1-14-1985OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 14, 1985 The regular meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. at the Brookview Community Center by Vice Chairperson McDonald. Commission members present were: Johnson, Kahlow, Murad, and Younghans. Also present were Charles Corlett, Program and Policy Superintendent; Debbie Halvorson, Commission Secretary; and Tom Klatt, Park Superintendent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Younghans moved the correction: Page 2, should be "utility". AGENDA CHANGES Minutes be approved with the following third to last line, second word "tuility" Seconded by Murad. Motion passed The following items were tabled: Introduction of Department Receptionist, Kim Nowlan, and Presentation of Babe Ruth Baseball - Sandy Coughlin, President. An item under New Business was added: Pool Advisory Committee. OLD BUSINESS A. Laurel Avenue Greenbelt Corlett informed the Commission that the Engineering Department would be holding a special informational meeting regarding the Laurel Avenue Greenbelt and sewer line and that the Commission would be invited to attend this meeting when all of the information was completed. B. Agenda 1985 Corlett reviewed for the members present the staff's suggested agenda and stated that he will present a finalized agenda at the February Commission meeting. NEW BUSINESS A. Pool Advisory Committee Kahlow reported to the Commission the meeting she had with Councilman Stockman and Bill Joynes, City Manager, regarding the organization of a citizen advisory committee to work on the issue of an expanded swimming -recreational facility. She further stated that a memorandum will be sent to the Commission and Council regarding the January 14 meeting stated above. Further information included that the citizen's advisory committee will be responsible to the Open Space and Recreation 1 Page 2 January 14, 1985 Commission and that the Coun development of a swimming -re Highway 55 and Winnetka Aven will include development of financial planning for the f committee will be responsibl program to promote such a fa Commission that the committe dozen members representing m including geographic neighbo interests, the League of Wom groups and recreational user chaired by a member of the 0 Murad noted that the propose along with the existing tenn mind. He further,noted the that corner. Kahlow asked the Commission t committee membership and stat to appoint a committee chairp membership. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT s committed to the future ional facility on the corner of The charge to the committee e plan, construction, and ty. Additionally, the develop an informational y. Kahlow informed the 1 be made up of approximately a nterests of the community, s, senior citizens, handicapped ters, corporations, civic that the committee will be pace and Recreation Commission. e will have to be considered urts, building and golf tee in tial for traffic problems in start preparing suggestions for I that a motion will be necessary r:son and recommend committee A. Brookview Improvements Committee: Murad reviewed the Improvemen Commission emphasizing the wo completed. These include roc turf maturity in most all are Singer had met with Bill Joyn not completed. During this m the work completed so that th soon as possible. Murad stat is working for the better of better play and more revenue maintenance and operations mo out that the initial reconstr good and that the members of Lindquist, Greens Superintend construction and Lindquist ma green. However, the green wa with the United States Golf A have been. Kahlow expressed that the Com its efforts to improve the go continue to work with the cit improvements. Committee Minutes for the which is still necessary to be removal, the No. 10 fairway, and S. He reported that he and Don 5, City Manger, regarding the work eting they discussed ways to get full course could be opened as d that the Improvements Committee he course which will result in oming in, thus making general e affordable. Murad also pointed ction of the No. 9 green was not he Improvements Committee and Andy ntj reviewed the initial e Some changes which improved the ndt constructed in accordance sto:iation standards as it could itttee should be complimented for t course and hopes that it will staff to make further 1 1 Page 3 January 14, 1985 CHAIRPERSON'S REPORTS Due to Chairperson Jaffe's absence, the Chairperson's Reports were tabled. DEPARTMENT REPORTS A. Communication - Lakeview Heights Park Corlett called to the Commission's attention the communications included in the agenda packet regarding the skating facilities at Lakeview Heights and the staff's actions to prevent hockey playing at the site. His review included the general size and lighting of the skating facility and the potential for injury as a result of these. He reviewed the history of having a makeshift hockey facility at the site and how such a small hockey facility and small free skating area made for very little general satisfaction for either type of use. As a result of a park drainage project at the site, the skating area was enlarged slightly, thus making an excellent free skating area when the makeshift facility was excluded. Corlett also pointed out that the facility had been initially developed to be for free skating and that hockey was only included due to the neighborhood being isolated from other regional park locations. B. Brookview Community Center Rental Fees Corlett reviewed for the Commission the direct costs of operations of wedding functions at Brookview Community Center, pointing out the below average costs: Labor Direct 16 hrs. @ $ 6 =$ 96.00 Cleaning Contract 56.00 Admin/Labor/Pre-event 2 hrs. @ $21 42.00 Admin/General 10.00 Est. Utility Costs 9 hrs. @ $ 9 81.00 $285.00 Corlett handed out for the Commission's review the elements of the administrative package which the facility renter receives and reviewed each, pointing out that the staff generally spends approximately two hours of time with each user group. The Commission discussed the use of administrative costs being a part of the direct costs as these costs would be incurred by the City regardless of wedding operations. It was pointed out that the administrative costs were only a part of the total operation and that if wedding receptions were not a part of the operation, the staff would be working on other projects of the general recreation program. Corlett stated that staff time far exceeds the standard work week of 40 hours. Page 4 January 14, 1985 McDonald commented that the rental fee for the Brookview Community Center was very reasonable for the service received. Motion by Kahlow: The Commission recommends to the Council the staff's recommendation to increase the resident fee for rental of Brookview Community Center to $300. Seconded by Younghans. Motion passed. 4-1 Kahlow asked for clarification regarding existing reservations. Her question was whether those who have already made reservations receive the,1984 rate. Corlett responded that the policy states that rate changes go into effect 30 days after Council approval and that facility renters are notified of the rate change. He further stated that the staff informs all applicants of the potential for rate changes by the Council. ADJOURNMENT Kahlow moved that the meeting be adjo ned. Murad seconded. The ting wa a ourned at 9:00 P.M. Chair ers a fe 4 Vic Chaitperson McDonald 1