Director of Administtaive Services.
As a part,of general
in-service fa ning for the Commission, Corlett
introduced Don Ta`lor,
Director of Administrative Services, who was
present to explain the workings
J the City's budget operations to the
Commission. Mr. Taylor had
al handouts which were referred to
throughout the discussion',
'handouts included a general fund
expenditure summary, a transfers
out operating budget, and sample pages
of capital improvements plans. lEt
was pointed out to the Commission that
over half of the revenues received for the city operations were from
general taxes, and several other revenue sources made up the remainder.
Following Mr. Taylor's brief
#nation of the materials passed out,
the Commission members as
ed sev
al questions about the financing of
the improvements for the
Recreation Area in 1984. Mr. Taylor
demonstrated how the necessary fatids
were accumulated to do the project
and pointed out how the City's general
fund is obligated to pay back
the utility fund. He reviewed for the Commission the laws which allowe'
the City to move funds and
why it
was important that these funds be pais
back as promptly as possible.
blow inquired whether there were other
City operated funds, like',the
oral fund, which were used in the
operation of the City. Mr. Tayl
responded that this review was of the
general expenditures and revenue
;w ich are the day-to-day operating
funds for the City. He further
'pained that the City has HRA budgets,
a tuility fund, various funds in
u4ed within the city-wide capital
improvements and Various enterpr
a funds, such as the Brookview Golf
Page 3
November 26, 1984
The Com:m:ission expressed interest in the City's bond rating and
asked if borrowing monies such as done for the Brookview improvements
would affect its ratings. Mr. Taylor responded that if the funds wEre
not paid back, it could have a negative effect; however, with the
current plans to return the funds promptly, he did not see that there
would be any effect. He stated that the City's current rating with the
bonding organizations is a AA. The Commission members thanked Mr. Taylor
for helping them to better understand the financial operations of the
" City. The staff also expressed its appreciation for Mr. Taylor's work
since his arrival with the City.
B. Presentation of Plaque - Emilie Johnson
Chairperson Jaffe moved agenda item at this point to accomodate the
presence of former Commission member and chairperson, Emilie Johnson.
Chairperson Jaffe presented Ms. Johnson with the appreciation plaque from
the Commission and stated that Ms. Johnson's original special interest in
wildlife and natural areas evolved into an excellent understanding of the
total system of parks and recreation within the community. 'She further
commended Ms. Johnson for the various special projects which she had
worked on in her seven year tenure with the Commission, pointing out
survey work, the recent migratory waterfowl round -up and her responsibili-
ties of chairing the Commission. Ms. Johnson thanked the Commission and
expressed her personal satisfaction of working with all of the Commission
members throughout the years.
Dede Scanlon will receive a smiliar plaque for her work as a Commission
member, however, scheduling conflicts did not allow Ms. Scanlon to be
B. Agenda - 1985
Chairperson Jaffe called the Commission's attention to the samples of
the annual topic calendar for the Commission to work from. She pointed
out that items such as Mr. Taylor's presentation could be included as
an example of which will help the Commission be more effective. She
asked the Commission for its general comments on the subject of an
annual calendar. Much of the discussion concerned athletic associations
within the City and how the Commission should be aware of the role which the
athletic association has within the total park and recreation scheme of
Golden Valley. Various philosophies were expressed, including that of
youth activities being operated at the least possible expense to the user.
Chairperson Jaffe asked the Commission if it was desireable to have the
various presidents, chairpersons, etc. of each organization come to the
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November 26, 1984
Commission and give a brief pre�entiation of the organization's programs.
It was the general consensus th ty this would help the Commission under-
stand the various needs and wou 4 give an opportunity to discuss areas
where the Commission could be helpful to the organizations. The Commis-
sion asked if the'staff could organize a general calendar for 1985,,1
allowing them time for input into recreational program scheduling and
meeting with associations in a timely fashion to discuss pertinent items
with which the Commission shouic be involved. Corlett stated that he
would organize such a calendar gild asked of the Commission would like
to have one of the baseb ll org'rtizations present at the January
Commission meeting. The 'Commission concurred.
Brookview Improvements Subcommitit'ee
Chairperson Jaffe askedf Commission member Youne'F r;,: was prepared . to
represent the Bropkview Improvements Subcomm:�t` unghans stated
that he could review for the Commission the tee's corresponds
which was included in the agenda package. I stated that the
subcommittee was very concernedit the pro 'etion of the im-
provements on the golf course. Mated tha. ..viral areas the sub-
committee, felt that the work was!not acceptable and expressed concern that
due to -this poor workmanship, the golf course would suffer revenue losses
during the 1985 season. He stat�od that members of the subcommittee would
be meeting with Mr. Joynes, City" Manager, to discuss the poor workmanship
and other items included in the letter dated November 12, 1984. Younghans
stated that much conern has beei�expressed regarding the line of respon-
sibility for completion of the pirioject and that the subcommittee desires
the City take whatever action n cessary to correct the existing construe --
tion problems.
Much discussion regarding the pect and the various elements within the
project took place. The consensllu of the Commission was that they were
very concerned about the items i eluded in the November 12th correspondence
submitted by George Murad and Doi.Singer, and wish to be kept informed
pertaining to the next subcommittee meeting with the City staff. Younghans
asked if the City, has paid for tie projects. Mr. Taylor responded that the
City has paid a sbstantiJal portion of all contracts for improvements and
that general open ting procedures to withhold a percentage of a contract
until all work is completed to the satisfaction of the City. Corlett
further stated that the method o''';p ying for contract work is based on
completion approvals such as whe terials are bought. Billing pertaining
to those materials may be, paid o ce the materials arrive on site. The
Commission felt the City (should a sure the work is completed to its
satisfaction and that any' loss o revenues should be recouped.
Page 5
November 26, 1984
A. Council/:tanager/Commission Work Session
Chairperson Jaffe reviewed for the Com:issi:-,n meu.oers the November 13th
Council/Manager/Corniissicn wofk session. Discussion rebarded the
Brookview pool. Chairperson Jaffe stated that the Council will be holding
a public hearing in January and the general consensus of the Council was
that the quality of life in the City of Golden Valley would be enhanced
by a facility which included a Pool and several other recreational
amenities. She stated that the Council will establish a Cicizen Committee
with Councilmember Stockman as the Council representative. The Council
wishes to have a Commission member on this committee. Kahlow volunteered
to represent the Commission. General discussion followed.
Klatt reviewed the completion of lighting at Medley Hills and stated that the
maintenance division is waiting for snow and cold weather to commence work
on winter skating facilities. Klatt informed the Commission of how his role
will be changing after the first of the year when his responsibilities will
include the operations of street maintenance. He stated that a restructure
of the staff will be taking place in order to maintain the level of quality
to which we have been accustomed.
Corlett reviewed for the Commission the enclosed Revenues vs. Expenditures.
He further stated that the recreation staff will be at the upcoming MRPA
conference this week. The next Commission meeting will be held January
14, 1985.
McDonald moved that the meeting be adjourned. Kahlow seconded. The meeting
was adjourned at 10:24 PM.
C a'rperson Jaffe
Vice Chairperson McDonald